Kyrgyzstan - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Kirghizistan — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg
Capital city
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
41 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 75 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ E Official site

the Kyrgyzstan (also called the Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyzstan or the Kyrgyzstan ; in Kyrgyz Kyrgysstan, Кыргызстан, in RussianKyrgyzstan, Кыргызстан) is a country ofCentral Asia, frontier of Kazakhstan, of the China, from Tajikistan andUzbekistan.


Kyrgyzstan was annexed by Russia in 1864 and gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Since the Russians withdrew, the country has faced unemployment and the dismantling of industries.


Provinces (oblast) of Kyrgyzstan


  • Bishkek  – Capital city. Lenin Museum.
  • Osh
  • Naryn
  • Karakol  – Prjevalsky Museum and the surrounding mountains.
  • Jalalabad
  • Tokmok  – The Burana tower or tower of Buran minaret of XIe century.

Other destinations

  • Tash Rabat  – Caravanserai and hiking and horseback riding.
  • His Koul  – Lake whose shores are occupied by mountain pastures in summer. Stay in a yurt and hiking and horseback riding.
  • Issyk Kul lake
  • the gorges of Ala Archa National Park
  • ascension at Lenine peak, 7 134 m. Starting point, Osh, 300 km South
  • the walnut forest in Arslanbob
  • the lake of Sary-Chelek
  • the valley of Suusamyr
  • the Kizil-Korgon canyon
  • Mountain biking in the Keukeumeren canyon
  • Do not hesitate to stop to see the cemeteries which offer interesting architectures
  • the Uzgen minaret, XIe century,
  • the Kojomkul Museum in the Suusamyr Valley,

To go


Tourist visa is no longer required for more than 44 countries, including the richest countries in the world. Including, among others, nationals swiss, French, canadians, luxembourgish, belgians, spanish, italians, german and United States. This rule is valid for tourist stays not exceeding 60 days.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Logo indicating a link to the website – The site includes the complete list of states whose nationals are exempt from entry visas.
  •      Kyrgyzstan
  •      Visa exemption not limited in time
  •      Visa exemption for 90 days
  •      Visa exemption for 60 days
  •      Visa exemption for 30 days
  •      Visa on arrival for 30 days

By plane

Turkish airlines operates an Istanbul-Bishkek route. The airport is approximately 40 min city ​​bus.

Aeroflot from Moscow serves Bishkek very well. British Airways also offers a few flights a week, most often with a stopover on the way, for example to Baku. Several new companies'low cost'' have been serving Bishkek since 2013. Airport code: FRU (from the old name of Bishkek, Frunzé).

By train

China plans to create a railway line between Kashgar (China, Xinjiang) and Bishkek or Osh.

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, 90% of the territories are mountains. This is why in this Central Asian country this type of means of transport is not developed. The railroad exists only in the north of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan) and in the south.

North; in the Chuy valley. From east to west (from the town of Baliktchi to the west of Lake Issyk-Kul to the Chaldovar border post, border with Kazakhstan) In Bishkek there is a railway station. Kyrgyz people often use the train to reach the big cities of Russia: Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, etc.

In the south, it reaches from Uzbekistan to the cities of Jalalabad, Tash Komur, Osh, Kara Suu, Kyzyl Kya and Suluktu.

By bus

You can arrive from China via the Torugart pass. Be careful, it can snow there, even in summer. And it remains difficult in practice for tourists, because this route is supposed to be reserved for locals. False, it does not snow in July and August, and the passage is for everyone, just go through an agency to be waited for at the border by a taxi, the price being at the passage (surroundings 300 dollars), try to regroup with the agency, there were 10 of us 30 dollars each.

You can also get to Osh from Kashgar (China, Xinjiang) without difficulty.

By car

Certain crossing points are prohibited for tourists whether they are pedestrians or motorized.


By plane

By train

By bus

By car

Road signs comply with international conventions, directions and distances are indicated on white type signs on a blue background, the indications are mentioned in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.

