Iraq - Iraq

Alqosh village near Mosul
Iraq - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Iraq - Coat of arms
Iraq - Flag
Time zone
Travel Notice!ATTENTION: In consideration of the persistence of a high-risk security situation, travel in any capacity to Iraq is not recommended, also avoiding travel deemed absolutely necessary for business reasons, in particular in the so-called "Sunni triangle" (Ramadi, Samarra and Fallujah) . A state of emergency is in force in the aforementioned area with strict provisions which, if violated, endanger the life of offenders. It should always be borne in mind that such severe measures, in the major cities of the country, can be suddenly introduced or undergo variations. (August 2020)
Government Tourist Notices

Iraq is a state of the Middle East which adjoins Turkey North, Saudi Arabia is Kuwait South, Syria to the northwest, Jordan to the west and Iran at East.

To know

Shatt al-Arab near Basra

The territory of Iraq roughly corresponds to the territory of ancient Mesopotamia, the "land between rivers" (Bilād al-Rafidayn in Arabic), while the current name comes from the Persian eraq, meaning "low lands" (as opposed to ' Iranian plateau).

It has the third largest oil reserve in the world.

Geographical notes

In the western part there is a strip of the Arabian plateau and a part of the Syriac desert, both crossed by the course of the Euphrates and with Mesopotamia, a large alluvial plain in the center.

The north-eastern part of the country is occupied by a series of mountain ranges, belonging to the Zagros system. The highest peak is Keli Haji Ibrahim, 3,600 m a.s.l.

The most important lakes are: Hawr al Hammar (1,950 km²), Buhayrat ath Thartar (1,500 km²), Bahr al Milh (1,000 km²).

Iraq also has a small outlet on the Persian Gulf.

When to go

The Iraqi climate is tropical: steppe in the north and desert in the south. Winters are mild, excluding the mountain range north of the country, where they are quite harsh. Summers are very hot, temperatures in this season are among the highest in the world, constantly exceeding 43 ° C, with peaks of 51 - 52 ° C, especially in the Mesopotamian plain.


The fertile area of ​​Mesopotamia, located between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, has seen the birth of some of the oldest civilizations in the world such as the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians. It was then for a long time part of the Persian Empire - both Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid -. It was annexed to the Roman Empire and Christianized in the 3rd century and then returned to Persia in the 4th century until the definitive defeat of the Persians by the Roman emperor Heraclius in the 7th century shortly before the Islamic conquest

In 656 present-day Iraq was conquered by the Arabs, who introduced Islam and ruled it from Damascus, today in Syria. From the beginning of the sixteenth century Iraq was instead disputed between the Persian Empire, ruled by the Shiite dynasty of the Safavids, and the Sunni Ottoman Empire, until the latter incorporated it definitively in 1638.

At the end of the First World War, British troops occupied present-day Iraq (until then an Ottoman province) and declared it independent on 1 October 1919.

Spoken languages

L'Arabic, belonging to the Semitic family, prevails over Kurdish, of Indo-European origin, very close to Farsi (modern Persian). There is also a small percentage of Arabs who speak English (about 3%).

Culture and traditions

Iraq is musically best known for an instrument called ˁūd (lute) and for the rabāb (similar to a violin); the best known musicians who use these instruments are Ahmad Mukhtār and the Assyrian Munīr Bashīr respectively.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Giazira - The north and northwest of the territory of Baghdad, between and around the rivers of the Upper Tigris and Euphrates.
      Baghdad district - The district set by the suburbs, towns and cities that radiate from the center of Baghdad.
      Iraqi desert - The vast empty desert in the west and southwest of the country.
      Iraqi Kurdistan - Home to the Kurdish people, and largely under the administration of what the people believe to be a separate national government, this is Iraq's safest region for travel.
      Lower Mesopotamia - The cradle of civilization itself, the homeland of large Shia cities and sacred places, such as Kerbela, Najaf, Basra is Nassiriya, as well as the legendary ruins of ancient civilizations, including Babylon and Sumerian Ur.

