South Korea - Hàn Quốc

South Korea
Flag of South Korea.svg
Basic information
GovermentPresidential Republic
CurrencyWon (KRW)
Areatotal: 98,480 km
soil: 98,190 km2
country: 290 km2
Population50.004,441 (2012 count)
Religionno religion 31.5%, Catholic 29% (mainly Protestant), Buddha 38%, Confucian 0.2%, other 1% (2010 count)
Power system220V/60Hz (Western European model)
Phone number 82
time zoneUTC 9

South Korea, Republic of Korea, simply known as Korea (Korean: 대한민국/ 大韓民國 (Republic of Korea)/ Daehan Minguk), also known as South Korea, South Korea or Korea, is a country in East Asia. , located in the southern half of the Korean peninsula. It borders North Korea to the north. The East of Korea is bordered by the sea JapanWest is Hoang Hai. The capital of South Korea to be Seoul (서울), the second largest urban center in the world and an important global city. Korea has a temperate climate and mostly mountainous terrain. The Korean territory spans 100,032 square kilometers. With a population of 48 million, South Korea is the third most densely populated country in the world (after Bangladesh and Taiwan) among countries with a substantial area.


South Korea is currently a full democracy and a presidential republic consisting of 16 administrative units. Korea is a developed country with a high standard of living, with a developed economy classified by the World Bank and IMF. Korea is the 4th largest economy in Asia and 15th in the world. The economy is export-based, with a focus on electronics, cars, ships, machinery, petrochemicals, and robotics. Korea is a member of the United Nations, WTO, OECD and the G-20 group of major economies. Korea is also a founding member of APEC and the East Asia Summit and a non-NATO ally of USA. Recently, Korea has created and enhanced cultural popularity especially in Asia, also known as the Korean Wave.


The history of Korea stretches from the Paleolithic period to the present day. The earliest known Korean pottery dates to around 8000 BC (BC) and the Neolithic period began before 6000 BC, followed by the Silver Age around 2500 BC. According to the Three Kingdoms of Korea (Samguk Yusa, 삼국유사, 三國遺事) and a number of Korean medieval documents, the history of nation building and defense of the Korean nation, stretching from the Korean peninsula to much of the South Manchuria, beginning in 2333 BC under Gojoseon (2333–108 BC). The traces of humans on this land date back even earlier, more than 70 thousand years ago.

After the dissolution of Gojoseon, Korea entered a period of power struggle, culminating in the Three Kingdoms war, including the three countries of Goguryeo (Goguryeo), Baekje (Baekje) and Silla (Silla). from 57 BC to 668 AD (AD). By 676, Silla unified most of the Korean peninsula. Meanwhile, subordinates of the Goguryeo dynasty established the Bohai kingdom in the north of the Korean peninsula in 698. In 926, Bohai was annexed by the Khitans; Korea again fell into the period of the Later Three Kingdoms war (892–935) with 3 states of Later Goguryeo, Silla, and Later Baekje.

The Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) ended the division of the Korean peninsula lasting nearly 1000 years after the work of winning the throne of Later Goguryeo and annexing Silla and Later Baekje. In 1392, Goryeo fell and was replaced by the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897) and then the Korean Empire (1897–1910) before being annexed by the Japanese in 1910.

After World War II, Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945, Korea was divided into two with the 38th parallel boundary: North - Democratic North Korea under the communist regime and the South - Republic of Korea under the capitalist regime. The two sides went head-to-head in the 1950 Korean War and remain at war to this day.

The Japanese domination of Korea from 1910 to 1945 ended with World War II. In 1945, Korea was divided into two Koreas. Soviet Union occupied the north up to the 38th parallel and USA occupied from the 38th parallel to the south. The United States and the Soviet Union could not agree on the application of the Co-Mandate in Korea.

In November 1947, United Nations General Assembly proposed a solution to conduct general elections in North Korea under the support of a United Nations Commission. However, the Soviet Union refused to abide by this solution and denied the United Nations Commission's influence over the southern half of the peninsula.

The United Nations Council then came up with another solution calling for local elections with the help of the United Nations Commission. The first elections were held on May 10, 1948, in the provinces south of the 38th parallel. This parallel became the line dividing the Korean peninsula into North and South Korea.

This led to the establishment of separate governments in the north and south, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north and the Republic of Korea in the south, each claiming to be the legitimate government. of the entire Korean territory.

