Gorges de l’Ardèche - Gorges de l’Ardèche

The Ardèche Gorge by canoe

The Gorges de l'Ardéche / Ardèche Gorge lie between Vallon-Pont-d'Arc and Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche in the department Ardeche in the French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.


Pont 'Arc
Cirque de la Madeleine
View of the Cirque-de-Gaud

The lower part of the deeply dug Ardèche gorge is one of the most popular destinations for canoeists in France and the trip through the Ardèche was considered one of the most beautiful canoe trips ever for decades. Canoeing has now been heavily commercialized, which may reduce the appeal of a trip to the Ardèche in the high season, but the vast natural beauties and beautiful passages in the Ardèche Gorge, which is largely protected, outweigh the tourism burden on the region.

Restricting the number of visitors to the obligatory bivouacs in the gorge prevents the situation from decompensating. Every year, 100,000 visitors drive through the Ardèche gorge and over 1.2 million visitors use the one built in the 1960s Route touristique - D290.

The Ardèche region is also a worthwhile holiday destination for hikers and bathers.


walker: Provision of the necessary hiking maps for the IGN, Cards can also be used in Géoportail can be viewed and a route can be planned.

Canoeists: a large number of rental companies offer boats for one or two day trips Vallon-Pont-d'Arc at. In the high season it is worth making a reservation by phone or on the Internet. In addition to boats, life jackets and baggage bins, overnight packages and bivouac material can also be rented; the return transport is organized by the landlord.

You can spend the night on numerous campsites above the Pont-d'Arc, within the protected area that begins downstream Natural reserve of the Ardèche Gorges the night is only allocated in two BivouacsBivouac de Gaud and Bivouac de Gournier possible. The number of guests is limited, each overnight stay must be booked in advance by telephone or on the Internet.

You can spend the night in your own tent or in military communal tents (on a plank floor). You will need a sleeping bag, a camping mat and a flashlight. You have to bring your own food with you; barbecue / cooking areas as well as toilets / water points / showers and waste disposal facilities are available on the bivouac sites.

Free camping and bivouacking is strictly prohibited in the entire area of ​​the Ardèche Gorge. There is a strict rule along the entire stretch of the river, including in the bivouacs in the evenings Alcohol banwhich is also enforced and can end in a reprimand from the bivouac.

To travel with the Rental boat In addition to bathing suits to protect you from the sun, a T-shirt and a sun hat are recommended, and you should definitely bring sunscreen with you. Paddles and life jackets are provided by the landlord, and crash helmets for children. Wearing the life jacket is compulsory and the waiver can evidently be punished with fines. Well-fitting water shoes are recommended, some rapids have to be dismounted or capsizing can be expected.

All material carried must be packed waterproof (because of the risk of capsizing), the camera is also in the when not in use waterproof barrel in good hands - unless you have a waterproof digital camera.

To the chagrin of many canoe enthusiasts, practically all landlords no longer offer classic Canadian boats, only the sturdy and unsinkable monobloc boats ("Autovideurs" (water flows through holes in the hull) or "Sit on top") are used Commitment. In front Capsized you are in the area of ​​the rapids not immune. If you had chosen the optimal line yourself, it is still often unavoidable that another boat crashes into your side with shouting "Attention, Attention ...", almost rudderless, because the skipper cannot handle the steering.

The landlords give a short briefing on how to navigate the boat, it is best to practice a few navigation maneuvers for the first few kilometers in order to be prepared for the rapids. It should only be mentioned here that the man / woman in the rear steers the boat, the one in front is only responsible for propulsion and that the boat should be loaded in a balanced way. With a child weighing 15 kg in the bow, a two-person boat is almost impossible to maneuver. Usually the landlord gives out double paddles, maneuvering is often a little easier with a single paddle for the man behind.

Canoe enthusiasts who want to enjoy the trip would do well to bring their own boat and equipment and take the trip on a weekday out of season.


