North America - Bắc Mỹ

North America is the 3rd largest continent in the world with a surface area of ​​24,221,490 km². The continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is north of South America. Highest score in North America is the McKinley vertex in Alaska North America is also known as the New World when European explorers discovered this continent at the end of the 15th century, typically Christopher Columbus (or Cristoforo Colombo if written as follows). Italian). While Columbus is often cited as the first person to discover North America, the continent was actually inhabited by many indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived there. Nor was Columbus the first European to reach North America, since the early 11th century Vikings established small villages along the North Atlantic coast – a monument of which is still preserved at L'Anse aux Meadows, in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. After the Vikings came Giovanni Caboto (also known as John Cabot in English or Jean Cabot in French) when he arrived in Newfoundland on June 24, 1497. It was not until 1498 that Columbus set foot on the North American continent. .

Although Canada, the United States, and Mexico (as well as many small countries) are all part of North America, many people mistakenly think that Mexico belongs to South America.


North America consists of 3 large countries and 1 territory Canada, USA and Mexico, and the island of Greenland under the Kingdom Denmark.

South AmericaMexicoCentral AmericaCaribbeanCanadaUSAGreenlandMap of North America.png
White sand beaches, clear water.
Central America
The region consists of 7 countries located between North and South America.
Self-governing country, but still part of Denmark, Greenland is a large island region and the sun rises in the middle of the night.
Mexico is a major tourist attraction for those who enjoy sunlight, nature/ecology and history.


  • Havana - The capital of Cuba famous for its cigars, a culture imbued with the essence of the Caribbean-Spain, and legendary nightlife.
  • Kingston — is a center of Caribbean-African culture.
  • Los Angeles — headquarters of Hollywood and movie stars; mountains and beaches.
  • Mexico City — is the 3rd largest city in the world in terms of the number of museums it owns, ancient architecture...
  • New York City
  • Panama City — friendly city connecting North America and South America
  • Toronto — the largest city Canada.
  • Vancouver — the capital of steel and glass skyscrapers and its natural beauty
  • Washington, D.C. - The capital of USA with many historical and cultural attractions

Other destinations

  • Banff . National Park - Canada's first national park is also one of its largest
  • Chichen Itza - the largest archaeological city of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
  • Corcovado . National Park - very biodiverse national park in Costa Rica
  • Grand Canyon - a large canyon in Arizona, carved over several million years
  • Niagara Falls - three majestic waterfalls on the border between the United States and Canada
  • Teotihuacan - "city of the gods", with some of the largest ancient pyramids in the world
  • Tikal - an archaeological site in Guatemala, one of the largest and most important of the ancient Maya city
  • Walt Disney World - Disney empire worldwide theme park, near Orlando, Florida
  • Yellowstone National Park - the world's first national park is also home to most of the geysers and a great concentration of animals



By plane

You can reach major cities in the US and Canada by direct flights from all five other continents. Latin American carriers fly directly between Central and South America and Europe, you can fly directly to many Caribbean islands. can watch sex on the plane too

By boat

It is possible to travel across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by air or by cruise line, but cruises tend to be quite expensive compared to (and infrequently) airplanes. There are ferries from the northern rim of South America to Central America and the Caribbean.


Even if the Americas are physically connected, there is no road or rail between Panama and Colombia. Theoretically it is possible to wander through the rainforest, but if you want to take your car with you, you need to take the ferry.


By plane

Because population centers are often widely spaced, most long-distance travel is by air, with an extensive network of major hubs and smaller regional airports, often supplemented. with car rental services for local travel.

By bus

There are long-range bus service routes in most of the US and Canada, but travel times are too long (on the order of three to five times that of a direct trip in a private vehicle) and many The station is relatively safe. Most bus services are only useful for travel in dense metro areas or along major commuter routes and then are limited or not yet after hours. Bus service is extensive in Mexico as well.

By car

Most travel in Canada, the US and Mexico is by private vehicle. Most routes in Canada and the United States are well maintained, with amenities such as gas stations, food, and accommodation ranging from adequate to very convenient. If you have an emergency that jeopardizes your life, safety, or property, you should be able to dial 911 from a compatible cell phone on most major highways and reach operator anytime. Car insurance and health insurance in Canada or the United States are generally valid in the other country, although wise travelers will confirm with their insurance company. Canadian insurance and US insurance in Mexico are sometimes limited or not respected. Again, wise travelers will confirm with their insurance company.

Car rental agencies are available at most airports. Usually, a valid driver's license and a large credit card or cash deposit are required. Rentables are sometimes restricted to drivers under the age of 25. Many agencies offer short-term coverage and supplemental coverage.


To watch




Because the United States has a large population of pioneer and immigrant populations around the globe, the culinary diversity is immense. Many cosmopolitan cities (Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Las Vegas to name a few) have a wide range of dining options to offer tourists. These cities attract both renowned chefs from around the world serving world-class fare in Michelin-starred restaurants, as well as lands of different nationalities offering cuisines inexpensive in the area from their homeland.

You'll want to experience the foods of the area you're visiting: seafood in San Francisco, lobster in Maine and Boston, steak in Texas, Creole in New Orleans, barbecue throughout the South and Texas with each region having its unique sauces and preparations.

Fresh food is especially available in California, also enjoy a highlight of organic food and "slow food". In Florida, you'll want to tour the orange groves for that freshly squeezed flavor. Georgia is famous for its fresh peaches. Countries on the southern border, such as New Mexico, serve a variety of Mexican foods, and the spicy and flavorful will vary based on the Mexican country they border.

Canadian food, like American food, varies from region to region and is heavily influenced by its immigrant culture. In general, you should think seafood on the coast, meat and potatoes in the heart of the country, and pretty much anything you can think of in the major cosmopolitan cities. Poutine, french fries covered in cheese curds and gravy, may be the nation's fast food favorite. The Caribbean is known for its seafood and specialties like jerk chicken its.

To drink


Health care


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