An Huy - An Huy

An Huy (Chinese: ; pinyin: Ānhuī, IPA:ánxwéi) is a province of China. The province is located in the East China Sea and stretches across the Changjiang and Huaihe plains, Anhui is bordered by Jiangsu to the east, Zhejiang to the southeast, Jiangxi to the south, Hubei to the southwest, and Henan. in the northwest, and is bordered by Shandong on a small stretch to the north. Anhui province is Hefei.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Anhui belonged to Jiangnan province, and in the 6th year of Kangxi (1667), the court split Jiangnan province into Jiangsu and Anhui provinces. The name "Anhui" is derived from the names of two southern cities of the province, An Khanh and Huy Chau (now Hoang Son).[1] Anhui's short name is "皖" (Wǎn, Sino-Vietnamese is Hoan, Hoan or Hoan)


Anhui is divided into 17 administrative units, all of which are provincial cities (local town, 地级市):

Map#NameMetropolisChinese characters
Population (2010)Area
Anhui prfc map.png
— Geographical level town —
1HefeiLu Duong合肥市
Hefei Shi
2An KhanhNghiem Giang安庆 市
nqìng Shi
3Bang PhuLong Tu Ho蚌埠 市
Bengbu Shi
4Bac ChauTieu Thanh亳州 市
Bózhōu Shi
5Tuyen ThanhXuanzhou宣 城市
Xuānchéng Shì
6Chi ChauYou Tri池 州市
Chizhōu Shi
7Except ChauLang Da滁州 市
Chuzhōu Shi
8Phu DuongDinh Chau阜阳 市
Fǔyáng Shì
9Hoai BacLieh Son淮北 市
Huaiběi Shi
10Hoai NamDien Gia Am淮南 市
Huainan Shi
11Hoang SonDon Khe黄山 市
Huángshān Shi
12Luc AnKim An六安 市
Lù'ān Shi
13Ma AnshanVu Son马鞍山 市
Mǎ'ānshān Shi
14Tuc ChauDung Kieu宿州 市
Sùzhōu Shì
15Dong LangDong Quan Son铜陵 市
Tonglíng Shi
16Wu HoDear Ho芜湖 市
Wúhú Shì


Other destinations

  • Hoang Son, one of the "five music", world heritage.


Anhui borders the provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and Henan. Anhui geomorphology is mainly plain and hilly. Plains, hills and low mountains in Anhui are interspersed. The Changjiang and Huaihe flow from west to east Anhui with lengths of 416 km and 430 km, respectively. Toan Anhui can be classified into five natural areas: the Hoai Bac plain, the Jianghuai hill region, the Dai Biet Son area in Hoan Tay, the Yangtze river delta and the Huanan mountain region.[8] The plains account for 31.3% of Anhui area (including 5.8% of the reclaimed land), hills and hills account for 29.5% of the area, mountains account for 31.2% of the area, lakes and swamps account for 8% area.

The main mountain ranges in Anhui include Dai Biet Son, Hoang Son, Cuu Hoa Son, Thien Tru Son. The highest peak is Lien Hoa peak in Hoang Son with an altitude of 1,860 meters.

The Hoan Bac plain includes the semi-terminal deciduous broadleaf forest area of ​​the North China Plain on the north bank of Hoai Ha and a wetland area on the south bank of Hoai Ha. This Hoan Bac plain has a flat and wide terrain, located in the southern region of the North China Plain. The Hoan Bac plain has an elevation of about 20-50 meters above sea level, gradually decreasing from the northwest to the southeast. The northern tributaries of Hoai Ha flow in the southeast direction and then join Hoai Ha and Hong Trach Lake. The northern part of the Hoan Bac plain is affected by the floods of the Yellow River, so there is now a deep sedimentary layer. Due to the long-standing agricultural exploitation, now the Hoan Bac plain has no natural vegetation, currently only man-made species such as cypress, poplar, willow, hip, poplar, etc. du. In the south, the terrain is not as flat as in the north, Dai Biet Son occupies most of southwestern Anhui and a series of hills and mountains cut through the southeast part. The Truong Giang flows through Anhui between these two mountainous areas.

Along with the topography, Anhui's climate also has differences between north and south. The north has a milder climate and more pronounced seasons. The average annual temperature in Anhui is 16-18°C, the north-south difference is about 2°C; the average temperature in January is between -1 °C and 2 °C in the northern Huaihe and between 0 °C and 3 °C in the southern Huaihe; The average temperature in July is around 27 °C or higher. Anhui's average annual rainfall is 800-1,600mm, heavy rains occur in June and July and can lead to flooding. Anhui has an average of 1,800-2,500 hours of sunshine per year, and 200-250 days without dew.

Anhui has more than 2,000 rivers and streams, more than 110 lakes. The important rivers in Anhui are Truong Giang, Hoai Ha and Tan An Giang; Anhui's important lakes are Sao Lake, Long Cam Lake and Nam Y Lake; Sao Lake with a surface area of ​​800 km² is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. Anhui's total water resources are 68 billion m³, mainly in the rivers of the Huaihe, Changjiang and Qiantangjiang basins. In which, the area of ​​Hoai Ha basin is 66,900 km², the area of ​​​​the Truong Giang basin is 66,000 km², the area of ​​​​Tien Duong Giang basin is 6,500 km².


Mandarin is spoken in northern and central Anhui, north of the Changjiang. The dialects of northern Anhui are classified as Trung Nguyen Mandarin, the same family as the dialects of Henan and Shandong; The dialects of central Anhui are classified as Jianghuai Mandarin, the same family as the dialects of the neighboring central Jiangsu province. Non-Mandarin dialects are spoken in the southern Truong Giang: dialects of Wu are spoken in Tuyen Thanh, but it is gradually being replaced by Jianghuai Mandarin; dialects of Cam are spoken in a few districts in the southwestern region bordering Jiangxi province; and Huy is spoken in about 10 districts at the southernmost tip of Anhui.



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