Urban centers

Other destinations

  • Ashur - Former capital of the Assyrian Empire and a World Heritage SiteUNESCO, this is one of the few major archaeological sites in the country that has benefited from the recent invasion. Hussein's government planned to create a nearby dam that would flood and completely destroy the site.
  • Babylon (بابل) - Damaged by poor reconstruction, looting and military neglect, the ruins of ancient Babylon are still some of the most impressive evidence of the cradle of civilization.
  • Ctesiphon - The ancient capital of the Parthian and Sassanid empires has left us with magnificent towering ruins, most notably the magnificent Arch of Ctesiphon, just beyond the Tigris is the archaeological site of the ancient Hellenistic city of Seleucia.
  • Hatra - Site UNESCO and a Parthian city located out in the desert and incredibly well preserved. They are quite possibly the most magnificent ruins in Iraq.
  • Nineveh (نينوى) - A 3,000-year-old city, once the capital of the Assyrians, whose ruins and partly reconstructed archaeological site lie along the Tigris from Mosul.
  • Ur (أور) - The ruins of the ancient Sumer city, best known for its giant pyramid, the Great Ziggurat of Ur.

How to get

Entry requirements

Travel warningVisa restrictions: Due to the Arab League boycott of Israel, entry is refused, to Israeli citizens and to all those who have a visa in their passport for Israel, once you arrive at the airports of Baghdad, Basra, Mosul or Najaf.

How to get around

What see

  • Tombs of the King in Ur.
  • Ruins of the city of parts in Hatra, Heritage ofUNESCO since 1985.

What to do

Currency and purchases

The national currency is the Iraqi dinar (IQD) Here are the links to know the current exchange rate with the main world currencies:

(EN) With
(EN) With

At the table

Tourist infrastructure

Events and parties


Before embarking on the journey consult:

Health situation

Respect the customs

How to keep in touch

Other projects

States of Asia
AsiaContour coloured.svg

flag Afghanistan · flag Saudi Arabia · flag Bahrain · flag Bangladesh · flag Bhutan · flag Burma · flag Brunei · flag Cambodia · flag China · flag North Korea · flag South Korea · flag United Arab Emirates · flag Philippines · flag Japan · flag Jordan · flag India · flag Indonesia · flag Iran · flag Iraq · flag Israel · flag Kyrgyzstan · flag Kuwait · flag Laos · flag Lebanon · flag Maldives · flag Malaysia · flag Mongolia · Blank.pngflagBlank.png Nepal · flag Oman · flag Pakistan · flag Qatar · flag Singapore · flag Syria · flag Sri Lanka · flag Tajikistan · flag Thailand · flag East Timor · flag Turkmenistan · flag Uzbekistan · flag Vietnam · flag Yemen

States with limited recognition: flag State of Palestine · flag Taiwan

Only physically Asian states[1]: flag Armenia · flag Azerbaijan[2] · flag Cyprus · flag Georgia[2] · flag Kazakhstan · flag Russia · flag Turkey

States de facto independent: flag Abkhazia[2] · flag Artsakh · flag Northern Cyprus · flag South Ossetia[2]

Addictions Australian: flag Cocos and Keeling Islands · flag Christmas Island

Addictions British: UKUnited Kingdom (flag)Akrotiri and Dhekelia[3] · Flag of the Commissioner of the British Indian Ocean Territory.svgBritish Indian Ocean Territory

Partially Asian states: flag Egypt (Sinai) · flag Greece (North Aegean Islands, Dodecanese) · flag Russia (Asian Russia) flag Turkey (Asian Turkey)

  1. States generally considered to be European from an anthropic point of view
  2. 2,02,12,22,3It was considered physically wholly Asian only by some geographical conventions
  3. Physically Asian state or dependency but generally considered European from an anthropic point of view
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