USA - Hoa Kỳ

USA orthographic.svg
Flag of the United States (Pantone).svg
Basic information
CapitalWashington, D.C.
GovermentFederal Republic
CurrencyUnited States Dollar (USD)
Area9,631,418 km2
Population309,365,931 (April 2010 estimate)
LanguageEnglish 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, Other Indo-European 3.8%, Asia and Pacific Islands 2.7%, other 0.7% (2000 census)
ReligionProtestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Judaism 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%, other or unspecified 2.5%, unaffiliated 12.1%, not 4% (2007)
Power system120V / 60Hz
Phone number 1
Internet,.edu,.gov,.mil (most sites,.net,.org)
time zoneUTC -4 to UTC -10

USA nice America is a country belonging to North America. The country is located almost entirely in the western hemisphere: the 48 continental states and the capital, Washington, D.C., are located between North Americabordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Canada to the north, and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is located in the northwest region of the continent North America, bordered by Canada to the east. The state of Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The United States also has 14 territories, also known as national waters, scattered throughout the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

With 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and 305 million inhabitants, the United States is the third largest country by total area (see geography for details) and third in terms of population in the world. gender. The United States is one of the most racially diverse countries in the world, as a result of immigration from many other countries around the world. The national economy of the United States is the largest in the world, with an estimated gross domestic product (GDP) for 2008 of over $14.3 trillion (about 23% of total world output based on GDP). nominal, and nearly 21% purchasing power parity).


USA has 50 bang, and city Washington, D.C., a special zone and national capital. This country also has some territory, including commonwealth Puerto Rico. Here's a rough breakdown of these countries by region, from Atlantic to Pacific:

United States map, the maps above are maps Alaska and Hawaii. The bottom map is the part of the United States in the center of North America.
Tan Anh (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
Home to gabled churches, rustic antiques, and steeped in American history, Tan Anh has many beaches, delicious seafood, rugged mountains, frequent winter snows, and several ancient cities. the oldest part of the country, in a small territory, enough to travel (in a hurry) for a week.
Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania)
From New York in the north to Washington, D.C., the Mid-Atlantic is home to some of the nation's most populous cities, as well as historic sites, the mountains, New Jersey Pine Barrens, Lehigh Valley, and coastal resorts such as Long Island beaches and the Jersey Shore.
male (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia)
Known for its hospitality, rustic cuisine, blues, jazz, rock 'n' roll, and country music traditions. The area is mostly subtropical, this includes mountains and verdant agricultural orchards, cypress trees and vast marshes.
North Florida is similar to the rest of the South, but not so in its resorts Orlando, retirement communities, Miami tropical Caribbean influence Miami, Everglades National Park Everglades, and 1,200 miles of sandy beaches.
Middle East (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin)
The West Central region is home to farmland, forests, picturesque towns, industrial cities, and Five Great Lakes, the largest system of freshwater lakes in the world, formed North Coast of the United States.
The second largest state is like a separate country (in fact, it used to be), with strong cultural influences from its Spanish and Mexican past. Terrain ranges from the southeastern swamps with cattle ranching South Plains with sandy beaches of South Texas to the mountains and deserts of West Texas.
Great Plains (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma)
Going westward through these countries is said to be flat, from the edges of the eastern forests through the steppes and high plains, a vast savanna (short grass steppe) almost as desolate as in border days.
Rocky Mountains (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming)
The spectacular snow-covered Rockies offer hiking, rafting, and excellent snow skiing as well as deserts, and some large cities.
Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah)
Much influenced by Hispanic and Mexican culture, the area is home to some of the nation's most spectacular natural attractions and a thriving arts community. Although mostly empty, the region's desert contains some of the nation's largest cities.
Like the Southwest, California has a history under Spanish and Mexican rule and is heavily influenced by Spanish and Mexican culture. California offers world-class cities, deserts, rainforests, snowy mountains, and beautiful beaches. Northern California (around San Francisco Bay) and Southern California (around Los Angeles) are culturally distinct.
Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon)
The Pacific Northwest offers outdoor activities as well as cosmopolitan cities. Terrain ranges from spectacular rain forests to mountains and volcanoes to beautiful coastlines with savannas and deserts.
A fifth as large as the rest of the United States, Alaska reaches well into the Arctic, and features mountainous wilderness, including North America's highest mountain, Mount McKinley.
A volcanic archipelago in the tropical Pacific Ocean, 2,300 miles southwest of California (the nearest state), laid-back Hawaii is a vacation paradise.

Politically, the United States is a federation of states state', each has its own rights and powers (hence the name). The US also administers some out-of-state maritime territories worldwide, the largest of which is Puerto Rico (has the special status of a "commonwealth") and U.S. Virgin Islands live Caribbean plus American Samoa, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands live Oceania.


The United States of America (official name: United States of America) is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and a federal special district. The country is located almost entirely in the western hemisphere: the 48 continental states and the capital, Washington, D.C., are located between North America, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Canada to the north, and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is located in the northwest region of the continent North America, bordered by Canada to the east. The state of Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The United States also has 14 territories, also known as national waters, scattered throughout the Caribbean and Pacific Oceans. With 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and 305 million inhabitants, the United States is a country. third largest in total area (see geography for details) and third in population in the world. The United States is one of the most racially diverse countries in the world, as a result of immigration from many other countries around the world. The national economy of the United States is the largest in the world, with an estimated gross domestic product (GDP) for 2008 of over $14.3 trillion (about 23% of total world output based on GDP). nominal, and nearly 21% purchasing power parity).


Native Americans of the Continental United States, including Alaska Natives, migrated from Asia luxurious. They started coming here at least 12,000 years ago and possibly as far back as 40,000 years ago. Several indigenous communities in pre-Columbian times developed advanced agriculture, grand architecture, and state-level societies with diverse complex societies that existed before the first appearance of Europe in the late 15th century. For example, the Cherokee built huge mounds and large towns that covered the Southeast, and the Anasazi built cliff towns in the Southwest. Societies were ravaged by Old World diseases such as smallpox.