Rising tensions between the two governments in the north and south eventually led to the Korean War, when on June 25, 1950, the Korean People's Army crossed the 38th parallel, accusing the south of passing first. , and attack—The Korean War breaks out. The United States and the United Nations support the Republic of Korea, and behind the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. The war lasted until July 27, 1953, when United Nations forces and the Korean People's Army and Chinese Volunteers signed the Armistice Agreement of the Korean War. The Korean Demilitarized Zone divides the two countries, and the Korean peninsula is divided to this day.

Nearly 3 million people were killed or injured and millions more lost their homes or separated from their families during this war.

Thereafter, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea continued to pursue the cause of national unification on the basis of the "one Korea" argument, not recognizing the government in the south, and choosing the path of national unification by revolution. while South Korea considers its government the legal entity on the Korean peninsula and unification as an extension of national sovereignty. These rigid, uncompromising views made the reconciliation process impossible until the 1960s. By the 1970s, relations between the two sides gradually improved. The two Koreas recognize each other's governments. In 1991 both countries were recognized by both sides to officially join the United Nations at the same time. South Korea has invested economically and is the main food aid country to help the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea overcome the 1990s famine that killed 2 million people through the United Nations' World Food Program WEP. United Nations.

Park Geun-hye is the son of President Park Chung-hee and the first female President of South Korea. In 1948, Lee Cheng Wan (Syngman Rhee) won the election in the southern region of the Korean peninsula and became the first president of South Korea. He held this position until 1960. The successor government of Truong Mien (Chang-Myon) was overthrown in 1961 by General Pu Chinh-hee (Park Chung-hee). In 1979 President Pu Chinh Xi was assassinated, a temporary government was established, the country was under martial law.

In 1980 Chun Doo-hwan was elected president by an electoral council. In 1987, the constitution was amended, allowing the Korean people to directly elect the president. The next presidents were Generals Roh Tae-woo (1987) and Kim Young-sam (1992). In 1997, President Kim Dae-jung was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in normalizing relations with North Korea. In 2003, his student Roh Moo-hyun succeeded as President of South Korea.

Every day, there are citizens protesting politically first Blue House after Korean WarKorea's economy developed at an extraordinary rate, by the mid-1980s it had become one of the newly industrialized countries (NICs). In 2004 Korea's GDP was 680 billion USD (US dollars), ranking 12th in the world. Korea's success in economic development is known as the "Miracle on the Han River".

Reunification (Tongil) with North Korea is a political topic being discussed in South Korea today, but no peace agreement has yet been signed. South Korea's national security law still does not allow people to receive any information from the North Korean side. President Roh Moo-hyun has thought about lifting the law, but it has not been implemented yet.

In 2000, the two governments officially met. This meeting is seen as the victory of the sunshine policy in normalizing the relations between the two Koreas.


The head of the Republic of Korea is President directly elected by the people every five years and is not allowed to stand for re-election. The President is the highest representative of the country and has the power to command the military (equivalent to the position: Commander-in-Chief). Prime Minister appointed by the President and leads the government. Goverment have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 members. Government members are appointed by the prime minister. The position of prime minister as well as Minister must be approved by parliament.

National Assembly of Korea There is only one chamber and is called the 국회 (國會, Gukhoe, National Assembly). Members of parliament are elected every four years. The National Assembly has a total of 299 delegates.

The third most important organ in the Korean political system is the Supreme Court. This agency monitors government activities and makes final decisions. The court is composed of nine supreme justices. The President directly appoints three of these, three of whom are elected by the parliament, but must be approved by the president. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appoints the remaining three judges.


Korea has a market economy in which the state plays an important role.

If 30 years ago, Korea's gross domestic product was only on par with poor countries in Africa and Asia, now, Korea's gross domestic product ranks 10th in the world. In 2005 Korea's nominal GDP was estimated at about 789 billion USD, GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) was estimated at 1,097 billion USD. Per capita income in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity is USD 16,270 and USD 22,620, respectively (ranked 33rd and 34th in the world). In 2010, the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010 increased by 6.2%, higher than the previous preliminary estimate of 6.1%.


Among the Korean population, Koreans make up the majority. The only ethnic minority is a small number of people of Chinese origin. During the Asian economic-financial crisis in 1997, Korea along with Japan were the two countries that soon recovered from the crisis, so a large number of workers from other Asian countries (such as the Philippines, India) as well as from African countries have flocked here in search of jobs in large factories. A large number of Americans are also living and working in Korea, they gather in an area of ​​Seoul city called Itaewon cave (Le Thai Vien). Here one can also find a "United Nations village" next to many foreign embassies and companies.