It is of course possible to drive a vehicle yourself as long as you hold an international driving license.

Many more or less official "taxis" are found around bus stations and are very practical for moving to areas not served by buses, the price remains low compared to Western criteria once the bargaining is completed, it is also better to share the taxi with several people to divide the costs.

Be careful, however, of the condition of certain vehicles (little or no lighting ...) and the rather sporty driving of some drivers (frequent overtaking and unexpected lane change ...).

Gas stations are quite present along the main roads and the price of fuel is significantly lower than in Western countries. However, it is advisable to travel in a convoy especially at night and to provide reserves (fuel, oil, tools ...) and all the more so, if you plan to go to the most remote regions.

Avoid picking up hitchhikers at night as much as possible, there is a risk of falling on drunk people who cannot control themselves too much ... on the other hand, a daytime meeting can easily end up in person!

Speed ​​limits:

  • Route: 90 km / h(often 70 km / h between two villages)
  • City : 60 km / h

It is strictly forbidden to drive after consuming alcohol. Fines are imposed according to the nature of the offense and the mood of the officer responsible for issuing a ticket. Road checks with hand-held radar are common, especially in the south of the country.

On horseback

The horse is certainly the best means of transport to discover the country. It allows access to many passes and to discover the life of the Kyrgyz people who raise herds in the mountains during the summer.

To speak

The official language is Kyrgyz, however Russian is more useful than English for speaking.

To buy

One hundred som bill

The currency of Kyrgyzstan is the som (som, KGS)


  • the Bech Barmak, translation 'five fingers'. Kyrgyz national dish, made from boiled mutton and pasta seasoned with onions.
  • the Lagman, a dish from China, made with homemade pasta and a vegetable sauce, is also available in a version cooked in oil.
  • plov is a Central Asian dish made from rice
  • many dishes are flavored with dill
  • momo (donuts)
  • Shahshlik, skewers of meat, mainly mutton and beef.
  • Mantys - large ravioli stuffed with mutton, potatoes and onion steamed

Have a drink / Go out

  • Kyrgyz vodka is of very good quality
  • koumys, fermented mare's milk, a drink that nomads will undoubtedly taste if you cross paths with them.


  • Under yurts (traditional nomadic dwellings) for tourists near the lakes and near the Caravanserai of Tash Rabat.
  • camping in the pastures.
  • homestay in the villages.
  • in guesthouses or homestays in small towns.
  • An association puts you in contact with 'nomadic' shepherds in spring and summer in order to stay in their yurts and participate in the life of the highlands, the best way to meet the traditional life of the Kyrgyz people. (Shepherd Life)

To learn

To work



Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :102
Firefighter :101

Some rules must be observed in order to avoid disappointments during your stay:

  • Be in good standing if you approach the Chinese border. Make sure you have the correct stamps. Permits are indeed required to travel to certain border areas, notably in the Ak Sai valley, to Chater Kol lake behind Tash Rabat, and in the Lenine peak area.
  • Do not deviate from the roads especially near border areas, anti-personnel mines are still present.
  • If camping, make sure you have the necessary permits in the protected areas. Avoid the surroundings of mines (gold in particular).

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


  • The toilets are not always very clean ...


Ramadan date

  • From April 24 to May 23, 2020 (Year 1441 AH)
  • From April 13 to May 12, 2021 (Year 1442 AH)
  • From April 2 to 1er May 2022 (Hegira year 1443)

Majority of Muslims insist on local sighting of the crescent moon to mark the start of Ramadan, but others insist on calculating the new moon or declaring it saudi to determine the start of the month. Since the first crescent after the new moon is not visible everywhere at the same time, the start and end dates of the month depend on what is visible in each location. Therefore, the dates vary from country to country, but usually only one day.

The customs and traditions of the country, especially in yurts, it is imperative to take off your shoes as soon as you enter the yurt, it is also advisable not to refuse any dishes and toast that could be worn.

It is advisable to dress discreetly, especially in the south of the country.

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