Cambodia - Campuchia

Flag of Cambodia.svg
Basic information
CapitalPhnom Penh
GovermentMulti-party constitutional monarchy
CurrencyThe US dollar (USD) is officially used, the Khmer Riel (KHR) has a small transaction value.
Area181,035 km2
Population14,494,293 (July 2009)
LanguageKhmer language (official), France, Brother
ReligionTheravada Buddhism 96%, Catholic 2%, Muslim 2%
Power system230V/50 Hz; European style is more common than British.
Phone number855
time zoneUTC 7

Cambodia (កម្ពុជា or Cambodia) is a country in the region Southeast Asia. Cambodia is located on the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf Thailand in the South, adjacent to the countries are: Thailand in the west, Laos in the North and Vietnam in the East. Cambodia's official language is Khmer, belonging to the Mon-Khmer group in the South Asian system. The palm tree is a symbol of the Khmer people, and jaggery is famous all over the world.


The Kingdom of Cambodia is one of the most exciting and new tourist destinations in the world. After more than 25 years of isolation, Cambodia opened to tourists in the early 90s and the number of tourists increased year by year.

The most attractive tourist attractions of the Kingdom of Cambodia are temples Angkor Wat and temples of the Angkor complex in Siem Reap province, as well as attractive cultural sites in the capital Phnom Penh and beaches in Sihanoukville province with all necessary services such as hotels, restaurants, entertainment spots and a number of other tourist services.

Other attractions may include the hilly area of Rattanakiri province and Mondulkiri province, the isolated temples of Preah Viherd and Banteay Chhmar provinces and important economic areas such as Battambang, Kep and Kampot are the recently discovered landmarks. Cambodia is a land of beauties. , the ancient temples of the Angkor complex, the Bayon temple and the fall of the Khmer empire always bear the mark of solemnity, grandeur and occupy a central position in the wonders of the world - comparable to Machu Picchu, Egyptian Pyramids or Great Wall. But this grandeur is in contrast to the Killing Fields and Toul Sleng genocide museum, as well as to the vestiges of the modern history of Cambodia, the time when Polpot forces and the radical Khmer Rouge regime ruled. in the late 1970s, committed one of the most gruesome and brutal crimes of the 20th century.

Today, the Khmer people, who make up 95% of Cambodia's population, make a deep impression on tourists, they are the friendliest and happiest people visitors have ever met. Khmer smiles are everywhere, as in fairy tales and traditions imbued with their own identity. Cambodia is thus truly a land of contrasts: between light and darkness, between epics and tragedies, between despair and future inspiration. It seems to be an unparalleled feature of Cambodia. That motivates any visitor to desire once to set foot on this land.


The first known civilization in Cambodia appeared around the first millennium; From the 9th to the 13th centuries, Khmer civilization flourished here.

Many researchers believe that Funan (Funan) is an ancient kingdom, which existed from the 1st to the 7th century, during its reign with a large territory in the south of the Southeast Asian peninsula, including Cambodia, southern Vietnam, male Thailand nowadays. Right now in the North Cambodia and South Laos there is a kingdom called Chenla (Chenla) formed in the 5th century by the Mon-Khmer ethnic group. In the 7th century, Chenla got rid of the dependence on Funan and occupied the entire territory of Funan.

The ruling dynasty of Chan Lap originated from the Cambodian mythological character, who married Naga (the daughter of the water god, who turned from a snake to a maiden). The name "Cambodia", which appeared around the 10th century, is associated with this character's name. After 707, Chan Lap split into two countries Luc Chan Lap and Thuy Chan Lap.

After centuries (from the 15th to the 18th century) lost land and population to the nations Thailand and Vietnam Cambodia was protected by France in the Indochina Federation in 1863. After the Japanese invasion in World War II, France returned. Cambodia declared independence in 1953, becoming a kingdom. In 1960, Crown Prince Norodom Sihanouk became Head of State, not king after his father's death. He enforced a policy of neutrality.

During the War Vietnam (1954-1975), the communist forces of the Central Bureau of R used the border territories of Cambodia near Vietnam as a base to oppose the government Vietnam As a republic, the United States dropped a series of bombs on communist areas in Cambodia. Some sources estimate the number of civilian casualties here to reach 100,000 people. In 1970, General Lon Nol made a coup to overthrow the feudal court and came to power to declare the establishment of the Khmer Republic. This government was overthrown by the radical communists, the Khmer Rouge, helped by Beijing, in 1975.

The Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot seized power in 1975, establishing the country "Democratic Cambodia". They occupied the capital Phnom Penh and began to drive people out of the city in October 1974, Phnom Penh became a dead city - no inhabitant. During this time the currency was abolished and the Khmer Rouge thoroughly implemented the policy of "self-sufficiency" - anti-Western and "determined to build socialism within 6 months". Hard labor, illness, executions and "purges" resulted in more than 1.7 million deaths during the four-year period of social reform of the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979).

After being Vietnam supporting the overthrow of the Khmer Rouge, the People's Republic of Cambodia was established on January 8, 1979 with Heng Samrin as president was established. In 1981, the People's Republic of Cambodia organized the election of the National Assembly and promulgated the constitution. On November 23, 1991 after a 13-year absence, Prince Sihanouk returned to Phnom Penh and a free election was held in 1993 under United Nations supervision. The coalition government formed after the 1998 elections provided political stability.

Cambodia is open and friendly to the world, soon joining the WTO. However, the economy and living standards are still developing slowly. Total GDP is 3,677 million USD (2003), GDP per capita is 280 USD (2003) over 30% of the population living below the poverty line. Partly because the starting point is too low (almost zero after liberation in 1979) and partly because the actual power of the government is not perfect.

Geography and climate

Cambodia has 800 km of border with Thailand to the north and west, 541 km border with Laos to the northeast, and 1,137 km border with Vietnam to the east and southeast. The country has 443 km of coastline along the Gulf Thailand.

The prominent topographic feature is a large lake in the delta created by inundation. That is Tonle Sap lake (Bien Ho), covers an area of ​​about 2,590 km² in the dry season to about 24,605 ​​km² in the rainy season. This is a densely populated plain, suitable for wet rice cultivation, forming the central land of Cambodia. Most (about 75%) of the country lies below 100 meters above sea level, with the exception of the Cardamon Mountains (the highest point is 1,771 m), which extends north-south to the east of the country. it is the Elephant Range (altitude 500-1,000 m) and the rocky slope of the Dangrek Mountains (average elevation 500 m) along the northern border with Thailand.

Temperatures range from 10-38 °C. Cambodia has tropical rainy seasons: southwesterly winds from the Gulf Thailand/The Indian Ocean moves inland in the northeast direction, bringing moisture to form rains from May to October, in which the heaviest rainfall is around September and October; northeasterly winds blow southwestward toward the sea during the dry season from November to March, with the least rainfall in January and February.

Cambodia is also a country with many rare animals in the world, most notably tigers, elephants and giant gaurs. Many species are at risk of extinction due to poaching and deforestation.


Cambodian politics is known to many foreigners because of the genocide of the Khmer Rouge, which caused major disruptions within countries that once supported the regime.

The country is ruled by King Norodom Sihanouk after he returned to the throne in September 1993. It is a constitutional monarchy and in fact the monarch does not run the country. At the end of October 2004 Norodom Sihanouk passed the throne to Crown Prince Norodom Sihamoni.

According to the constitution Cambodia is a multi-party democracy, the people are entitled to organize a free political party. It is true that small political parties are not banned but it is very difficult to gain power from the large political party. Prime Minister Hun Sen is in need of a dictatorship, holding the position for more than 30 years.


Cambodia map with regions
Cardamom and the Elephant Mountains (Battambang, Kampot, Koh Kong, Pailin, Pursat, Sihanoukville, Bokor . National Park, Kep)
western mountains, bay and island coast beaches
Northwest Cambodia (Angkor Archaeological Park, Siem Reap, Sisophon, Koh Ker, Poipet, Tonle Sap lake, Preah Vihear)
Angkor, the main reason visitors come to Cambodia, plus the great lake and mountains to the north
The lowland and eastern delta of the Central Mekong (Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, Kompong Thom, Krek)
the capital and the central flat land
Eastern Cambodia (Banlung, Kratie, Lotus Monotom, Stung Treng)
remote rural areas and national parks and the Mekong River


  1. Capital Phnom Penh (ភ្នំពេញ):
    Cambodia Royal Palace
    Silver Pagoda
    Phnom Penh National Museum
    Independence Monument Phnom Penh (Vimean Akareach)
    Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Monument
    Tuol Sleng . Genocide Museum
    Wat Phnom
    Choeung Ek Genocide Center
    Ancient capital OOdong
    Phnom Da/Angkor Borei
    Ba Den Tower - Prasat Neang Khmau
    Tonle Bati/Ta Prohm
    Mount Ta Mao and Ta Khmau . Zoo
    Mekong Island - Koh Okhna Tey craft village
  2. Siem Reap (សៀមរាប):
    The entire complex of monuments Angkor (អង្គរវត្ត)
    Tonle Sap
    Prasat Preah Vihear
    Mount Kulen and the River of a Thousand Linga
  3. Rattanakhri (រតនគិរី)
    Banlung (បានលុង)
    Stung Treng (ស្ទឹងត្រែង)
    Sen Monorom
  4. Sihanouk City
    Kok Kong (កោះកុង)
  5. Pailin (បៃ៉លិន)
    Batambang (បាត់ដំបង)
    Poipet (បោ៉យបែ៉ត) (បោ៉យបែ៉ត)