The Spaniards established colonies Europe earliest landmass in what is now Florida. Of these colonies, only St. Augustine was founded in 1565 is still in existence. Later, Spanish settlements in the southwestern United States attracted thousands of people throughout Mexico. French fur traders established New Phap outposts around the Great Lakes. France gradually claimed much of the interior of the North America as far south as the Gulf of Mexico. The first successful British settlements were the Virginia Colony at Jamestown in 1607 and the Plymouth Colony in 1620. The establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628 produced a wave of immigration; By 1634, New England had been settled by about 10,000 Puritans. Between the late 1610s and the revolution, the British brought about 50,000 criminals to their American colonies. Beginning in 1614, the Dutch established settlements along the lower Hudson River, including New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island. The small settlement of New Sweden was established along the Delaware River in 1638, then captured by the Dutch in 1655.

During the French and Aboriginal War Americas, Great Britain took the opportunity to wrest Canada from the French, but the French-speaking population remained politically free and separate from the colonies to the south. In 1674, the British captured the former Dutch colonies during the Anglo-Dutch Wars; The province of New Holland was renamed New York. With the division of the Carolinas in 1729 and the colonization of Georgia in 1732, thirteen British colonies that would later become the United States were established. All had colonial and local government along with open suffrage for a free majority of men. All colonies legalized the slave trade Africa. With high fertility and low mortality rates, plus a steady stream of new immigration, the colonies doubled in size every 25 years. The Christian revival movement of the 1730s and 1740s known as the Great Awakening aroused public interest in both religion and freedom of belief. By 1770, the colonies had grown to about 3 million Anglicans, about half the population of Great Britain at the time. Although the colonies were subject to British taxation, they did not have a single representation in the UK Parliament.


The United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area in the world, before or after the People's Republic of China, depending on whether the two territories disputed by India and China are counted as Chinese territory. Flowers or not. In terms of land only, the United States is the third largest after Russia and China, but is just ahead of Canada (Canada is larger than the United States in total area, but most of the northern territory of Canada is ice sheets, not icebergs). ground). United States The continent stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from Canada to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Alaska is the largest state in terms of area, bordering the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, and is separated by Canada from the continental United States. Hawaii consists of a chain of islands located in the Pacific Ocean, to the southwest North America. Puerto Rico, the largest and most populous national territory of the United States, is located in the northeastern Caribbean. Except for a few territories such as Guam and the most western part of Alaska, virtually all of the United States is located in the western hemisphere.

The Atlantic coastal plain gives way further inland to the deciduous forests and rolling hills of the Piedmont region. The Appalachian Mountains divide the eastern coast from the Great Lakes and the Midwest steppes. The Mississippi-Missouri River is the fourth longest river system in the world that flows through the middle of the United States in a north-south direction. The fertile and flat grasslands of the Great Plains stretch to the west. The Rocky Mountains at the western edge of the Great Plains extend north to south across the continent and at times reach more than 14,000 ft (4,300 m) elevation in Colorado. The western part of the Rocky Mountains is mostly desert such as the Mojave Desert and the rocky Great Basin. The Sierra Nevada Mountains run parallel to the Rocky Mountains and are relatively close to the Pacific coast. At 20,320 ft (6,194 meters), Alaska's Mount McKinley is the highest peak in the United States. Active volcanoes are common throughout the Alexander and Aleutian Islands. The entire state of Hawaii is made up of tropical volcanic islands. The supervolcano located under Yellowstone National Park in the Rocky Mountains is the continent's largest volcanic site.

Because the United States is large in size and has a wide variety of topography, the United States has nearly all climates. Mild in most regions, tropical in Hawaii and southern Florida, polar in Alaska, semi-arid in the Great Plains west of 100 degrees longitude, desert in southwest climate, Mediterranean climate in coastal California, and arid climate in the Great Basin. Severe weather is rare—states bordering the Gulf of Mexico are often threatened by hurricanes, and most of the world's tornadoes occur within the continental United States, primarily the Midwest.


The climate is generally temperate, with notable exceptions. Alaska has arctic tundra, while Hawaii, South Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are tropical. The Great Plains are dry, flat and grassy, ​​turning into arid deserts in the West and Mediterranean along the California coast.

In winter, the major cities of the North and Midwest, can see as much as 2 feet (61 cm) of snow in a day, with cold temperatures. Summer is humid, but mild. Temperatures above 100 °F (38 °C) sometimes penetrate the Midwest and Great Plains. Some areas in the Northern Plains can experience cold temperatures of -30 °F (-34 °C) during the winter. Temperatures below 0 °F (-18 °C) sometimes reach as far south as Oklahoma.

The climate of the South also varies. In the summer it's hot and humid, but from October to April the weather can range from 60 °F (15 °C) to short cold spells of 20 °F (-7 °C) or so.

The Great Plains and Midwestern states also experience tornadoes from late spring to early fall, first in the south and then in the north. Flowers along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico can experience hurricanes between June and November. Violent and dangerous storms regularly miss the mainland of the United States, but evacuations are often required and need attention.

The Rockies are cold and snowy places. Some parts of the Rockies see more than 500 inches (1,200 cm) of snow in a season. Even in summer, temperatures are cool in the mountains, and snow can fall almost all year round. Dangerous to go up in the mountains prepare in winter and the roads through them can get very icy. The deserts of the Southwest are hot and dry during the summer, with temperatures often exceeding 100 °F (38 °C). Thunderstorms can be expected in the southwest frequently from July to September. Winters are mild, and snow is unusual. Average annual rainfall is low, usually less than 10 inches (25 cm).

Cool and wet weather is common much of the year in the northwest coast (Oregon and Washington west of the Cascade Range, and the northern part of California west of the Coast Range/Cascades). Summers (May through September) is usually quite dry with low humidity, though, making it the ideal climate for outdoor activities. Rain is most frequent in winter, snow is rare, especially along the coast, and extreme temperatures are uncommon. Rain falls almost exclusively from late autumn to early spring along the coast. East of the Cascades, northwest is considerably drier. Much of the inland northwest is either semi-arid or desert, especially in Oregon.

The Northeast and Upper South cities are known for their summers with temperatures reaching into the 90s (32°C) or more, with very high humidity, often over 80%. This could be a drastic change from the Southwest. High humidity means temperatures can feel hotter than they actually read. The Northeast also experiences snow, and at least once every few years there is a dumping of white things in very large quantities.