The ride from the place of use at Vallon-Pont-d'Arc under the Pont-d’Arc to Chames is easily feasible with a good 8 km for beginners. The journey through the entire gorge with 32 - 35 km from Vallon-Pont-d’Arc to Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche is as Sporty course To paddle through in a day when you start early (i.e. around 9 a.m.) and the team likes to paddle. With children and for the inexperienced, the distance can be long. It is worthwhile to plan an overnight stay on one of the two bivouacs in order to have time for swimming breaks - the logistics are a bit more complex (food, overnight material).

getting there

From the Rhônetalautobahn A7 - Autoroute du Soleil to Vallon-Pont-d'Arc you get from the Symbol: ASMontélimar about the N102 direction Aubenas and then on the D558 south. The D4 is rather slow to drive.

The easiest way is from Symbol: ASBollène crosses the Rhône Pont-Saint-Esprit at the mouth of the Arde on the D86 a little north and across Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche on the D290 along the Ardèche upstream to Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, where you can spend the night so you can tackle the Ardèche the next morning.

Paddling / hiking ...



In the 13th century will that Castrum from Avalone mentioned in a document, the village Vallon-Pont-d'Arc developed in the following centuries, today it has about 2,300 inhabitants. The 1 takes over the medical care of the region. Accommodation can be found, for example, in numerous campsites on both sides along the Ardèche.

The 1 Hotel de VilleHôtel de Ville in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHôtel de Ville in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHôtel de Ville (Q2970892) in the Wikidata databaseThe town hall is housed in a castle from the time of Louis XIII (1630/39), carpets depicting the crusades are worth seeing. The parish church 2 Saint-Saturnin was built in the area of ​​a previous chapel in the years 1862/68.

There are numerous caves in the region, some of which were already inhabited in prehistoric times: In the 3 Chauvet grottoChauvet Grotto in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChauvet Grotto in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryChauvet Grotto (Q374096) in the Wikidata database numerous paleolithic animal drawings have been preserved. Since these can be damaged by the humidity of visitors, it was in a museum 4 Exposition de la Grotte Chauvet the grotto was faithfully recreated for the visitors. The entrance of the 5 Grotto of the tunnel is on the back wall of the restaurant built in front of it, the installations of the accessible cave look quite archaic, a flashlight is provided in the event of a power failure, primeval cave flair!

Stage Vallon-Pont-d’Arc / Pont de Salavas to Chames (5 km / 1.00 h)

Ardèche: Entrée das les Gorges
Ardèche: Pont d'Arc

The insertion points are on both sides of the 2 Pont du Salavas . At first, the Ardèche is tame, partly a little flat water.

The first rapids are called 3 Rapide de Charlemagne. During the season there is a fire fighter ("Sapeur pompier") ready to point the right direction or give the boat a push, but the first capsize on this somewhat rocky rapids.

Right around the next bend comes the highlight of the trip: you paddle leisurely under the huge natural bridge of the 6 Pont d'Arc through. Immediately behind it there is an entry / exit point on the left bank with access to the street.

After the next bend, it was easy to get to the insertion / removal point of 4 Chames . This is where the short tour recommended for beginners ends, all boat rentals have starting points marked with large numbers due to the close main road D290 access is unproblematic.

From here on, the course of the road moves away from the gorge bottom and motorists can only see the Ardèche from high above the "Belvédères". For canoeists, the last exit before the start of the actual Ardèche Gorge is at Chames. Those who enter here have to walk the entire further 28 km Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche complete. In order to be at the destination in time for the return transport, you have to start or stop at Pont-de-Salavas between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. be driven into the gorge at Chames about 10.30 a.m.

Chames to Bivouac de Gaud (1h30)

Ardèche: Trois Eaux
Ardèche: Rapide de la Dent Noire
Ardèche: la Dent Noire

When entering the actual Ardèche Gorge, you pass the fast one 5 Rapide de Révaou, the Ardèche turns to the west and you go fast 6 Rapide des Trois Eaux . After passage of the 7 Grotte du ColombierGrotte du Colombier in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGrotte du Colombier (Q3117227) in the Wikidata database the more harmless rapids follow on the right bank 7 Rapide de la Souche, 8 Rapide des Champs followed by the 9 Rapide de la Dent Noire (drive right in the inner curve).

