Guinea - Guinea

Village near Siguiri
Guinea - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Guinea - Coat of arms
Guinea - Flag
Time zone

Guinea, also known informally as Guinea Conakry to distinguish it from Guinea-Bissau, is a nation ofWest Africa which faces the Atlantic Ocean to the east and borders on Guinea-Bissau is Senegal North, Mali to the north and north-east, Ivory Coast to the southeast, Liberia to the south, e Sierra Leone West

To know

The name Guinea probably derives from the term Susu which indicates "woman" but could also derive from the Berber Akal n-Iguinawen, "land of the blacks". The Italian form derives from the Portuguese Guiné, an indigenous name of Africa.

The state has magnificent hilly scenery (called the "Switzerland of Africa "), important rainforests and Atlantic beaches, devastated by decades of political instability and illegality.

Geographical notes

Many rivers flow through Guinea. Some of these are Konkourè, Moa, Saint Paul, Saint John, Sankarani, Koro, Corubal, Gambia. The two most important rivers are the Bafing (second in length) and the Niger (the longest). It has two tributaries: Bala and Milo; it flows into the gulf of Guinea.

In this state are found the sources of three important rivers of West Africa such as: the Niger River, the Senegal River and the Gambia River.

When to go

The rainy season lasts from April to November, and has fairly high temperatures and high humidity. On the contrary, from November to March there is a dry season. Despite this, it rains on average 11 months out of 12.


Today Guinea before being colonized was part of several African empires, the first of these was the Empire of Ghana, which conquered this territory in 900. In the eighteenth century Islam spread. In 1890 Guinea became a French colony and the French founded the capital, Conakry, on the island of Tombo. On 28 September 1958, after a referendum, it gained independence.

Spoken languages

In addition to the official language, each ethnic group has its own dialects. The most common are: fula, maninka, susu and wolof. Arabic has a modest diffusion fueled by the strong presence of Islam.

Territories and tourist destinations

Guinea is administratively organized into 7 regions, which in turn are divided into 32 prefectures. The capital Conakry enjoys the status of a region and is a special area, which has its own prefecture.

Map divided by regions
      Maritime Guinea - The coast of Guinea, the land of the Susu people and includes the capital Conakry.
      Guinea Moyenne - He understands Dalaba. Also known as Fouta Djallon, mostly hilly and mountainous inland with a relatively cool climate. Land of the Pular people (Peuls).
      Upper Guinea - He understands Kankan and the Upper Niger National Park. The sub-Saharan region on the border with Mali, cut in two by the Niger River and land of the Malinke people.
      Wooded Guinea - He understands Beyla and the natural reserve of Mount Nimba. Southeast region bordering the Liberia and the Ivory Coast, land of the Toma, Kissi peoples and other ethnic groups who have maintained ancient beliefs and rituals.

Urban centers

Other destinations

  • Fouta Djalon - Scenic region of woods and cultivated valleys, ideal for hiking through Fulani villages or in search of waterfalls.
  • Los Islands - A former slave base; these wooded islands with sandy beaches near Conakry are very busy on weekends.
  • Niokolo-Badiar National Park (Parc National du Niokolo-Badiar) - Savannah along the border with the Senegal in the natural habitat of antelopes, monkeys, lions and leopards during the dry season.
  • Upper Niger National Park (Haut Niger National Park) - Sources of the Niger River, habitat for hippos, elephants, buffaloes, chimpanzees and waterbugs.
  • Mount Nimba Nature Reserve - It is a world heritage ofUNESCO partly in Guinea and partly in Ivory Coast.

How to get

Entry requirements

Passport and VISA. The VISA can be obtained from the Guinean embassy in Rome, bring your passport valid for at least 6 months, 2 passport photos, a photocopy of the return ticket, and the completed form. The cost is 60 euros and the release times of 3/4 days.

On the train

Although freight trains operate between the old tracks they connect Conakry is Kankan, there is no passenger train in Guinea. The old station of Conakry however, it may be worth a visit.

How to get around

What see

What to do

Currency and purchases

WAMZ - Map of participating countries
The national currency is the Guinean Franc (GNF).
There Monetary Zone of West Africa (West African Monetary Zone - WAMZ), to which the following states belong: Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, adheres to Economic Community of West African States (Economic Community of West African States - ECOWAS / Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - CEDEAO).

The WAMZ plans to introduce a single currency called by 2020 Echo.

ECOWAS - Map of participating countries

Below are the links to know the current exchange rate with the main world currencies:

(EN) With
(EN) With

At the table

Tourist infrastructure

Events and parties

National holidays

1 January New Year International holiday
March April Easter, Easter Monday Christian holiday
1 May Workers Day International holiday
May June Ascension Day Christian holiday
15 August Assumption Christian holiday
2 October Independence Day Independence from France (1958)
1 November All Saints Christian holiday
25 December Christmas Christian holiday that marks the birth of Christ
1 muharram Ras as-Sana Muslim holiday that marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year
10 muharram Ashura Muslim holiday in memory of Husayn's martyrdom
12 rabi 'al-awwal Mawlid Muslim holiday that marks the birth of the Prophet Muhammad
1 shawwal Id al-fitr Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan
10 dhul-hijja Id Al Adha Muslim festival of sacrifice or ram also known as Id El Kabir (great festival)


Petty crime has seen an increase in recent years especially in major cities, so carry small amounts of money with you.

Health situation

Sanitary facilities are very poor, running water even in hotels is unreliable. Antimalarial prophylaxis and vaccinations against cholera, typhus, meningitis and hepatitis A and B are recommended. Finally, Ebola continues to be a serious problem in the country, especially in Wooded Guinea.

Respect the customs


Ramadan is the ninth and holiest month in the Islamic calendar and lasts 29-30 days. Muslims fast every day for its entire duration and most restaurants will be closed until dusk. Nothing (including water and cigarettes) should pass through the lips from sunrise to sunset. Foreigners and travelers are exempt, but should still refrain from eating or drinking in public as it is considered rude. Working hours are also decreasing in the corporate world. The exact dates of Ramadan depend on local astronomical observations and may vary from country to country. Ramadan ends with the feast of Eid al-Fitr, which can take several days, usually three in most countries.

  • 13 April - 12 May 2021 (1442 AH)
  • 2 April - 1 May 2022 (1443 AH)
  • 23 March - 20 April 2023 (1444 AH)
  • 11 March - 9 April 2024 (1445 AH)
  • 1 March - 29 March 2025 (1446 AH)

If you are planning to travel to Guinea during Ramadan, consider reading the article Traveling during Ramadan.

How to keep in touch

Other projects

States of Africa

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Addictions British: Saint HelenaSaint Helena (flag)Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

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African territories Spaniards: Ceuta.svg flagCeuta · Flag of the Canary Islands.svgCanary Islands · Flag of Melilla.svgMelilla · SpainSpain (flag)Plazas de soberanía (Chafarinas · Peñón de Alhucemas · Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera · Perejil)

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