The United States is a federal republic. Its administrative organization consists of 50 states and a district of Columbia (Washington D.C.); It also has various island territories in the powerful Caribbean and Pacific – but often not fully integrated into the union. Many of these territories are located within the customs and immigration areas of the United States and therefore for practical purposes may be considered part of the United States (see Travel to the United States).

The federal government derives its power from the United States Constitution, which is the oldest written constitution in continuous use. Within the umbrella of federal law, each state maintains its own constitution, government, and laws, and thus retains considerable federal autonomy. State laws may vary from one state to another, but most are fairly uniform across states.

The president is elected every four years and is the head of the federal government as well as the head of state. He and his administration are the executive branch. The bicameral parliament (consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate) is also popularly elected, and constitutes the legislative branch. The Supreme Court heads the judicial branch. State governments are similarly organized, with governors, legislative bodies, and judicial bodies.

Two major political parties have dominated at the state and federal levels since the end of the Civil War: the Republican Party (commonly known as the Big Party) and the Democratic Party. Since the 1960s the Republican Party has become a more right-wing or "conservative" party, while the Democrats have often been left-wing or "liberal" on either side. While smaller political parties do exist, a win-win electoral system will mean they are rarely successful at any level. Although in much of the world red and blue show the left and right sides respectively, it is reversed in the United States so that the red Republic and the Democrat are blue.


The US economy is the largest in the world, reaching $18,561,930 billion in 2016. It is a mixed economy where companies, large corporations, and private companies are the members. major part of the microeconomy, affecting the entire economy of the United States. The US economy also maintains high labor productivity, high GDP per capita, about $ 59,407, although it is not the highest in the world. The US economy has moderate economic growth, low unemployment, high levels of science and technology, research capacity, and capital investment. Key concerns in the US economy include the national debt, foreign debt, consumer debt, low savings rates, and large fiscal deficits.

According to the June 2007 census, the total foreign debt of the United States is $12 trillion, or 88% of the country's GDP. Public debt (also known as national debt) is equivalent to 65% of GDP. In 2008, the US economy had a crisis that affected the world economy. Rising prices are hurting Americans far more than the government estimates. The Government's consumer price index (CPI) in January 2011 showed that "main inflation" - which includes prices of all commodities except food and energy - increased by only 1% over the same period last year. This index does not include the "pain" caused by rising prices that are weighing on households. In fact, many economists believe real inflation should be in the 8-9% range.

Over the past time, many reputable institutions and analysts in the world have made forecasts, saying that the United States will lose its position as the number one economy on the planet within the next 20-30 years. Whether the forecasts are accurate, but one thing is quite clear: The United States is losing its status as a superpower both economically and politically. That fact is clearly demonstrated through the ongoing crises in this country.

Along with the global financial crisis, analysts began to talk about the collapse of the USD - the "king of foreign currencies". With each passing day, this green currency is losing its status as the main currency used in global transactions, as well as its role as the world's reserve currency.


The United States has many different peoples and diverse cultures across the vast expanse of the country and even within its cities – and cities like New York would have dozens, if not hundreds, of Different ethnicities represented in a neighborhood. Despite this difference, there exists a strong sense of national identity and certain prominent cultural features. In general, Americans tend to believe in personal and personal responsibility for determining their own success or failure, but there are many exceptions and that a country as diverse as the United States has thousands of traditions. different culture. One would find Mississippi in the South very different culturally from Massachusetts in the North.

Religion is taken seriously in the United States with 80% of people following a religion. About 50% of Americans belong to an evangelical Christian church and another 20% are Roman Catholic. 5% of Americans belong to non-Christian religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Many businesses and organizations are closed on Sunday, and some areas in the South and Midwest prohibit certain actions from taking place on Sunday, while some Jewish businesses are closed Friday and Thursday evenings. Seven for the Sabbath.

Overall, while the United States is less religious than many other countries, it is more religious than Canada and Northern Europe; However, this trend varies greatly by region, with the Pacific Northwest and New England being largely secular and South America being extremely Christian, especially Evangelical. Religious differences also correlate with politics, so the Northeast, West Coast, Hawaii, and Chicago metropolitan areas are generally progressive and democratic; Most Mormon states such as Utah, Idaho and Wyoming are very conservative and Republican; And most other countries (e.g. some Midwest, South America/Rocky Mountain, and Southern coastal states) are roughly split between Democrats and Republicans. The trend over the past few decades has been one of increasing geo-political polarization. Most Americans now live in counties where politics is becoming more liberal while rural areas are becoming more conservative as the downtown area disappears.

Holidays, holidays

Always have to accept the other

While most countries celebrate Labor Day on May 1 to commemorate the Haymarket affair of 1886, the United States decided to celebrate it in September, fearing the May celebration would encourage protests. A similar and invigorating Haymarket protest against the fundamental right.

November 11, which is Memorial Day in Europe and Canada, has been extended to celebrate all veterans of the US armed forces; Memorial Day serves the purpose of recognizing the war dead.

There are no mandatory national holidays. Federal holidays are the most centralized consolidated holidays, but they are only recognized by the federal government; Federal offices, banks, and post offices are closed on these days. Nearly all states and localities also observe these holidays, and a few of their own. If the federal holiday falls on a weekend, compliance will roll over nearest working day (usually Friday or Monday), with closing days similar to Presidents' Day in February. Major retail and festival closures will occur every year, even if it's a weekend.

The time between Thanksgiving (the fourth Thursday of November) and January 1 has many such major holidays that are often referred to as "holiday holidays". School and work breaks are often taken during this time, with people visiting family and friends. Airports, Interstates, bus stops and train stations will get very crowded near major holidays. If you must travel, allow extra time for check-in and clear security. This is also a gift for the season; Most shopping centers and department stores will be crowded, especially the day after Thanksgiving, the week before Christmas, and the day after Christmas. All U.S. embassies are closed on federal holidays other than those of the host country.


Other destinations


Hoa Kỳ có yêu cầu thị thực đặc biệt nặng nề và phức tạp. Đọc cẩn thận trước khi chuyến thăm của bạn, đặc biệt là nếu bạn cần phải xin thị thực, và tham khảo ý kiến ​​các Cục Lãnh sự. Du khách đã bị từ chối nhập cảnh vì nhiều lý do, thường là tầm thường.