  • Phnom Penh (ភ្នំពេញ), the capital.
  • Banlung (បានលុង) - capital of the far northeastern province located near several large waterfalls and national parks
  • Battambang (បាត់ដំបង) - Cambodia's second largest city
  • Kampot (កំពត) - city between the capital and Sihanoukville and gateway to Bokor . national park
  • Koh Kong (កោះកុង) - border town near the border Thailand
  • Kompong Thom (កំពង់ធំ) - visit lesser known (and less crowded) ancient temples and other sites
  • Kratie (ក្រចេះ) - river laid-back city to the east on the Mekong, and a great place to get a close-up look at endangered river dolphins
  • Siem Reap (សៀមរាប) - access point to Angkor Wat Archaeological Park
  • Sihanoukville (កំពង់សោម) - coastal city in the south, locally known as Kompong Som

Other destinations



Fingerprint scan

Cambodian authorities authenticate at passengers by Fingerprint on arrival and departure. These fingerprints can also be sent to the authorities of your country or any other interested agency for authentication. If you object to that, you can try bribing the officials (20,000 to 40,000 VND if you are brave enough to do it) or avoid the main points of entry, for example, the airport, Poipet (Bangkok-Siem Reap), Cham Yeam (near Koh Kong), and Bavet (Phnom Penh-Ho Chi Minh). Keep in mind that smaller ports like Ban Pakkard/Pshar Prum (for Pailin) ​​and Chong Sa-Ngam/Choam (for Anlong Veng) are not equipped with hand scanners.

All visitors, except citizens of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam A visa is required to enter Cambodia. There is a border gate local only for Vietnamese and Cambodian people to pass, not for people from other countries. Usually have to show the immigration officer to see the ID card and pay a fee. If using a border Vietnam passport (any border gate) you can stay 14 days for free.

The official price for a tourist visa is 20 USD and 25 USD for a regular visa (after October 2014 prices go up to 30 and 35 USD) for a month. Staff may try to charge more at some land border crossings: still waiting for official prices, especially at major gates, but don't be upset if you have to pay 1-2 USD extra money . Tourist visas cannot be renewed. If you want to stay longer than a month you should buy a regular visa and when it is almost expired you should go to a border gate to renew it. Do not go to the immigration office in Phnom Penh, they are very difficult to accept. The price will be the same as the visa price plus the visa service fee, and you need another 3 x 4 cm photo, usually the immigration officer will fill out the application for you. For example, the total cost for a one-year visa is about 300 USD (280 visa price for 20 services). You can renew for 1, 3, 6, 12 months, 6 and 12 month visas are multiple times (can go outside Cambodia and come back without buying a new visa).

Visas can be obtained at the Cambodian embassy or consulate and at all international border gates. Visas are also available "on arrival" at both international airports, all six international border crossings with Thailand, some international border gates with Vietnam, and at the main border gates with Laos. Usually bought at the most convenient international border gate.

By air

Taxes for international travel

From April 1, 2011, tickets from Cambodia will include an additional 25 USD airport tax, or 17 USD for Cambodians

Cambodia has international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.Direct flights from Phnom Penh International Airport [1] with China (Beijing, Guangzhou), France (Paris), Hong Kong, Laos (Vientiane), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, South Korea (Incheon), Taiwan (Taipei), Thailand (Bangkok) and Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City).

Direct flights from Siem Reap International Airport - Angkor [2][1] with Laos (Pakse, Vientiane), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, South Korea (Incheon, Busan), Thailand (Bangkok) and Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Danang). Airlines flying to Cambodia include low-cost carriers Air Asia [3][2] from Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok to Phnom Penh and Kuala Lumpur to Siem Reap, while Jetstar Asia [4] flies from Singapore to Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.Other airlines fly to Cambodia including Asiana Airlines [5], Bangkok Airways [6], China Southern Airlines [7], Dragonair [8], Eva Airways [9], Korean Air [10], Lao Airlines [11], Malaysia Airlines (MAS) [12], Shanghai Airlines [13], Siem Reap Airways [14] (subsidiary of Bangkok Airways), SilkAir [15], Singapore Airlines [16], Thai Airways International [17], and Vietnam Airlines [18].