On the contrary, there are also many Koreans living abroad, for example in China and many regional countries central Asia. Stalin took thousands of Koreans there. During the Japanese colonial period, some people were also sent to Japan. The political, social and economic instability in the country has led to many Koreans emigrating to Canada and the United States. Since the situation in the country has stabilized, some have returned to their homeland (dual nationality).


South Korea regions map.png
Surrounded Seoul and located in the Seoul metropolitan area. Notable places: Korean Demilitarized Zone, Suwon.
natural wonderland; Seoraksan National Park, east coast beaches and ski resorts. Notable places: Chuncheon
North Chungcheong
The landlocked province has many mountains and national parks. Featured places: Danyang, Cheongju.
Chungcheong Nam
west central Korea. Flat area with rice fields. Notable places: Daejeon, Gongju, Boryeong.
North Gyeongsang
the largest province and the region's richest in terms of historical and cultural sites. Notable places: Andong, Gyeongju and the islands of Ulleungdo.
South Gyeongsang
There are coastal cities and the most sacred temples. Notable locations include: Busan, Haeinsa Temple, Jinju.
North Jeolla
Delicious Korean food. Notable places: Jeonju
South Jeolla
Many small islands and beautiful scenery, delicious food (especially coastal seafood) and suitable for fishing. Notable places: Gwangju, Boseong, Yeosu.
Korean honeymoon island created by volcano. Beautiful wild flowers and scenery, suitable for horseback riding, only a few places where you need a car.


  • Seoul (서울) - 600 years old dynamic capital of Korea, a fusion of classic and modern
  • Busan (부산, 釜山) - the second largest city and a major port city of Korea.
  • Incheon (인천, ) - second busiest port in the country, location of the country's largest international airport
  • Daegu (대구, ) - a cosmopolitan city, rich with ancient traditions and attractions
  • Daejeon (대전, ) - a large and dynamic city located in Chungnam Province
  • Gwangju (광주, ) - the administrative and economic center of the region, the largest city in the province
  • Gyeongju (경주, ) - ancient capital of Silla . Kingdom
  • Jeonjul (전주, ) - once the spiritual capital of the Joseon Dynasty, at a premier center of the arts filled with museums, ancient Buddhist temples, and historical monuments
  • Chuncheon (춘천, ) - the capital city of Gangwon Province, surrounded by lakes and mountains and famous for its local food, dakgalbi and makguksu

Other destinations

  • Seoraksan National Park - spread across four cities and counties, the country's most famous national parks and mountain ranges
  • Andong - history rich in Confucian tradition and home of living folk village
  • Ansan - a city in Gyeonggi Province on the Yellow Sea coast
  • Guinsa - The majestic mountain headquarters of the Buddhist sect Cheondae
  • Panmunjeom (Panmunjom) - The only tourist area in the world where the cold war is still a reality
  • Boseong - hills covered with green tea where you can stroll along a wooded path and stop at a nearby spa to drink homegrown tea and go swimming.
  • Yeosu - one of the country's most beautiful port cities especially at night, nominated to host the 2012 World Expo. Famous for its seafood and beaches, you can visit several islands within Hallyeo Marine Park with a cruise or watch the sunset from its amazing Dolsan Bridge or romantic cafe near the marina.
  • Jindo - often associated with the dogs native to that area, the Jindo, each year people flock to the area to witness the parting of the sea and join in with the accompanying festivities
  • Ulleungdo - remote scenic island off the east coast of the peninsula


Citizens of most countries will receive a visa on arrival valid for 30 to 90 days. The official website of Hello Korea has the latest details. Save IDEA that Jeju Island is an autonomous province with more comfortable entry conditions than mainland Korea.

Korea has an electronic system that closely tracks everyone coming and going, so don't overstay your visa. Your violation will result in you potentially being banned from re-entry, and possibly prosecuted.

Military personnel traveling as SOFA to South Korea are not required to have an entry passport, as long as they keep a copy of the travel order and a military ID. Otherwise their dependents must have a passport and an A-3 visa to enter.

By air

South Korea has many international airports, however, only a few actually have scheduled international routes. South Korea has experienced a period of massive airport construction over the past decade. Many major cities have dedicated airports that can only serve a handful of flights a week.