Chuẩn bị tài liệu và lập kế hoạch và trước khi đến

Hoan nghênh! Công dân của 37 quốc gia trong chương trình miễn thị thực, cũng như công dân Canada, Mexico sống trên biên giới (có Thẻ đi qua biên giới), và công dân Bermuda (với hộ chiếu Anh (hải ngoại)) không cần phải có visa nhập cảnh vào Hoa Kỳ. Dân Canada và Bermuda thường được phép vào thăm cho đến sáu tháng.

Chương trình miễn thị thực, giấy phép ở lại miễn thị thực lên đến 90 ngày, áp dụng cho công dân của Andorra, Áo, Úc, Bỉ, Brunei, Cộng hòa Séc, Đan Mạch, Estonia, Phần Lan, Pháp, Đức, Hy Lạp, Hungary, Iceland, Ai-len, Ý, Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Hà Lan, New Zealand, Na Uy, Bồ Đào Nha, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tây Ban Nha, Thụy Điển, Thụy Sĩ, Đài Loan, và Vương quốc Anh.

Công dân của Liên bang Micronesia, quần đảo Marshall và Palau có thể nhập, cư trú, học tập, và làm việc tại Mỹ vô thời hạn chỉ có hộ chiếu hợp lệ.

Công dân của Bahamas có thể xin miễn visa nhập cảnh chỉ ở Các cơ sở trước khi thông quan hải quan trước khi giải phóng mặt bằng của Mỹ ở Bahamas, nhưng giấy chứng nhận cảnh sát hợp lệ có thể được yêu cầu cho những người trên 14 tuổi. Cố gắng để nhập thông qua cổng nào khác nhập cảnh đòi hỏi một thị thực hợp lệ.

Công dân quần đảo Cayman, nếu họ có ý định đi du lịch trực tiếp đến Mỹ từ đó, có thể có được một miễn thị thực đơn nhập khoảng $ 25 trước khi khởi hành.

Một hồ sơ tội phạm sẽ có khả năng bị thu hồi bất kỳ quyền đi lại miễn thị thực vào Mỹ Mặc dù có những ngoại lệ như vi phạm giao thông, vi phạm dân sự (chẳng hạn như xả rác, vi phạm tiếng ồn, phá rối trật tự), tội phạm chính trị hoàn toàn (ví dụ như cuộc biểu tình bất bạo động trong nước mà không được phép), và hành vi phạm tội trước khi 16 tuổi.

Công dân Vietnam nộp đơn xin cấp visa ở Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ tại Hà Nội hoặc Tổng lãnh sự quán Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và phải phỏng vấn trước khi cấp visa. Bạn phải chứng minh có công ăn việc làm ổn định, có tài sản...để chứng tỏ mình sẽ không thể ở lại Hoa Kỳ.

Rời khỏi Hoa Kỳ

Travel warning

Bạn muốn ở quá thời hạn visa?: Nếu bạn ở lại Hoa Kỳ quá thời hạn visa được in trên hộ chiếu hoặc vi phạm điều khoản của mục sẽ tự động mất hiệu lực của visa của bạn. "Nó cũng sẽ làm cho bạn gặp khó khăn rất lớn để tái nhập cảnh Hoa Kỳ và cũng có thể ngăn bạn tái nhập cảnh cho ít nhất là ba năm, nếu không phải là vĩnh viễn. Nếu bạn quá hạn trên chương trình miễn thị thực, bạn sẽ cần visa cho tất cả các chuyến thăm trong tương lai.

Không giống như hầu hết các nước, Hoa Kỳ không kiểm tra hộ chiếu chính thức khi xuất cảnh, đặc biệt là đối với những người đi du lịch bằng đường hàng không hoặc đường biển. Như vậy, nếu bạn đang rời Hoa Kỳ lần cuối cùng trên một chuyến đi đặc biệt (ví dụ như không trở về từ Canada hoặc Mexico), bạn có trách nhiệm phải nộp thẻ đến của bạn khi làm thủ tục lên máy bay, hoặc nhân viên biên giới Mexico hoặc Canada. Nếu không, bạn hãy liên hệ với các sỹ quan Mỹ về cách thức làm thế nào để trả lại và cập nhật hồ sơ khởi của bạn để tránh bất kỳ phức tạp nhập trong tương lai. Nếu bạn rời Hoa Kỳ trên một hãng hàng không thương mại, khởi hành của bạn cũng sẽ được xác minh với các hãng hàng không hoặc công ty vận chuyển. Do đó bạn không cần làm thủ tục gì thêm, dù sao những lần ghé thăm tương lai xem xét đưa các tài liệu cần thiết để chứng minh bạn để lại một cách hợp pháp. Hải quan và Bảo vệ Biên giới có thông tin về những gì để làm gì nếu sơ suất của bạn của bạn không được thu thập.

By air

Hầu hết các du khách đến từ bên ngoài Canada và Mexico đến Hoa Kỳ bằng máy bay. Trong khi nhiều trung bình các thành phố nội địa vừa có một sân bay quốc tế, có các chuyến bay hạn chế đối với hầu hết những điều này và hầu hết du khách đến Hoa Kỳ tại một trong những điểm bắt đầu lớn dọc theo bờ biển. Sân bay quốc tế trong thành phố New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami là bốn điểm chính nhập cảnh vào Hoa Kỳ bằng máy bay.Hiện chưa có tuyến bay thẳng từ Việt Nam với Hoa Kỳ. Khách đi từ Việt Nam sang Hoa Kỳ thường phải quá cảnh ở Hồng Kông, Singapore, Đài Bắc, Tokyo, Seoul.