By train

By road

From Vietnam

Scam Report

There are many bus operators running the route Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh (ភ្មំពេញ), such as Kumho Samco [19], Sapaco [20] Tourists will be charged an extra 5 dollars for a visa to Cambodia, the customs officer here can "beg" you in Vietnamese. Failure to agree to the additional payment may result in trouble or delay for the journey. Transport companies Mekong Express and MaiLinh Bus are reliable and reputable carriers in this transport route.

Buses run from Ho Chi Minh City through Moc Bai/Ba Vet border gate to Phnom Penh for 8-12 dollars, takes about 6 hours by car.

Passengers must get off the bus to pass through the border gate on both sides of customs. Only need 01 passport photo used to stick on the visa on the Cambodian side. Although there is a bus ticket to Siem Reap (US$18), it is more economical to buy a ticket to Phnom Penh and then connect the bus to Siem Reap. Bus fare ranges from 220-250 thousand.

The border gate near the Cambodian coast Xa Xia/Prek Chak, visa on arrival. Buses run from Ha Tien arrive Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh.

Another border gate that can be crossed is within the township Continental Director also reached Phnom Penh. An Giang province also has Tinh Bien - Phnom Den international border gate (ភ្មំដិន). The last stop of the An Giang bus running on Highway 91 to Tinh Bien is still 1.5 km away from the border. You need to walk or take a motorbike taxi to the border. From Phnom Den take a motorbike taxi (5000 yen) to Phum Kombon Thamai (ភូមិកមពង់ថ្មី) 7 km from the border to get on a 16-seat bus to Chermok Market (ផ្សារជើមគ) in Phnom Penh (10 000 ) (you can get on the bus back to Vietnam at Chermok Market). Should go early in the morning because there are more routes.

Chermok Market (ផ្សារជើមគ) in Phnom Penh

Xa Mat/Trapeang Phlong border gate connects Ho Chi Minh City and the province Kampong Cham There are not many buses but it is the entrance to the east of Cambodia via Kampong Cham.

Banlung in the north of Eastern Cambodia can pass through Le Thanh/O Yadaw border gate near Pleiku. Visa is issued on arrival, need to bring 1 passport photo. Transfer bus in Le Thanh.

For freight, usually the trucks [21][3]. from City. Ho Chi Minh will go through the Moc Bai Tay Ninh border gate, because most of the goods are transported to Phnom Penh, the big commercial center in Cambodia, and through the Tay Ninh border gate is the shortest way.

By boat


There are many car companies operating the Saigon - Cambodia route. Car companies such as Mai Linh, Sapaco, Mekong Express or some Cambodian car companies (on Pham Ngu Lao street) all sell tickets to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh. If you intend to visit Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, to save money and travel time, you should book tickets twice: Saigon - Siem Reap (priced at 14 USD), Siem Reap - Phnom Penh (priced at 7 USD). ). You can follow this journey for 3 days and 2 nights but it will be quite tiring, your travel time is mainly in… in the car. Therefore, iVIVU recommends that you spend at least 4 days and 3 nights on this route for a more relaxing and comfortable sightseeing trip.

If you drive in Cambodia, watch out for cows on the road. The cow likes to roam the streets of small towns and country roads. Don't fret because it might provoke it. Wait for it to pass or slow down around it or between it.

Or for a change of atmosphere, you can go by boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Travel time is about 5 hours, ticket price is 22-25 USD. If you like to swim in Sihanoukville, you can add to your itinerary in the order Saigon - Sihanoukville - Phnom Penh - Siem Reap - Saigon. From Sihanoukville - Phnom Penh it takes about 5 hours, the fare is 10–15 USD. This itinerary should also last at least 4 days and 3 nights. In cities in Cambodia, you can go by tuk tuk to visit. Or if you want to explore on your own, you can rent a bicycle or a motorbike taxi. However, the most popular public transport in Cambodia is tuk tuk, which is quite cheap, 3-4 km for only about 1 USD. You should have a map of Cambodia available because Tuk tuk drivers are often not as familiar with the roads as motorbike taxi drivers in Vietnam.


Cambodians speak Khmer, the grammar is very similar to Vietnamese but the language is very different. Learning to talk is not difficult, but learning to read letters is a bit difficult because of the complex pronunciation rules and there are many cases where words are not pronounced according to the rules, some words have two or three different ways to assemble. If you know Thai or Lao, you can learn faster because there are many words and grammar that these three languages ​​share but will not help you learn to read much.