Incheon International Airport, about 1 hour west of Seoul, is the country's largest airport and is served by many international airlines. There are many flight options available from locations all over Asia, Europe and North America, and even routes to South America and Africa. The airport is also regularly rated as the best performing and best designed airport in the world. There is a busIt direct between cities that travel from outside the international arrivals hall to many locations throughout Korea. At the airport there is a new bullet train line that goes directly to both Seoul Gimpo Airport and Seoul Station. (There is an airline check-in area in Seoul terminal.)Busan Gimhae International Airport has international connections to Japan, China, Hong Kong, Philippines and Vietnam. There is also a Lufthansa flight from Munich, virtue. Ginhae also has a few flights a day directly from Seoul Incheon, which is much more convenient than changing to Gimpo Seoul airport after a long international flight. Jeju has flights from cities of Korea as well as international flights to major cities of Japan and China.Gimpo Seoul Airport offers domestic flights to South Korea's most southern cities, and is a "shuttle city" for international services from Tokyo-Haneda, Beijing and Shanghai-Hongqiao. is quite convenient. You can connect from Incheon airport or by train or busIt limousine.Yangyang Airport is a very quiet airport in the far Northeast of the country. Korea Express Air offers domestic flights from Gimhae Busan International Airport, Seoul Gimpo, and Gwangju Airport. There are also charter flights with Chinese cities. The airport is also close to Seoraksan National Park and parts of Northeastern Gangwon-do.Korean Air and Asiana are the main airlines to and from South Korea. There is a growing number of airlines including Air Busan and Jeju Air that do not fly both domestic and international routes.

By train

Japan Railways and Korean Railways have an agreement that trains between countries can be completed via a ferry journey in between. Visitors arriving from the train or continuing into Japan can purchase special tickets through offering discounts of 30% on KTX services and 9-30% on Busan - Fukuoka ferries as well as Japanese trains.

Going to North Korea by train is not an option. There is a train line connecting the South Korean rail network with North Korea and even an operating South Korean railway station (though no trains are scheduled) on the border. However there is no traffic and will likely remain more of a political statement than a potential travel option in the near term.

By car

By bus

By boat

Note that the services listed here are subject to frequent changes, and the English-language websites may not be updated with new information. Please verify before traveling.

Bug hydrofoil from Japan: Busan International Ferry Terminal is the largest seaport in the country and offers ferries mainly to and from Japan. There are fairly regular ferry connections from Busan to Japan. JR's service beetle hydrofoil from Busan to Fukuoka manages trips in just under three hours with up to five connections a day, but all links The other is overnight slow ferries, such as the Pukwan Ferry Company service, and to Shimonoseki from costs from $US60 (one way). A Busan-Osaka ferry operated by Panstar Co., Ltd.

Incheon International Ferry Terminal 1 (Yeonan Budu, 연안) has service to several cities in China, such as Weihai, Dandong, Qingdao, and Tianjin. The largest operator is Jinchon[12], but the port of Incheon has a full list on their website. The Chinese ports of Rizhao, Rongcheng and Lianyungang, all in Shandong province, can also be accessed by ferry from Pyeongtaek.

There is also a weekly departure from Sokcho (Gangwon-do) to Vladivostok from US$270 operated by Dong Chun Ferry Co., Ltd.



In South Korea, the official language is Korean (Korean). Some linguists place this language in the Altai language family, while others consider Korean to be a language isolate. From elementary school, people started teaching English to students. Later, Chinese and Japanese also became the main foreign languages. European languages ​​such as French, German and Spanish are less common.

Unlike the scripts of East Asian countries, Hangeul - the main Korean script - uses an alphabet of 51 characters, 24 single characters and 27 double characters. These characters are combined syllables into letters. For those who don't know, Korean characters are just as complicated as Chinese characters. But actually, learners can grasp the basics of this type of writing after only 4 to 5 hours. Because of that, Hangeul is called Atsim-Gul (morning script - can be finished in one morning).

Hanja, the Korean kanji, has the same meaning as Latin in European countries. Like languages ​​in East and Southeast Asia, many words in Korean are of Chinese origin. However, the removal of sounds in Chinese leads to a lot of homophones in Korean. These words are pronounced the same but have different meanings and can only be distinguished based on context. Therefore, in order to clarify the meaning, in scientific texts, people often note Hanja in the back of important phrases. On business cards, people often use the word Hanja to explain the meaning of their name.