  • Từ phía đôngNew York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Charlotte, Boston, Washington, DC, Orlando and Miami là những điểm nhập chính từ Europe và điểm xuyên khác khởi hành. Tất cả các sân bay lớn bờ biển phía đông có dịch vụ từ một số thành phố Châu Âu. Los Angeles và San Francisco, trong khi không phải ở phía đông cũng có một số lượng tốt của các chuyến bay từ các thành phố lớn của châu Âu.
  • Từ phía tâyLos Angeles, San Francisco and Honolulu là những điểm chính của nhập từ châu Á và điểm xuyên Thái Bình Dương khác khởi hành. Seattle and Portland (Oregon) có một vài lựa chọn chuyến bay quốc tế. Tất nhiên, nếu bạn đến Honolulu, bạn phải mất một chuyến bay khác để có được vào đất liền. Các hãng hàng không nước ngoài là are not cho phép để vận chuyển hành khách đến / từ Hawaii hay Alaska và 48 tiểu bang khác (ngoại trừ để tiếp nhiên liệu và quá cảnh). Nếu bạn đang bay vào bờ biển phía Tây để vận chuyển đến địa điểm khác, sân bay San Francisco tàu điện trên cao miễn phí kết nối các nhà ga hàng không, so với Los Angeles sẽ thấy bạn tiếp xúc với các yếu tố bắt một xe buýt hoặc đi bộ giữa các thiết bị đầu cuối. Chicago, trong khi không trên bờ biển phía tây, vẫn còn là một điểm yếu của nhập từ châu Á, cung cấp các chuyến bay thẳng từ Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Seoul, với dịch vụ trực tiếp từ Bangkok và Singapore. Qantas phục vụ Dallas / Fort Worth không ngừng từ Sydney, ngoài dịch vụ hàng ngày của họ đến Los Angeles và San Francisco từ Sydney và Melbourne.
  • Từ phía bắcChicago, New York, Detroit and Minneapolis có một số lượng tốt của các chuyến bay từ các thành phố lớn châu Á và Canada. Có các chuyến bay từ Toronto đến nhiều thành phố miền Đông và miền Trung Tây.
  • Từ phía namMiami, Houston and Los Angeles là những điểm nhập chính từ Latin America, chủ yếu là Nam Mỹ. Ngoài ra, Dallas, Atlanta and Charlotte là cột mốc quốc tế lớn. Từ Mexico, nhiều sân bay lớn của Mỹ có chuyến bay thẳng đến thành phố Mexico hoặc Cancun, và Los Angeles và Houston có dịch vụ không ngừng để nhiều nhiều thành phố Mexico khác.
  • Từ phía khác của thế giớiNew Delhi, Ấn Độ có chuyến bay thẳng đến New York (thông qua các sân bay JFK và Newark) và Chicago. Mumbai có các chuyến bay thẳng đến New York (JFK và Newark). From China, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and United Arab Emirates bạn cũng có thể bay đến New York (JFK). Qatar and Saudi Arabian fly to Washington, DC and South Africa Airways đi đến New York (JFK) và Washington, DC (Dulles). Los Angeles and Houston đều cung cấp tuyến bay thẳng đi Qatar và United Arab Emirates.

Mỹ yêu cầu thủ tục nhập đầy đủ ngay cả đối với quá cảnh quốc tế. Nếu bạn thường cần một visa nhập cảnh Hoa Kỳ và có thể không tránh quá cảnh, bạn sẽ cần một visa quá cảnh C-1

Thủ tục hải quan và nhập cảnh được thực hiện tại điểm dừng chân đầu tiên của Hoa Kỳ, không phải ở điểm đến cuối cùng của bạn, ngay cả khi bạn có một chuyến bay trở đi. Cho phép ít nhất ba giờ dừng chân đầu tiên của Mỹ.

Số lượng hành lý cho phép mang theo các chuyến bay đến và đi từ Mỹ thường hoạt động trên một hệ thống tính theo số hành lý ngoài các hệ thống tính theo trọng lượng ngay cả đối với các hãng nước ngoài. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn được phép một số lượng hạn chế túi để kiểm tra, trong đó từng túi không được vượt quá kích thước tuyến tính nhất định (tính bằng cách thêm chiều dài, chiều rộng và chiều cao của túi). Các khoản phụ cấp và hạn chế về trọng lượng, kích thước tuyến tính và số lượng hành lý cho phép chính xác được xác định bởi các tàu sân bay bạn đang bay với, nguồn gốc của bạn (nếu đến Mỹ) hay vùng đích (nếu để lại) và các lớp dịch vụ bạn đang đi du lịch in

Khi đến một khi bạn đã nhận hành lý của bạn, bạn có thể đi về phía lối ra. Hầu hết các sân bay có gần lối ra một bức tường "điện thoại lịch sự" với mô tả và giá của nhà nghỉ trong khu vực. Bạn có thể gọi các nhà nghỉ miễn phí và yêu cầu cho một phòng và một nhận đưa đón sẽ đến lấy bạn tại sân bay. Nó rất thuận tiện và chủ yếu là miễn phí (nhưng bạn có nghĩa vụ đấm người lái xe).

By train

Amtrak cung cấp dịch vụ quốc tế từ các thành phố Vancouver của Canada (Amtrak Cascades có hai chuyến mỗi ngày đến Seattle), Toronto (Maple Leaf có một chuyến mỗi ngày cho thành phố New York qua thác Niagara) và Montreal (Adirondack một lần mỗi ngày cho New York qua Albany).

Trên các chuyến tàu quốc tế từ Montreal và Toronto, các thủ tục xuất nhập cảnh thực hiện tại biên giới; Việc này tốn nhiều thời gian hơn xe buýt, có nghĩa là xe buýt rẻ hơn và nhanh hơn tàu hỏa.

Visitors from Vancouver who enter through US customs must clearly interview at Central Pacific Station before they board the train, just as they do by plane. Be sure to allow enough time before departure to complete the necessary checks.

From Mexico the closest Amtrak stations are in San Diego (Pacific Surfliner with multiple departures from San Diego to San Luis Obispo) and in El Paso (Sunset Island Limited & Texas Eagle weekly between Los Angeles and San Antonio) in San Antonio. Antonio Texas Eagle continues North towards Chicago and Sunset Limited continues east to New Orleans). Trains do not cross the border into Mexico so passengers continue to the border on local public transport or taxis. There were no trains coming from the other side of the Mexican border.

By car

Travel WarningVisa restrictions: All those who wish to enter the United States by land must have a valid passport; NEXUS, FAST, Global Entry, SENTRI, or passport card; Laser Visa; or "advanced driver's license" (issued by some Canadian states and provinces)

Traffic goes to the right (as in Canada and Mexico), except in US Virgin Islands, because left-hand driving is common in the smaller Caribbean islands.

If you enroll under the Visa Waiver Program, you will be charged a $6 fee, in cash, at the point of entry. There is no fee if you are simply re-entering the country and already have a Visa Waiver in your passport.

