Maputo - Maputo

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Maputo is the capital of Mozambique and at the same time largest city in the country. Due to the convenient location on the Indian Ocean and the architectural diversity of the city, it is often called the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” (port. Peróla do Índico) called.


After decades of civil war, Mozambique is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world, which is particularly evident in the strong influx of people into the suburbs, three-quarters of which are described by city planners as "informal slums". The population is expected to grow from 2.4 to 4 million over the next ten years. Growing prosperity has already led to such an increase in car traffic that it is often only possible to walk at a walking pace during the day. In the medium term, it can be assumed that due to the rise in sea levels, significant parts of the city will sink into the water.

Numerous street names honor deserved (African) freedom fighters of the 20th century.

getting there

The journey from the German-speaking area is a bit tedious and can be done almost exclusively by plane.

By plane

Two airports are suitable for arriving in Maputo:

  • Maputo has its own airport Mavalane International (Aeroporto Internacional de Maputo, MPM), which is served by several intercontinental airlines, but not directly to German-speaking countries. There are flight connections to Johannesburg (with South African / LAM), Lisbon (with TAP), Doha (with Qatar Airways) and Addis Ababa (with Ethiopian Airlines). Flight costs range from 700 to 1200 euros. In addition, the Mozambican airline LAM offers numerous domestic flights from all provincial capitals, the costs amount to a good 400 to 500 euros. There are numerous taxis for downtown Maputo Airport.
  • Johannesburg Airport (O R Tambo International Airport, JNB), which has flight connections to all continents. A list of the flight connections can be found in the article Johannesburg Airport O.R. Tambo. Flight costs range from 500 to 700 euros. There are various ways of getting to Maputo from the airport (see the following sections).

By train

Maputo station completed in 1910 (2009).

The railroad is a rather unusual form of transport in Mozambique. The train station is near the port1 Estação do Caminho de Ferro. Nevertheless, there are a few passenger trains to Maputo, each from the three border towns of Goba (Eswatini), Ressano Garcia (South Africa) and Chicualacuala (Zimbabwe) to the main train station in Maputo. Unless the trains are canceled due to flooding or other reasons, they run daily. The prices usually range from 100 to 300 meticais (€ 3 to 8).

There is no railway line connecting north and south Mozambique.

By bus

There are numerous buses that connect Maputo with all surrounding places and countries. The main bus station for long-distance routes is 2 junta on the EN 1 at the junction of R. Carlos Morado, about halfway between the Lhanguene cemetery and the zoo.

  • Various providers from South Africa have established themselves on the (Pretoria–) Johannesburg – Maputo route. The journey in the air-conditioned buses from Johannesburg is about eight to nine hours. Prices are around 20 to 30 euros. Providers are among others Intercape, Greyhound and TransLux. The buses to South Africa stop at their own bus stops in the city center.
  • From Durban (South Africa), the Africa Bus company operates the Durban – Maputo route twice a week.
  • There are no regular buses from Eswatini, only the usual Mozambican minibuses (chapas). A minibus ride from the border town of Lomahasha / Namaacha takes a good two hours, the journey costs around 60 meticais (€ 1.50).
  • There are a few bus companies that still offer services between North and South Mozambique, among others Linhas Terrestres de Moçambique.
  • Within Mozambique there are also the typical minibuses that connect many places with each other. These do not meet European safety standards and expectations, but are inexpensive. The minibuses usually end at the bus terminals of the Baixa (Downtown, Avenida Albert Lithuli) or at the junta (Roundabout on Avenida de Moçambique / Rua Gago Coutinho).

In the street

Maputo is well connected to the interior of the country via the various national roads.

  • Of South Africa from the western border town of Ressano Garcia on the national road 4 (EN4). It is one of the best in the country, but there is a toll on it. The drive from the border to Maputo takes about one to two hours. A trip from the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal to Maputo has been possible without any problems since the Maputo-Catembe Bridge opened in November 2018. The travel time from the border has been reduced from 5-6 hours to 90 minutes. However, the slow clearance at the Lebombo border crossing (open 6:00 am to midnight), which can take four hours, is still problematic.
  • Of Eswatini There are two well-developed roads, the national roads 2 (EN2, from Namaacha) and 3 (EN3, from Goba), they are not tolled. A trip takes a good one to two hours.
  • The national road 1 (EN1) connects north and south Mozambique, this is mostly in very good condition. Due to the current political situation, a trip on the road between Muxúnguè and Rio Save is not recommended advised against. There are practically no alternative routes.

By boat

There are some cruise lines that also operate in 3 Maputo Port Stop. These trips usually start in Durban.


Map of Maputo
Chapas, the local minibuses in morning traffic.

Within the center of Maputo, most tourist attractions and other locations are within walking distance. However, caution is advised here, many sidewalks are in poor condition, and many sewer covers are missing.

For longer distances, taxis are recommended, which can be recognized by their yellow-green paintwork. Taxis do not have a taximeter, it is important to use negotiating skills. Usually, taxis that are stopped on the street or in front of hotels are more expensive. For this reason, it is advisable to choose one of the taxi services, for example Taxi Marcello (Tel .: 82-5050050, 84-5050050, 86-5050050). They have a fixed price list and compare this with the taxi office every time they travel. Tipping is not common.