Korea is most famous for kimchi, a dish that uses a special fermentation process to preserve certain vegetables, the most common of which is cabbage. This is a healthy food as it provides essential vitamins and nutrients. Gochujang (a traditional Korean sauce made from red chili peppers) is very popular, as are chili sauce (or chili peppers), which are typical of a cuisine known for its spicy taste.

bulgogi (spiced barbecued meat, usually beef), galbi (grilled seasoned ribs) and samgyeopsal (pork in the belly) are all popular meat specialties. Fish is also a popular food, as it is the traditional meat that Koreans eat. The meal is usually accompanied by a soup or stew, such as galbitang (stewed ribs) and doenjang jjigae (fermented bean soup soup). In the middle of the table are all kinds of side dishes called banchan.

Other popular dishes include bibimbap - which means "mixed rice" (rice mixed with meat, vegetables, red chili sauce) and naengmyeon (cold noodles). A popular fast food in Korea is kimbab, consisting of rice mixed with vegetables and meat rolled in seaweed. While more and more food ingredients are being rolled in kimbab, raw or cooked fish is rarely used, perhaps due to the kimbap's origins as a snack or snack that can be wrapped up and taken away. then the fish can quickly spoil if not frozen.

Instant noodles are also a very popular snack food. Koreans also love to eat foods from pojangmachas (street vendors), where one can buy tteokbokki (rice cakes and fish cakes with spicy gochujang sauce), squid ink chips, and sweet potatoes. Soondae is a sausage made of transparent noodles and pig's blood that is also very popular.

Also, some other popular snacks include chocopie, shrimp cakes, bbungtigi (crispy rice cakes) and "nu lung ji" (lightly burnt rice). Nu lung ji can be eaten raw or boiled with water to make a soup. Nu lung ji can also be served as a snack or dessert.


  • Soju wine: is the most famous Korean liquor.
  • Majuang is the most popular Korean wine. This wine is made from Korean grapes with French or American wine. There are over 100 different types of wine and liquor in North Korea.
  • Beer: The best-selling beer in North Korea is light beers like Germany, similar to beers in Europe and Asia. Popular brands include: Cass, Hite (product lines: Hite, Hite Prime, Hite Prime Max), Cafri, Oriental Brewery (light and dry beer with rice ingredients), Taedonggang (a beer brand). của Bắc Triều Tiên, được bán ở dạng chai tại một số tiệm bia ở Nam Triều Tiên).

Cũng có một số loại bia được sản xuất với số lượng hạn chế, như:

  • Praha (ở tỉnh Gangnam)
  • Platinum (ở tỉnh Agpujeong và Gangnam)
  • Jung-ang Micro Brewery (ở Ansan)
  • German Brauhaus (ở Ansan)
  • Three Dragons (ở Sinchon)
  • Rosenbräu (ở Ilsan)

Yakju là một loại rượu tinh chế, lên men từ lúa gạo, nổi tiếng nhất với tên gọi cheongju. Takju là một loại rượu đặc chưa qua tinh chế, làm từ hạt gạo, nổi tiếng nhất với tên gọi makkoli (막걸리), một loại rượu vang làm từ gạo, có màu trắng sữa, mà nông dân thường uống.

Rượu vang Triều Tiên được chia thành rượu trái cây và rượu thảo dược. Rượu cây xiêm gai (Acacia), rượu mận, rượu mộc qua Trung Quốc, rượu anh đào, rượu trái thông, rượu trái lựu là thông dụng nhất. Rượu nhân sâm(insamju), là loại rượu thường được pha loãng và bán sang phương Tây như một loại đồ uống tăng lực, tương tự Red Bull.



Chế độ giáo dục của Hàn Quốc hình thành theo dạng: 6-3-3-4. Trong đó giáo dục bắt buộc là 9 năm, tiểu học là 6 năm và trung học cơ sở là 3 năm. Học kì 1 được bắt đầu từ tháng 3 đến tháng 8, học kì 2 từ tháng 9 đến tháng 2 năm sau, có hai kì nghỉ là nghỉ hè(tháng 7 đến tháng 8) và nghỉ đông(tháng 12 đến tháng 2 năm sau).

Đào tạo Đại học ở Hàn Quốc được chia thành: Đại học (4 năm), Đại học chuyên ngành (2 năm) và Đại học trực tuyến. Số năm học bao gồm: 5 năm hoặc 6 năm(đối với các ngành y, đông y, nha khoa).

Các bậc học vị thường gồm ba môn chuyên ngành như: văn học, luật, tôn giáo học, chính trị học, kinh tế học, kinh danh, hành chính, giáo dục, thư viện, khoa học-tự nhiên, công nghệ, nha khoa, dược học, địa lí, thú y, thủy sản, mĩ thuật, âm nhạc... Các trường đại học thường tổng hợp các môn.




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