The younger generation can use English fluently and the salespeople for tourists can communicate in English in big cities. In Phnom Penh, some well-trained people can speak French, and some can understand Vietnamese. Vietnamese is more commonly spoken in the southeast provinces while Thai is more common in the northwest provinces. Overseas Vietnamese in the whole country (usually in urban areas) own restaurants, grocery stores, barbershops, etc. and you can get them with the Vietnamese advertisement. They can guide you. There are many people who know Chinese. Nowadays, many Chinese people come to Cambodia to work, invest, and travel, so many Myanmar people are learning Chinese.

A few sentences to help you with the locals (get the Mien to read it for you)

  • hello
  • សុខសប្បាយទែ how are you?
  • goodbye
  • អ្វី what?
  • មួយណា which one?
  • បុ៉ន្មាន how much?
  • Where is នៅណា?
  • ទៅណា go where?
  • ហេដុអ្វី why?
  • ពេលបុ៉ន្មាន how long?
  • ? how far?
  • over
  • all
  • everything
  • more
  • lack
  • /ល្មម enough
  • surplus

The Sea Meets Often

  • stop
  • reduce speed
  • ហាមចតឡាន prohibited parking/parking (abbreviated ហាមចត)
  • forbid peeing
  • ហាមចាប់សំរាម Ban on dumping
  • ដីលក់ land sale
  • selling house
  • car sales
  • land lease
  • rent a house
  • ប្រយ័ត្នគ្រប់មិន dangerous mines
  • in
  • ra
  • លាងឡាន four wheeler car wash
  • លាងមូ៉តូ car wash


When shopping, you should look for products with the label Heritage Friendly. Organization Heritage Watch launched this program to encourage support for Cambodia's culture, arts, heritage and development. Certifications Heritage Friendly evaluated by independent organizations and authorized to display the symbol Heritage Friendly gold or silver.



Rial money រៀល (abbreviated ) Cambodia and U.S. dollar are the two official currencies circulating in Cambodia, the rial is only used for transactions of small value (like under 5 dollars) but you will encounter cockroaches priced higher than hundreds of thousands of rials. There are many places that will accept cash บาท Thailand, the most in the provinces that assemble the Thai border. Cambodia only uses paper dollars. ATMs usually only pay dollars, although some machines do both. Each withdrawal takes about 3-5 dollars like Bank of Canada and Mekong Bank Free withdrawal.

There are many specialized money exchange and deposit shops across the country that usually have English and Khmer versions Money Exchange. The two most popular money changers in 2017 were True Money ទ្រូម៉ាន់នី and Wing វិង. In Phnom Penh, some shops can accept transactions in Vietnamese currency, but it is best to change to rials or low-denomination US dollars. There are also many small money changers across the country that like to have a cash drawer or a picture on it (they also sell phone cards).


Cambodian cuisine, as well as the culinary habits of many ethnic groups of the wet rice civilization in the region Asia, showing distinct characteristics. Cambodian people have a habit of eating plain rice and eating more fish than meat. On Tet holidays, rural as well as urban areas have packages of banh tet and little cakes. Most families have bohoc sauce to eat all year round.

Cambodian cuisine strongly influences Indian and Chinese styles, most of the dishes are flat, sweet and fatty. Indian dishes are found mostly in spices used mainly spicy such as satay, chili, pepper, humiliation, anise, etc. Chinese food is found in abundance with a mild taste and is quite fatty, most greasy, especially with the style of Sichuan cuisine. Mixed papaya

Cambodian Curry

Cambodian dishes have many similarities with Thailand and Laos. Especially many raw dishes and salads are popular. In which, tomyam - grated papaya - a salad prepared in different ways by each country. LIVE Thailand then there are dried shrimps, tomatoes, cowpeas, cucumbers, garlic, chili etc.; live Laos there are three more notches; In Cambodia, it is processed more slowly and with less additional ingredients, but the main ingredient is papaya.


Vietnam often calls it Phon street, like the South Vietnam rich in coconuts, Cambodia is characterized by the presence of palm trees. The image of jaggery is attached to people's lives with many uses. Palm leaves are used for roofing, the trunk is used for columns. Sweet jaggery juice, distilled from jaggery flowers, so the taste is very pure, cooked into sugar. Palm sugar is not only used to cook tea, it can also be added to food, soup or stock dishes. In addition, jasmine juice is also processed into a light wine like a very special wine called "ie" -thot-chu" (sour notes).

Sweet tea

Chè Campuchia rất ngọt, có rất nhiều loại chè khác nhau mà người Campuchia chế biến theo vùng địa phương mang khẩu vị rất lạ. Đặc biệt có món chè thốt nốt - nguyên liệu lấy chủ yếu từ trái thốt nốt.