The US-Canada border and the US-Mexico border are two of the most crossed borders with millions of crossings daily. The average wait time is 30 minutes, but some of the longest border crossings can have significant delays - 1-2 hours away during peak hours (weekends, holidays). Current timeout (updated hourly) is available on the page US border web. The U.S.-Mexico border is strict about drug trafficking, so passing vehicles can be detected by infrared or by a drug-sniffing dog. If in doubt, your vehicle may be impounded. Since this is such a common occurrence, you don't need to lose patience from border officers.

As Canada and Mexico use the metric unit but the United States uses the common unit (feet), remember that on the way across the border, traffic signs will tell you the distance in miles and miles per hour . If you are driving from Canada or Mexico, be aware that the speed limit is 55 km there but in the United States it is 88 km/h.

By bus

Greyhound offers remarkably inexpensive cross-border services to both Canada and Mexico. Some routes, such as Toronto to Buffalo, have hourly service. Megabus U.S. also operates daily trips from Toronto (which is also the hub for Megabus Canada) to New York City via Buffalo for as little as $1.

One of the routes of the Windsor, Ontario city bus system (Bus Tunnel) that takes passengers to Detroit; Taking this bus (or the Greyhound bus) is absolutely necessary if you want to cross the border between Windsor and Detroit as pedestrians or cyclists will be prevented from entering the city either in the tunnels or on the ferry terminal.

Bus passengers are often subjected to more scrutiny by U.S. customs officials than by car or train.

By boat

Entry by sea is not common these days. The most popular entry points for private boats are Los Angeles, Florida, and the East Coast states. Several passenger ferries from Canada survive, mainly between British Columbia and Washington State or Alaska.

Cunard offers transatlantic sailing between England and New York.



Language (2003)
English (only one)214.8 million won
Spanish29.7 million won
Chinese2.2 million won
French (including Creole)1.9 million won
Tagalog1.3 million won
Vietnamese1.1 million won
German1.1 million won

Although the United States has no official language at the federal level, American English is the national language. In 2003, approximately 215 million people or 82 percent of the population age 5 and older spoke only English. He is at home. Spanish, spoken by more than 10 percent of the population at home, is the second most commonly spoken language and is as widely taught as a foreign language. Immigrants who want to become naturalized must know English. Some Americans advocate making English the official language of the United States because it is the official language in at least 28 states. Both Hawaiian and English are official languages ​​in Hawaii under state law.[135] Some maritime territories also recognize their native languages ​​as official languages ​​along with English: Samoan and Chamorro are recognized by American Samoa and Guam, respectively; Caroline and Chamorro are recognized by the Northern Mariana Islands; Spanish is the official language of Puerto Rico. While neither of these states has an official language, New Mexico has laws that make it possible to use both English and Spanish as Louisiana does for English and French.


The most common denominations of 1$, 5$, 10$ and 20$ denominations. There are also $2 denominations but rarely seen, $50 and $100 denominations are rarely used.

An economic trip to the US is possible, but it very easily exceeds the original budget.

If you spend extremely sparingly, it will only cost you $100 a day. A comfortable budget is usually between $175-225 a day, for which you can rent a car, get gas, two meals, stay in a good hotel and visit 1-2 museums. Spending more than $100 a day is not difficult, just splurge a few times, drive a lot in New York, Chicago, San Francisco.

If you stay in a mid-sized hotel, spacious room (like 80$-200$) in the countryside, 100$ for an overnight sleep like a king, but in some cities, clean place costs 200 $. Cheap travel, plan camping or staying in hostels ($15 - $25 a night), cook some meals yourself and travel by bus. Traveling by car is essential. One is to rent a minimum of $40 a day (vehicle type, tax payment, insurance may cost more).


The popular art of American cooking is similar to that of Western countries. Wheat is the main cereal grain. Traditional American cuisine uses ingredients such as turkey, white-tailed venison, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, squash, and maple syrup, as staples. The product has been used by Native Americans and ancient settlers since Europe to processing. Slow-cooked pork, roast beef, crab cake, potato chips, and chocolate chips Mixtures called chocolate chip cookies are authentic American foods. Sour food of African slaves, popular throughout the South and in places with American descent Africa. Fried chicken combined with traditional American culinary arts Africa and Scots are a national favorite. Iconic American dishes such as apple pie, pizza, hamburger, and hot dog are dishes drawn from the cooking methods of diverse immigrants from the United States. Europe. The food called French fries, Mexican dishes such as burritos and tacos, and pasta are of Italian origin enjoyed by people everywhere.[192] During the last two decades of the 20th century, the average American's calorie intake increased 24 percent,[192] as the proportion of Americans eating outside increased from 18 to 32 percent. Eating out regularly at fast-food restaurants like McDonald's is most likely linked to what government researchers call the "obesity epidemic."


Americans prefer coffee to tea with more than half of the adult population drinking at least one cup of coffee a day. American wines include Bourbon whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, applejack, and Puerto Rican Rum. The martini is a typical American fruit liqueur. The average American consumes 81.6 liters of beer per year. American-style lagers that are typical of the flagship brand Budweiser are light both in body and in taste; Budweiser owner Anheuser-Busch is dominating 50 percent of the national beer market. In recent decades, the production and consumption of alcohol has increased dramatically. Job Alcohol is currently a leading industry in California. Contrary to traditions Europe, Americans drink wine before meals, replacing fruit wine as aperitif. U.S. industry mainly produces breakfast drinks consisting of milk and orange juice. Very sweet drinks are popular everywhere; Sugary drinks make up 9 percent of the average American's daily calorie intake, double the rate three decades ago. Leading soft drink maker Coca-Cola is the most recognized brand in the world, ahead of McDonald's


By far the most common form of motel in the US agriculture and along many Interstates is the motel. Offering inexpensive rooms to individual cars, most motels are clean and reasonable with a limited range of amenities: telephone, TV, bed, shower. Motel 6 (1-800-466-8356) is a reasonably priced country ($30-$70, depending on city). Super 8 motels (1-800-800-8000) reasonably offer throughout the country as well. Reservations are usually not required, which is advantageous since you do not have to arbitrarily hinder a long road trip; you can simply drive until you are tired then find a room. However, some are used by adults looking to book a night for sex or illegal activities and many are located in the unwanted area.

