East Asia - Đông Á

Chinese characters at a king's palace in Seoul, South Korea

East Asia is a geographical and cultural area of Asia.

contries and territories

Map of countries, territories and cities in East Asia
A large country in East Asia with cultural diversity and natural beauties is in a period of strong development.
Hong Kong
This is a former British colony, now a global city of Asia.
As one of the most modern countries in the world with outstandingly developed technology; high-rise buildings in megacities; whose culture is famous for: Samurai, Ninja, Zen, Sushi, Hello Kitty, Pokémon, and Nintendo.
Former Portuguese colony
A nomadic land with large spaces and mystical Buddhism.
North Korea
South Korea


35°25′12″N, 110°28′12″E
East Asia Map
  • Beijing — is the center of 5 dynasties, there are many relics more than 800 years old
  • Hong Kong
  • Kyoto — former capital of Japan, considered the cultural center of the country home to many temples/temples and gardens Japan
  • Shanghai — the main economic and commercial center of China
  • Pyongyang
  • Seoul
  • Taipei — the administrative, commercial and cultural center of Taiwan
  • Tokyo
  • Ulaanbaator

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