Là món làm từ thịt gà hoặc ức gà kèm theo đường thốt nốt, nước dừa, mắm prohok, và khượng, củ ngải bún, riềng, nghệ, hành tím, tỏi, sả bằm nhuyễn.Món ăn làm xong thì được cuốn bằng lá chuối non và khi ăn được múc vào trái dừa. Đây là món đặc trưng Campuchia.Dị bản: Nguyên liệu thay vì gà thì amok làm bằng cá phi-lê cá lóc (hoặc cá trê), khượng, nước cốt dừa, trứng vịt, đường thốt nốt, một chút mắm bò hóc và ít lá chùm ruột (hoặc lá ngót).

Khượng, mắm bò hóc, đường và trứng đánh thành hỗn hợp, đem nấu cho sệt. Bọc cá phi-lê nguyên miếng bằng hỗn hợp, thêm vài chiếc lá chùm ruột rồi gói lại bằng lá chuối và đem hấp.

Cơm lam

Cơm lam- một loại xôi nếp được nướng trong ống tre cho hương vị ngon đặc biệt. Món cơm lam nhiều khi được người Campuchia còn trộn lẫn cùng với đậu phộng hay dừa làm cho hương vị xôi ngon nhưng không quá ngán. Nguyên liệu chính để làm xôi này chính là loại nếp thơm - một loại nếp sạch và thơm mà vùng miền quê Campuchia trồng theo kỹ thuật của Thailand, loại nếp lùn cho năng suất cao mà hạt nếp rất thơm và đặc biệt rất ít sử dụng thuốc trừ sâu.

Hoa sầu đâu

Hoa sầu đâu - một loại hoa thu họach từ cây sầu đâu ra hoa trong khoảng những tháng từ tháng 12-1-2-3 - là một loại hoa được xem là đặc sản của Campuchia. Loài hoa này mang vị khá đắng giống mướp đắng nhưng vị đắng mang tính trầm - có vị thuốc, ăn xong có cảm giác vị ngọt nơi đầu lưỡi. Hoa sầu đâu được chế biến món ăn là trộn chung với khô (khô mực, khô cá, khô nai) xé nhỏ gọi là "gỏi sầu đâu". Cách trộn món gỏi "hoa sầu đâu" nguyên liệu gồm: củ cải bào mỏng, dưa leo bào mỏng, nước mắm me, sau đó trộn cùng với hoa sầu đâu. Hoa sầu đâu khi trộn gỏi phải trụng sơ với nước sôi, tước bỏ xơ trên hoa rồi trộn chung với tất cả. Khô có thể trộn chung hoa là khô cá lóc, cá trê, cá sặc v.v. Cùng với "hoa sầu đâu" thì một số loại rau dân dã khá ngon khác được người dân Campuchia sử dụng như là một loại đặc sản như rau rừng, hoa lục bình, chùm ruột, bông súng v.v.

Món ăn từ Côn trùng

Loại thức ăn giàu đạm này được tìm thấy rất nhiều trên đất nước Campuchia. Người Campuchia rất thích dùng côn trùng đẻ chế biến nhiều món ăn. Từ dế cơm, trứng kiến đến con cà cuống, nhền nhện trong các món chiên, xào, dồn đậu phộng đến hấp cơm hay ngâm giấm đều rất ngon. Đắt nhất vẫn là con cà cuống - một loại côn trùng có ích sống nhiều ở đồng ruộng Campuchia với hương vị thơm cay. Cà cuống hiện nay đang trên đà tuyệt chủng vì nạn săn bắt quá mức và do lạm dụng các loại thuốc bảo vệ thực vật trên cây trồng. Cà cuống hiện nay đang bày bán tại các chợ côn trùng Campuchia hầu hết đã được lấy túi hương ra, chỉ còn lại thân mà thôi, còn túi hương người ta sẽ bán riêng với giá khá cao. So với món ăn chế biến từ côn trùng của Thailand and Laos, món ăn chế biến từ côn trùng của Campuchia ít món hơn, chủ yếu vẫn là dế và nhền nhện. Các loại côn trùng khác, hầu hết Campuchia vẫn nổi tiếng là nước xuất khẩu côn trùng sang Thailand. Món ăn chế biến từ côn trùng của Campuchia không cầu kỳ và ít gia vị hơn món ăn từ côn trùng của Thailand.

