Maghreb - Maghreb

The Maghreb (Arabic:المغرب‎, al-maghrib, DMG al-ma'rib, „west“) Is the western part of North Africa. Geographically, it is North West Africa. Most popular travel destinations are Morocco and Tunisia. The Maghreb is shaped by the triad of the sea, the mountains of the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara in the south. The region is mostly inhabited by Berbers. Classically, the region around the Atlas Mountains is considered to be the Maghreb, which extends from the Mediterranean to the Sahara. The countries Mauritania and Libya do not actually belong to the Maghreb, but are part of the Union of the Arab Maghreb.
Maghreb states with Libya and Mauritania

The following states belong to the Maghreb (occasionally also Libya and Mauritania counted to the Maghreb):


The capitals of the Maghreb countries are:

  • Tunis of Tunisia
  • Algiers of Algeria
  • Rabat of Morocco
  • Western Sahara does not have an independent capital.

Other cities are the Spanish exclaves:

  • Werner Herzog (Ed.): The Maghreb: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia.. Munich: C.H.Beck, 1990, ISBN 978-3-406-33180-0 .
The Maghreb is easily accessible from Europe both by ferry and by plane. Ferries to Morocco start Algeciras, Tarifa, Málaga and Almeria in Spain Sète at Montpellier and Port Vendres at Perpignan in France Genoa and Naples in Italy. Between Tangier and Algeciras there is an express ferry. There are no ferry or boat connections to the Canaries. Tunisia is from Marseille in France, as well as the Italian ports Genoa, La Spezia and Naples started off. Port of arrival is Tunis (La Goulette port). Algeria can be reached from the Spanish ports Barcelona and Alicante, the French Marseille or Genoa in Italy. The destination ports are usually Oran and Algiers.
Other goals
Alleys of Sidi Boud Said in Tunisia
In Tunisia, these are primarily the ancient sites of Carthage (Carthage), Bulla Regia, Dougga and El Jem. In the south of all Maghreb states, the Sahara lures with its rock formations, oases and dunes.