There is also an extensive network of minibus lines (chapas), which connect almost all Maputos with each other. Most of the time, the vehicles do not meet European safety standards. The frequent overcrowding is also characteristic of the minibuses. Nevertheless, especially for Mozambicans, these are usually the only way to get around. A trip within Maputo generally costs seven (7) meticais, around 0.17 euros. There are two Chapa “terminals” in the city center: one at the Natural History Museum 1 , in the Rua dos Lusíadas, usually called "Museu"; the other in the lower town (Baixa) in the2 Avenida Albert Lithulli / Avenida 25 de Setembro (officially called "Anjo Voador," but usually just called "Baixa"). Based on the colors of the vehicles you can distinguish the direction of destination.

There is also a patchy network of diesel buses operated by the urban transport company TPM. This is currently being greatly expanded, but remains difficult to understand without network and timetables. The development of a system of express bus routes on their own lanes should be completed by 2017. The first route is to connect the suburb of Magoanine with the train station. The aim is to shorten the travel time for the 17 km from two hours to 30 minutes.[1] A second line should lead to Zimpeto (20 km).[outdated]

There is a Ferry connectionwhich has been running around 12 times a day with two ships to the suburb of Matola since 2010. Likewise, you can see the island Inhaca (26 ° 01 'S, 32 ° 56' E; approx. 25 km) by boat. The Maputo-Catembe ferry should soon become superfluous thanks to the bridge that opened in November 2018.[outdated]

Tourist Attractions

1  Balcao de Turismo (Tourist info), Avenida de Moçambique (Between the Praça de Independência and the botanical garden).


Monument to Samora Machel in front of the botanical garden (2014).

Statues of the first president, Samora Machel, stand in the roundabout of the Praça de Independência and in front of the Jardim Tunduru. The first is a replica of the second, which was a gift from the great leader of the free part of Korea, Honored Comrade Kim Il-sung.


  • 3  Museu de Historia Natural (Natural History Museum), Travessia de Zambeze. Open: Tues.-Fri. 9.30am-3.30pm, Sat. and S. 10.00-17.00.
  • 4  Museu da Geologia, Av. dos Mártires da Machava. Open: Thurs. and Fri. 9.00-17.00, Sat. 9.00-17.00, Sun. 14.00-17.00.
  • 5  Museu de Pescas, at the port. Small collection of boats and fishing gear. You can see the EU funding in the exhibition.


  • 6  Tunduru Botanical Garden, Rua Henrique de Sousa.


Nightclubs with live music come alive from around 11 p.m. and close early in the morning. There is practically no established party district, bars and clubs are spread all over the city.

The old town center (Baixa) with the streets Rua do Bagamoyo and Rua de Consiglieri Pedroso is considered a red light district (in Portuguese "Zona quente").


Accommodation options in the city are comparatively expensive for the quality offered.

  • 1  Base backpackers, 545 Avenida Patrice Lumumba. Popular because of its convenient location, it receives mixed reviews.
  • Fatima's Place Hostel, 1317 Av. Mao Tse Tung. Tel.: 258 21302994. Not overly clean but cheap accommodation with dormitory rooms. You can camp in the yard.
  • Catembe Beach, Lodge & Backpackers, 67 Rua B, Bairro Chali, Catembe. Tel.: 258 84 578 9356. On the opposite side of Maputo Bay near the beach.Open: 24 hours.Price: from € 13 p.p.
  • 2  Maputo Backpackers, 95, Rua das Palmeiras, Bairro Triunfo, Costa Do Sol. Tel.: 258 82 467 2230, Email: .

Luxury hotels

  • 3  Mandala Guest House Bed & Breakfast, 1 Rua Tomás Ribeiro. Open: check-in 12.00-20.30.Price: doubles from € 110.
  • Hotel Avenida, 627 Av. Julius Nyerere. Price: doubles from € 170.
  • Polana Serena Hotel, 1380 Av. Julius Nyerere. After renovation in 2010 the “first house on the square.” The area is not necessarily safe after 11 p.m. because of the street prostitution that is practiced.Price: from € 210.
  • Radisson Blue, 141 Avenida Marginal. Tel.: 258 (21) 242400.

Practical advice

Foreign representations

  • 2  German embassy, Rua Damião de Góis 506. Tel.: 258 21 48 27 00, Fax: 258 21 49 28 88, Email: .
  • 3  Embaixada da Suíça, Av. Ahmed Sekou Touré 637. Tel.: 258 21 32 13 37.
  • Austrian Honorary Consulate, Rua Mateus Sansao Muhemba, 316. Tel.: 258 21 423 244, Email: . Application for child passports, emergency passports and ID cards only.Open: Mon.-Fri. 8.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00.
Neighboring countries


The main post office is at Av. 25 de Setembro.


To the island Inhaca or to the beaches of Catembe, which can be very crowded on weekends. The dock for the Catembe ferries is behind the Treasury at the end of Av. November 10 (25 ° 58'42.3 "S, 32 ° 34'27.1" E). Boats to Inhaca depart from Vodacom Terminal about 500 m further inland (25 ° 58'34.0 "S, 32 ° 34'08.9" E) in Porto da Pesca, accessible via an extension of Av. S. Machel. Those in a hurry can get to the island by speedboat or small plane.


  • Niederhuber, Margit; Matlhombe, Eduardo; Baiculescu, Mihai; Destino, Destination Maputo, Mozambique; Vienna 2013 (almond tree), ISBN 978-3-85476-423-6 (Text in German and pt.)

Web links

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