After a zone with right bank sandbanks follows the 10 Rapide de l'Hirondelle and a little later the 11 Rapide de l'Esclapaire . The exit to the follows on the left 12 Bivouac de Gaud .

In the season will be at Les Sablons below the speed of Dent Noire operated a medical post by the Sapeurs-Pompiers. Emergency vehicles can be used to access the Bivouac de Gaud a little further down the river. Registered canoeists can also spend the night there in their own tent or dormitory tent, sanitary facilities and drinking water supply and cooking / grilling areas. The overnight stay must be announced in advance by telephone or on the Internet and costs 6.50 - 10.00 €.

Bivouac de Gaud to Bivouac de Gournier (1h30)

After this 13 Bivouac de Gaud you drive fast 14 Rapide de la Canelle into the north curve of the des 15 Circuit de Gaud a. The fast follows 16 Rapide du Figueiras and for a quieter piece, die 17 Rapide du Casque du Dragon . After 18 Rapide du Rossignol the Ardèche leads south and after the ford Gué de Guitard and the fast one 19 Rapide de Guitard you go around the rock rising up on the left bank Aiguille de Gournierbehind which the 20 Bivouac de Gournier lies on the left bank.

Similar to the Bivouac de Gaud, you can spend the night in your own tent or dormitory tent by prior arrangement, there are sanitary facilities and cooking facilities available and emergency vehicles have a driveway to the gorge.

Bivouac de Gournier to Cirque de la Madeleine (1.00 h)

Ardèche: la Cathédrale
La Maladrerie des Templiers
Ardèche: Cirque de Madeleine
Ardèche: Tete de Lion
Ardèche: près de Saint-Martin

Shortly after 21 Bivouac de Gournier follows the karst spring Sortie de la Toupine and the fast one 22 Rapide du Grand Gour . In the Plaine de la Cathédrale The Ardèche runs relatively calmly eastwards and the mighty rock of the Cathédrale comes closer.

At the height of the 23 Rapide de la Pastière (pass in front of the large boulder in the middle of the river on the left) one leads into the river bend Circuit de la Madeleine a. The nudist campsite is on the left Plague of the TemplarsWhich is why a number of clothed and unclothed onlookers observed and commented on the capsizing of the boat at the rapids during the season ...

Cirque de la Madeleine to Saint-Martin d’Ardèche (2h30)

In the river bend Cirque de la Madeleine lies between the fast 24 Rapide de la Madeleine and 25 Rapide du Resquilladou at the exit on the right hand side there is a pebble / sand beach. From there you can go to the ruins of the 26 Knights Templar Leprosy Station (Maladrerie des Templiers) are ascended.

The Ardèche is noticeably calming down 27 Rapide du Noyer and 28 Rapide de la Fèye are quite easy to drive. From this height on, a footpath now runs along the river on the left bank, which bathers can use to get to the river on foot.

After the fast 29 Rapide de la Caville one drives past the Camping of the grotto and the historic entrance of the Grotte de St-Marcel in a bend in the river under the characteristic rock Tete de Lion past.

After the next bend, the river valley widens, the Ardèche is now again lined with campsites and bathing areas and still flows very slowly. On a long drawn out 30 Pebble beach in front Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche are the disembarkation places of the various boat rental companies. The rental boat and material are returned here, and the return transport is carried out by buses and minibuses Vallon-Pont-d'Arc about the D290 organized.

by motor vehicle

For those who are traveling by vehicle, here is some information about the route of the D209:

To Vallon-Pont-d'Arc The route runs past boat rentals and campsites and then enters the gorge. On the street is the 8 Grotto of the tunnel, on the back wall of the inn you can go into the rather archaic show cave, the short tour can also be undertaken with children. After a short tunnel, the gorge widens and the road curves around the rock through which the Ardèche has created a passage, the Pont d’Arc. Footpaths lead to the river from the east and west, and you can swim and swim on the bank.

After a few more campsites in the area of Chames the road rises 250 m and continues above the Ardèche gorge. Views into the gorge arise on 9 Belvedere Serre-de-Tour and into the river bend Cirque de Gaud from 10 Balcon Rocher-d'Autridge.

