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The longer the trip, and the more it differs from your driving routine, the more important it is to prepare for. take the road carefully. If you are traveling with children or in winter, there are things to consider.


  • Driving license of the country of residence, the French driving license is recognized in all the countries of the European Union as well as in most other states of the world.
  • International driving license, desirable as it is translated into several languages. However, it should be noted that certain states such as China do not recognize it and it is necessary to pass the locally recognized license to drive in these countries. Other states like Japan ask for an official translation of your driver's license.
  • Insurance (green card recognized in all countries ofEurope as well as to the countries of Maghreb and in Asia from West. For other countries where you would have to travel with your car, you will need to take out national insurance with variable duration. This process is generally carried out at the entrance of each country visited. Insurance "assistance" and / or "repatriation" exist and can be of great help.
  • In Swiss, in Austria, in Czech Republic and in Slovakia : you must obtain a sticker to stick on the windshield of your vehicle to use the motorway network. Prices and validity periods vary according to the countries visited. Know that if you move in Germany with a freight transport vehicle of 12 tons, you must pay a toll payable at the terminals at the entrance to the motorways or by means of an on-board sensor.


  • Some European countries require equipment with fire extinguishers, warning triangles, fluorescent vests and medicine boxes.
  • In desert regions or during raids across continents, it is strongly recommended to bring tools and this, in a consistent manner. The same goes for some spare and maintenance parts that are often impossible to find depending on the region where it breaks down.

Road network and related services

  • Any type of vehicle (car, 4x4, truck or coach, etc.) can be used for a long trip across continents, on condition that you prefer motorable roads (for other types of roads, favor all-round vehicles. -terrain ...) and to check the mechanical condition every day before each departure.
  • In underdeveloped countries, the quality of the fuel (and sometimes that of the lubricants ...) can leave something to be desired and it is sometimes preferable to leave with a rather old vehicle because the engine will be better able to withstand them, due to their less advanced technology. HDI TDI engines and the like are very likely to "let you down".
  • All industrialized countries (or almost ...) have rest areas and services along major axes (highways, expressways and roads ...) and offering many amenities: gas station, restaurants, cafeterias, parking lots, toilets ... Elsewhere, these are sometimes simple stalls set up here and there and the mechanics often turn out to be genius handymen.

Traffic Laws

Direction of traffic: traffic to the right in red and to the left in blue
  • Following the Geneva Convention, most traffic signs have been internationalized from one country to another but differences remain as regards the circulation itself as well as in North America where the rules are quite specific in terms of positioning on the roadway and crossing intersections.

Car rental

Short-term car rental is a service offered by a company that provides customers with car rental for short periods ranging from a few hours to a few weeks.

Rental companies are often made up of many local agencies, including allowing customers to return their vehicle to a location other than the pick-up location. Rental agencies are mostly located at airport terminals, in close proximity to train stations and in city centers, and reservations can be made online through a website.

Car rental primarily meets a temporary need for those who do not have their own vehicle, who need a replacement vehicle following the immobilization of their automobile, who are looking for a complementary vehicle after a train or plane trip. Beyond passenger cars, utility vehicles and two-wheelers are an integral part of the rental.

In addition to the provision of a vehicle, the agencies also offer to book additional products and services such as: insurance, additional driver, GPS navigation systems, child seats, chains or snow tires, or the provision from the vehicle to the hotel.

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