Business or expansion in hotel offers increasingly nationwide. They can be found in smaller towns throughout the Midwest or in urban coastal areas. Generally they are more expensive than motels, but not as expensive as full-scale hotels, with prices around $70 to $170. While these hotels may appear to be the size of an inn, they may offer the conveniences of larger hotels. Examples include Marriott Courtyard by Marriott, Fairfield Inns and Residence Inns; Hampton Inn by Hilton and Hilton Garden Inn; Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Express; Of Starwood Four Points by Sheraton, and Hyatt Place.

The hotels for extended stays are directed at business or family with long stays (which frequently change locations at the discretion of the business). Hotels typically have kitchens in most rooms, afternoon social events (usually by a pool), and a Continental Breakfast. Such "confidential" hotels are roughly equivalent to the serviced apartments found in other countries, although the term "serviced apartment" is not commonly used in American English.

Hotels are available in most cities and often offer more services and amenities than motels. Rooms typically run about $80-$300 per night, but very large, charming and expensive hotels can be found in most major cities, offering luxury suites larger than some homes. Check-in and check-out times almost always fall between noon 11 AM and 2 PM - 4 PM. Some hotels in the United States will not accommodate guests under the age of 21 without checking in with an elderly person. Many US cities now have "city edges" in the suburbs where there are high-quality luxury hotels aimed at the retail rich. The hotels typically feature all the amenities of Downtown/Cousin CBD (and more), but at a little exorbitant price.

In many rural areas, especially on the coast and in New England, bed and breakfast (B&B) motels can be found. Typically in converted homes or buildings with less than a dozen units, B&Bs all have a home-like dining experience, with complimentary Breakfast served (of quality and consistency). different complexity). Bed and breakfasts range from $50 to $200 a night, with some places being much steeper. They can break a nice from the impersonality of chain hotels and motels. Unlike Europe, Americans book bed and breakfasts omitted; one must make a reservation in advance and receive that instruction.

The two most famous hotel guides covering the United States are the AAA (formerly the American Association for Automobiles; often pronounced "Triple-A") TourBooks, available to members and automatically linked to sentences. worldwide at AAA's local office; and Mobil travel guides, available at bookstores. There are several online hotel booking sites; Be aware that many of these sites add a small commission to the room, so it may be cheaper to book directly through the hotel. On the other hand, some hotels charge more for "drop-in" businesses than reserved rooms or studios obtained through agents and brokers, so it's worth checking both.

There are also youth hostels throughout the US. Most are affiliated with American youth organizations (a member of Hostelling International). Hostel quality varies widely, but at $8-$24 a night, prices are unbeatable. Despite the name, AYH membership is open to people of all ages. Non-AYH hostels are also available, especially in big cities. Be aware that hostels are concentrated in more touristy locations, don't assume that every mid-sized town will have a motel.

Camping can also be a very affordable option, especially with good weather. The downside of camping is that most camp outside of urban areas, so it's not much of an option for trips to major cities. It's a huge network of national parks (1-800-365-2267), with most of the country and many counties having their own park systems, too. Most states and countries great quality camping, with beautiful natural environments. Expect to pay $7-$20 per vehicle entered. Kampgrounds America (KOA) has a nationwide chain of franchised campgrounds, significantly less charming than the public sector equivalent, but with hookups for recreational vehicles and amenities like laundroma.



One of the first things that most immigrants have to do when they arrive in the US is find a job. Most consider this to be a big challenge. Even for locals, finding a job is already quite difficult, let alone immigrants who have not yet fully adapted to their new living environment. Fortunately, immigrants are always interested and supported by the US Government in this regard. Overall, the job search of immigrants is no different from other subjects. However, there will be many difficulties that you must overcome if you want to be employed in the US. The first challenge comes from language. If you do not speak English fluently, it will be difficult for you to find a job you like. Of course, even if you don't know English, you can still find a manual job with low income. But if you want a better job, you definitely have to be good at using the native language. There are many English courses for immigrants and you can easily find them right in your area.

In addition, immigrants also face another significant challenge, which is to prove the qualifications and experience required for the job. Even proving that existing qualifications and abilities are equivalent to American standards is not easy. To solve this problem, most cities have employment centers for immigrants to help them "convert" relevant degrees to American standards. Once you can speak English and prove yourself possessing the necessary qualifications and skills, the next step is to find places that are hiring. At this point, things will become more difficult. You will have to monitor job advertisements and ask around to know which units are in need of personnel. When you find a job that matches your qualifications, you must send your resume immediately. Of course, to get the job you want, you need not only a good resume, but also good job application forms. Employment centers in cities will help you prepare your resume, cover letter and find the address of an employer. Contacting these centers will help you a lot in the job application process, especially if you have just arrived and do not have much experience in the recruitment market here.

Here are some useful information channels for immigrants find a job:

  • The US Department of Labor (DOL) is the federal agency responsible for helping workers, job seekers, and retirees. The agency's website has all recruitment information for students, employees, employers and other organizations. Some information on the website is also available in Spanish.
  • One-Stop Career Centers, now known as American Job Center, is one of the popular job support services today. This service provides full support for job seekers, including preparing resumes, finding jobs as well as training courses. You can easily find the address of the nearest US Employment Center right on this website.
  • offers publications on the job market, including job search tips, career information, company benefits and more. This is where you can easily find your career opportunities.



The arrest of major criminals is unfortunate given America's reputation for crime, although few tourists have any problems; The usual precautions and staying alert are enough to avoid trouble. Crime is often associated with gangs and drugs in the inner cities, and with heated controversies. Stay away and you'll be fine. The urban tourist area is strictly guarded and safe from all petty crimes.

Rural crime in the US tends to be very rare and very localized, mostly occurring in very poor, disadvantaged, and easily avoidable communities. Urban areas tend to have homeless people who may be demanding money. If you feel harassed, say "No" firmly and stay away.

The crime rate (including homicide rate) in the US is significantly higher than in most European countries, but lower than in most countries around the world. However, this rate is distorted by gang violence and organized crime is almost exclusively found in some poor neighborhoods and members of organized crime groups are targeting each other - all of which do not affect the majority of visitors.

Illegal immigration and drug trafficking, and heavy handling by the authorities, make the Mexican border impassable. Official borders are normally used.