After this 11 Balcon Le Cros de l'Olivier and the (with driving ban) gravel road down to the Bivouac de Gournier follows the 12 Balcon de Gournier. After the next bend, the spur road to the stalactite cave follows

  • 13  Grotte de la Madeleine. Tel.: (0)4 75 04 22 20, Fax: (0)4 75 04 35 06. Grotte de la Madeleine in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGrotte de la Madeleine in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsGrotte de la Madeleine (Q17516228) in the Wikidata database.Open: March-Nov. 10.00-17.00, July-Aug. 10.00-19.00h.Price: 8.50 / 5.00 €.

and the information center "Maison de la Reserve". The next vantage point is that 14 Balcon de la Cathédrale above the rock of the same name (which only looks like a Gothic cathedral with pointed towers from the bottom of the gorge). After the cul-de-sac to the nudist campsite La Plage des Templiers follows the 15 Balcon des Templiers with a beautiful view of the often-photographed omega loop of the Cirque de la Madeleine. Below is from 16 Balcon La Rouvière another nice view of the gorge. From 17 Grand Belvedere From here the view opens onto the exit of the gorge, after the show cave

follows the cul-de-sac to Camping of the grotto. Past the 19 Balcon du Ranc pointu The road slopes down to reach the first houses and campsites in Saint-Martin-d'Ardèche.

In summer, additional buses run by the regional transport companies on the route LaSept. From the road itself, which runs in parts through the garrigue, the Ardèche Gorge is often not visible at all Balcons be used. Coarse gravel on the roadside prevents wild parking in other "photogenic" places for safety reasons.

Security / safety regulations

Canoe tour: the wearing of life jackets is compulsory for everyone and the wearing of protective helmets for children, the safety equipment is provided by the boat rental company. Only those who can swim 25 m are permitted for a tour through the gorge, the tour is not without risk for small children even in their parents' boat (risk of capsizing) and with the crew an adult - a lightweight child, the boats are hardly maneuverable, so better let the child ride in the middle of the boat (and do not rent a separate boat for the children!). Even for those who are used to paddling, the tour through the entire gorge on a day with a few swimming stops is quite exhausting, beginners should rather leave it with the short tour for the first 5 km.

Entry into the gorge is no later than 6:00 p.m., the Ardèche is not allowed to be driven between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., boats may only be pulled ashore in the designated areas in the two bivouacs and at the approved camping sites.

The Ardèche Gorge may only be used if on Pont de Salavas the high water indicator on green stands at the water level orange Only specially approved canoeists (corresponding diploma / ID, at least 2 years of experience) and at water level are allowed red only appropriately qualified specialists enter the gorge. The website www.gorgesdelardeche.fr gives about all safety instructions and the bivouac rules and the website vigicrues Information about the water levels.


Aven d'Orgnac stalactite cave
  • 20  Aven de Marzal. Aven de Marzal in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAven de Marzal in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAven de Marzal (Q38298726) in the Wikidata database.Show cave, museum on the subject of caving and dinosaur zoo with full-size plastic dinosaurs.Price: 8.60 / 5.10 € just for the cave.
  • 22  Aven Grotte de la Forestière. E-mail: . Suitable for visitors who just want a cave visit without a museum and other attractions.Open: Whitsun - Sept. 10.00-18.00, closed Wed, July - Aug. 10.00-19.00.Price: 6.50 / 4.00 €.
  • the monastery complex Chartreuse de Valbonne from the 13th century
  • The lower Ardèche also invites you to take a swim, for example above the 23 at Pont-Saint-Esprit.


  • Paul Villecourt: Le Guide de Canoë en France. ISBN 9782910197278 (in French).


  • www.gorgesdelardeche.fr, Website of the nature reserve with information on the bivouac sites and information on (online) reservations, French.
  • there are quite a few in Vallon Pont d'Arc Boat rental company are active, we do not list all of them with a link, with the keywords "Canoe Ardeche" many providers are found.
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