Mắm bồ hóc

Một loại mắm chế biến theo nguyên tắc giữ được thực phẩm lâu bằng cách ướp muối và đường. Mắm bồ hóc, hay pohok, được làm từ những con cá con tốt nhất, mổ ruột ướp muối rồi để trong tủ đậy kín, vài tháng sau mới đem ra ăn. Có thể nói đây là món ăn truyền thống được chế biến trong đời sống ẩm thực Campuchia và cả những dân tộc Nam phần Vietnam có ảnh hưởng từ văn hóa ẩm thực Khmer. Ngoài ra, còn có nhiều món ăn khác không kém phần hấp dẫn như cá lóc quấn trong bẹ chuối và nướng trực tiếp trên bếp than. Khô cá trèn, khô cá lóc, đặc biệt cá amok hấp nước cốt dừa với cà ri có vị rất riêng Khmer. Trong các món xào như bò xào kruong, cá amok hấp, mắm bồ hóc đều có nước cốt dừa, nghệ, riềng, chanh rừng, lá ngót và cà ri, v.v. Khác với mắm của Vietnam, mắm bồ hóc rất mặn do chỉ ướp muối và không màu. Đây được xem là món ăn đặc sản của Campuchia.

Hủ tiếu Nam Vang

Hủ tiếu Nam Vang có nguồn gốc từ Campuchia nhưng do người Hoa chế biến, nguyên liệu chính là hủ tiếu khô, nước dùng chính là thịt bằm nhỏ, lòng heo nấu cùng. Sau đó trụng sơ mì với nuớc dùng sau đó cho các nguyên liệu phụ vào như giá, hẹ, thịt bằm cùng lòng heo vào. Đây được xem là món ăn mà ai khi đến Campuchia cũng phải thưởng thức. Tùy theo khẩu vị của từng người, có thể thay thế lòng heo bằng tôm, cua, mực v.v. nhưng nhất thiết phải có thịt bằm. Không giống như hủ tiếu Trung Hoa và hủ tiếu Mỹ Tho của Vietnam, hủ tiếu Nam Vang có vị ngọt của nước lèo chính là thịt bằm nhỏ khá đặc biệt.

Món nướng

Nếu vùng Siêm Riệp, người dân thích dùng món mắm Siêm Riệp và mắm Thái thì trái lại người dân Phnom Penh lại thích dùng các món chiên, nướng. Đặc biệt các món nướng được người dân ưu chuộng, từ gà nướng, cút nướng, thịt ba rọi nướng,v.v. Buổi tối, người dân Phnom Penh thường đóng cửa hàng sớm, và họ tập trung tại các công viên, quảng trường hay các bờ sông, trải chiếu và cùng thưởng thức các món nướng này.

Trứng vịt

Vịt được người dân Campuchia nuôi trong điều kiện không nuôi thức ăn, chúng được nuôi thả rong và ăn các lọai thức ăn tự nhiên nên trứng vịt khi luộc cho ra lòng đào. Người dân Campuchia luộc và xỏ que nhìn như trái sapoche. Trứng vịt luộc được bán từng chục hay từng quả kèm muối tiêu là món ăn mà du khách tìm thấy rất nhiều khi đến với đất nước Campuchia.


Việc cung cấp nước máy ở Phnom Penh đã trải qua một số thay đổi nghiêm trọng trong tay của một "cuộc cách mạng nước" trong chính phủ, Ek Sonn Chan. Vì vậy, ở Phnôm Pênh bạn có thể uống nước máy không có vấn đề, mặc dù nó có độ clo rất cao và bạn có thể không thích hương vị. Ngoài ra, có một số lo ngại về các nhà cung cấp nước chai. Trang web của Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ nói rằng "Năm 2008, Bộ Công nghiệp, Mỏ và Năng lượng Campuchia đã báo cáo rằng hơn 100 công ty nước uống đóng chai tại Campuchia đang được xem xét đóng cửa vì không đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng sản xuất tối thiểu.Chỉ 24 trong số 130 công ty nước đóng chai Phù hợp với Bộ Tiêu chuẩn Công nghiệp của Bộ. " Trang đó có vẻ như bị đổ xuống nước đóng chai nói chung, vì vậy hãy mang nó với một muối muối.

Bên ngoài Phnom Penh (và có thể là Siem Reap) bạn nên cho rằng nước máy không thể uống được. Nước uống thương hiệu Khmer trong chai nhựa màu xanh lá cây bán với giá 1.000 riel hoặc ít hơn (mặc dù giá thường được đánh dấu cho khách du lịch, đến 50 xu hoặc một đô la Mỹ).