Los Angeles police squads in a patrol car

US police are generally polite, professional, and honest. When in uniform, they are also more formal, cautious, and cold than the police in, for example, Latin America - especially in large cities. If you are stopped by a traffic police officer, you should remain calm, polite and cooperative, avoid making unexpected movements and be clear about what you are doing if you need your wallet or purse for a presentation. It is especially important that you appear calm and cooperative if you are not white, as people of color are more likely to experience harassment and violence in the United States than whites. Turn on the car lights inside and keep your hands on the wheel to make it clear that you are not a threat; Do not leave the vehicle unless asked to do so. In general motorists should speak to police officers when they approach.

Prohibited acts of bribery with a police officer in any way or under any circumstances. US police culture always refuses to bribe, and only the hint will most likely lead to your immediate arrest. If you need to pay a fine, do not pay the officer; He or she can direct you to the appropriate police station, court, or government office. Most minor traffic violations can be paid by mail. Growing fines can be paid online or over the phone within minutes of receiving the ticket, although there is often a convenience fee of a few dollars. Instructions are usually printed on the ticket.

There are three types of police you'll most often encounter: state police/highway patrol units on state highways, rural sheriffs, and police officers. supervision by the city or town government working in urban areas. There are also smaller police departments, like transit or airport police, public transport and university patrols, or "campus" police, which patrol universities. Federal law enforcement officers are generally found only in or near federal facilities, such as ports of entry, national parks, and government offices. If you meet them elsewhere, it's usually because they're investigating specific allegations of federal crime.

Emergency service

Dial 9-1-1 in any phone will connect to emergency services (police, fire, emergency, etc.). Any phone in the United States, regardless of whether it works or not, can dial 911, it will connect to the nearest carrier, and those calls are always free. Unless you're calling from a cell phone or the Internet, the call monitor should be able to locate you from the phone you're using even if you don't say anything, without geolocation enabled. Modern cell phones will send your GPS location to a few meters within seconds of dialing 911. Dial 911 will deliver all 3 emergency services to your location within 5 minutes in most densely populated areas. Support times may be longer in sparsely populated areas or along interstates.

On any GSM mobile phone (standard technology in most parts of the world, especially in Europe), you can also dial 112, which is the standard emergency number for GSM networks worldwide. US GSM networks (AT&T, T-Mobile and smaller area operators) automatically redirect 112 calls to 911 numbers.

As in most countries, misuse of emergency services will result in receiving a call back from warning authorities; More serious will arrest you and the penalty can be up to 36 months in prison. If you're an immigrant, you could be deported for making a wrong call. If you accidentally call 9-1-1 (e.g. you press 0-1-1 and accidentally call - get a response "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"), you must try try to explain you accidentally dialed the wrong number. Even so, an officer may still show up to check on you.



In America, consciousness and self-discipline are always at the forefront. Therefore, to avoid being "shocked" when traveling to the US, you should carefully learn the customs below.

American computers are the best in the world.

Americans are very strict about eating. When buying food and drinks beyond the expiry date, they are also very interested in the calories, salt, sugar, cholesterol and especially the amount of fat listed on the product. They always calculate how to eat to provide the necessary amount of calories, without excess nutrients to avoid diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure ... Therefore, different from the culture of other countries, they pay a lot of attention. good eating, healthy eating…, no one praises the good food in America. Just fast, compact and enough quality is enough. Đây cũng là lý do khiến văn hóa thức ăn nhanh (fast food) lên ngôi cùng với các loại hamburger, thịt nguội.
Sức khỏe
Không như ở Việt Nam, bạn có thể "tự chữa trị" bằng cách chạy ra tiệm thuốc tây mua thuốc uống đỡ. Còn ở Mỹ, nhà thuốc chỉ chịu bán thuốc khi bạn trình toa bác sĩ. Nếu không may bị bệnh trên đường tour, bạn chỉ còn cách vào viện hoặc đi khám bác sĩ (dĩ nhiên, chi phí rất đắt). Bởi thế, trước khi đi tour, bạn nên mua bảo hiểm để phòng khi ốm đau vẫn có tiền trang trải. Tốt nhất là khi sửa soạn hành lý, bạn nên chuẩn bị sẵn những loại thuốc thông thường (cảm, sốt, đau bụng…) để kịp sử dụng khi "có chuyện". Nếu có bệnh, bạn nên chuẩn bị thuốc đặc trị mang theo để tránh tốn kém không cần thiết.
Vệ sinh công cộng – hút thuốc lá
Đây là nếp sống đã đi vào tiềm thức và tự giác của tất cả người Mỹ. Tuy không khắt khe như Singapore nhưng chính quyền Mỹ vẫn có luật phạt vi cảnh những người xả rác nơi công cộng. Ở Mỹ, một số nơi công cộng, bạn không được phép hút thuốc. Bạn cũng không được phép hút thuốc trên máy bay. Nếu hút thuốc trong toa-lét sẽ bị phát hiện ngay bởi máy báo khói.
Dù an ninh ở Mỹ khá tốt nhưng ngay trong thành phố cũng có những khu vực du khách không nên lai vãng. Tốt nhất là bạn nên tham khảo nhân viên khách sạn hoặc cảnh sát địa phương để biết khu vực nào cần tránh.

Đất nước này kêu gọi du khách tiết kiệm điện, nước và bảo vệ môi trường bằng cách dán đầy các yêu cầu "chỉ sử dụng khăn khi thật sự cần thiết" trong phòng tắm của khách sạn. Ở Mỹ, việc đưa tiền tip (tiền thưởng) là một quy định bắt buộc. Một số nhà hàng, khách sạn đều có cộng sẵn từ 10% – 25% phí phục vụ trong hóa đơn. Nếu không, bạn nên để lại tiền tip trên bàn ăn trước khi ra về hoặc đưa tận tay người phục vụ.

Cẩn thận hơn, các loại giấy tờ đều cần được photocopy ra một bản riêng để phòng khi mất thì có cơ sở xin lại. Để an toàn trên những chuyến du lịch xa, tốt nhất hãy sử dụng thẻ tín dụng (credit cards), tiền mặt chỉ mang theo hạn chế và chủ yếu là tiền lẻ để tiện sử dụng ở sân bay, trên đường tour.


This tutorial is just an outline, so it needs more information. Have the courage to modify and develop it !