Asia - Châu Á

Asia (original Ancient Greek: Ασία, Latin: Asia) is a continent with the largest area and largest population of the seven major continents in the world. It covers 8.7% of the total land area of ​​the Earth (or 29.4% of the total land area).


Asia covers an area of ​​more than 44,579,000 square kilometers (2016) with an estimated population of 4,462,676,731 (2016) Asia stretches from Siberia (Russia - Asia) in the North to Indian Ocean in the South; spread from the range Ural, east coast Mediterranean and Red Sea in the West to the West Pacific in the East. The highest point in Asia (and the world) is Everest, located at the border Tibet and Nepal with an altitude of 8,848m above sea level. The lowest point is on the shore Dead Sea between 3 countries Israel, Palestine and Jordan at a depth of 400m below sea level. The longest river is Long river (Yangzi) with a length of 6,300 km, flowing from the mountains Tibet and pour out East China Sea live Shanghai. The largest lake is Caspian Sea 386,494 km . wide2, located between countries: Russia, Azerbaijani, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.


RussiaEuropeEast AsiaOceaniaPapua New GuineaAustraliaSoutheast AsiaAfricaMiddle EastSouth Asiacentral AsiaCaucasus
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and hundreds of other cities

Other destinations

  • Angkor Archaeological Park - wonderful ruins of many capitals of the Khmer Empire
  • Bali - unique Hindu culture, beaches and mountains on the island of the gods
  • Dead Sea - The Sea-Never-Sink
  • Great Wall - the majestic wall of thousands of kilometers in China (can be seen on the Moon)
  • Lake Baikal - the largest and deepest freshwater lake in the world, possessing more than one-fifth of the world's total water supply
  • Mount Everest - the world's tallest mountain stretches between the border of China and Nepal
  • Petra - the ancient city is carved in sandstone and is one of the new 7 wonders
  • Registan - the impressive historic center of Samarkand, a major trading city on the Silk Road
  • Taj Mahal - incomparable marble mausoleum in Agra

Get around


To watch


  • Go on a cruise among the spectacular karst caves at Ha Long Bay.
  • Sleep above boat in the salt water area of Kerala live India.
  • Experience the great emotions and architecture of the Taj Mahal Agra - India.
  • Immerse yourself in the crystal blue beach at Bunaken, Indonesia - home to colorful coral reefs, and home to a variety of tropical fishes
  • Land on Mount Everest, roof of the world (Nepal).
  • Discover Borneo, one of the oldest rainforests in the world (Indonesia and Malaysia).
  • Climb Mountain Bromo, Indonesia, the active volcano has a wonderful landscape at sunrise.
  • Visit Yogyakarta Temple, the cultural center of Indonesia, and the gateway to the magnificent temple Borobudur and the Hindu temple of Prambanan.
  • Dive deep below Raja Ampat, Indonesia, one of the best diving areas in the world. It is estimated that more than 75% of the world's coral species live here, in addition to at least 1,320 fish fauna reefs here.
  • Discover Lake Toba, and The Lake - the largest volcano in Indonesia and the world.
  • To watch Lombok, a famous eastern island in Bali, with beautiful and famous white sands. There are also Gili Trawangan and Mighty islands, Mount Rinjani (Indonesia).
  • Watch Phu Si mountain, the symbol of the country of the rising sun - Japan
  • Swim in the crystal clear waters of the atoll - Maldives and feel the sensation of a variety of tropical sea creatures swimming past you.




beef noodle soup


To drink



Due to Asia's large size, the state of security in the Asian region varies greatly from country to country, but Asia is still a safe place overall. Nearly all of the tourist attractions on the continent are far from conflict, but there are a few areas where conflict and/or lawless anarchy exist.

The most obvious example is Afghanistan and Iraq to a lesser extent. Afghanistan is under foreign occupation, and both countries are in a state of war against insurgent groups such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and other armed forces. These countries are considered quite dangerous and should be avoided by visitors (if you absolutely must, consult your home country's military zone safety and authorities before you go). Yemen can also be added to the list of unsafe countries, due to a very high threat of terrorist attacks, kidnapping, tribal violence and general lawlessness. The growing intensity of the civil wars in Syria makes it an absolute no-no.

The Middle East is often known for its political tensions but many of the regions can be visited without any major risk. The Gaza Strip is effectively a war zone between Palestinian factions and the Israeli military, where alien abductions have occurred. Israel has responded to missile attacks as well as suicide bombings by Islamist militant groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Lebanon and the West Bank (Palestine) as a whole deal with an unstable political situation and internal strife. Some parts of the Caucasus are considered dangerous by rebel groups, especially the North Caucasus (Chechnya), Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Bahrain has experienced some political violence, too, so check the current conditions before you go.

Iran and Pakistan deal with a low-level conflict in the Balochistan region against the Baloch insurgency. More dangerously, Pakistan is operating in an all-out war in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and federally administered tribal areas, both of which should not be visited. Kashmir, disputed with both Pakistan and India, is also an area with tens of thousands of casualties since 1989 due to political strife and insurgency. During 2009, Maoist-Naxalite uprisings in India emerged, especially in Chhattisgarh and other parts of East India. India's northeast also responded with dozens of insurgent groups, some of them armed factions.

Southeast Asia is a major tourist area and most of it is perfectly safe to visit. A notable exception is East Timor, which continues to face occasional ethnic and internal political tensions and possible associated violence. But even in some popular countries, there are certain areas that need to be avoided. Mindanao Muslim Autonomous Region in the south of Philippines is an area of ​​conflict between the government and the Muslim separatist movement but it should now end because of the preliminary peace agreements signed in the Malacañan Palace in Manila on October 15, 2012). The rest of the country, especially Luzon and the Visayas, is very safe, like the rest of Mindanao (including the Cagayan de Oro and Davao areas). Thailand, a popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia, is generally safe with the notable exception of the last four southern provinces, where fighting between Muslim insurgent groups and the Thai military continues. continue. Indonesia is a very diverse country, with armed groups fighting for independence in Papua, while Maluku is relatively safe, but has seen periodic eruptions of violence in 1999-2003.

East Asia is perhaps the safest region on the continent, but political tensions also exist in the region. You may want to avoid the borders between North Korea and South Korea as these two countries are technically still at war with each other. China, a large and diverse country, is surprisingly safe for its size, but the unstable provinces of Tibet (and accompanying counties and counties in neighboring provinces) and Xinjiang still often prohibit people from entering the country. foreign at any sign of trouble.

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