Nước ngọt

Cà phê đá phổ biến ở khắp Campuchia. Nó được làm theo phong cách Việt Nam, pha cà phê tươi và pha với sữa đặc. Đi bộ qua một quán ăn địa phương vào bất kỳ thời gian trong ngày và bạn sẽ thấy ít nhất một bảng người dân địa phương uống chúng. Một ly tốn 1.500-2.000 riel. Trà ướp lạnh làm bằng chanh và đường cũng tươi mát và phổ biến.

Dừa tươi có thể được tìm thấy ở khắp mọi nơi và phổ biến, và khá là lành mạnh và hợp vệ sinh.

Rượu bia (ស្រាបៀរ)

Ba loại bia phổ biến của Campuchia là Anchor, Angkor ស្រាបៀរអង្គរ, Cambodia ស្រាបៀរកម្ពុជា tính phổ biến giống như bia Sài Gòn của Vietnam. Cả hai loại này được bán ở dạng chai, lon với giá dưới 1 đô la/lon hay chai. Beer Lao ເບຍລາວ and Tiger cũng khá phổ biến với người nước ngoài.

Rượu Thốt Nốt and rượu gạo cũng có bán ở các làng với giá khoảng 500-1000 riel/1 chai. Nhưng vấn đề vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm, tốt nhất bạn không nên thử.

Để trải nghiệm thực sự tại Khmer, mua một chai Rượu vang Vàng. Được quảng cáo trên các xe tuk-tuk ở khắp mọi nơi, sự pha trộn màu đen này được làm từ gạc hươu và các loại thảo mộc có tỷ lệ 35% và có vị đắng khi say rượu, nhưng có thể làm ngon miệng hơn, nếu không hợp khẩu vị, hãy bổ sung thêm nước bổ hoặc Cola. Với giá 2 đô la Mỹ cho bình bầu 350 ml của bản gốc và 3 đô la Mỹ cho loại "X.O.", thì đó là món nước rẻ nhất tại đây.


Nhà khách (thường họ treo biển quảng cáo bằng tiếng Anh Guesthouse) với giá từ 2 đôla/đêm ở vùng quê đến 5-10 đô ở các thành phố lớn. Nếu bạn cầm phòng có máy điều hòa và nước nóng, giá khoảng tử 10-20 đô la. Bạn có thể chi hơn 100 đô la/đêm nếu bạn muốn ở phòng nghỉ ở khách sạn 5 sao. Tại Campuchia phổ biến nhất là Guest House và Hotel. Nếu xác định đi bụi, khám phá là chính, nên chọn Guest House để tiết kiệm chi phí. You should consult and book in advance, do not arrive and then book a room because you will be at risk of incurring a higher room rate than usual.


Cambodia has fewer opportunities for language and cultural learning for short-term visitors, although there are many language schools and private tutors for those who are hung around for a little longer. There are also meditation groups that meet at a number of Buddhist temples in the capital, Phnom Penh. There are Khmer cooking classes available in Battambang, Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh, and Siam Reap.


One of the most interesting ways to get to know this country, and which has become increasingly popular, is to volunteer. Monthly salary is not better than Vietnam, only about 3 - 6 million VND/month for office work (in 2019). The government requires foreigners to have a work permit when going to work, but in practice this law does not apply much.


Cambodia is a safe and friendly country, except for the big cities at night, especially the capital Phnom Penh, and luggage or wallets are not visible. Getting jerked, even from people on bicycles and motorbikes, is a problem in Phnom Penh. Keep your possessions discreet, especially cash and cameras, and as always, take extra care in all poorly lit areas or beyond.


To respect

Cambodians revere kings, queens, and royalty, so you don't need to show respect whenever you mention the Cambodian royal family. When visiting the Royal Palace of Cambodia, you must dress appropriately, men must wear formal clothes, no shorts and no slippers; Women wear discreetly, do not wear short skirts, thin clothes... You should not wear shoes in places with Buddha images, do not climb on any Buddha statues, dress seriously when visiting places of worship. Actions that offend the beliefs can be punished by imprisonment, not excluded even for foreign tourists. You are not allowed to pat children's heads because according to Cambodians, children's heads are very sacred places, only gods and only parents are allowed to touch. Do not use your left hand (even if you are this handed) to give things, give money or anything to Cambodians because it is believed that the left hand is an "unclean" hand.

Mobile network

You can call to Vietnam as follows: call from the hotel, buy a public phone card, or use an existing phone number to call international roaming (Roaming). Another way is to buy a domestic SIM in Cambodia, which is Metphone to use mobile phones: 1 sim costs about 80,000 VND, calls about 40 minutes. Calling to Vietnam with savings code is 168849xxxxxxx


Next point



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