Greater Poland - Groot-Polen

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Greater Poland

Greater Poland is a historical region in Poland.


Other destinations






By plane

Poznan has an airport, but has no direct connections with the Netherlands and Belgium. It is better to fly to Warsaw and take the train from there.

By train

Train connections from all over Europe to all stations in this area can be found at travel planner of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (also in Dutch). A night train runs daily from the Netherlands with a stop in Poznan.From Poznań trains run regularly to Mokrz, Wronki, Peckowo, Szamotuły, Baborówko, Pamiątkowo, Rokietnica and Poznań-Kiekrz. Sierakow has no station. The place with this name in the travel planner is located in southern Poland.

By car, taxi

The taxi in Poland is relatively cheap: approximately €1.20 per km. The E30 runs directly from the Netherlands to Greater Poland. From Amsterdam, the A1 will at some point become E30.

By bus

There are regular bus services, and there are train replacement bus services. The train replacement bus services run on routes where trains used to run, but now buses. The timetable can be found on the Deutsche Bundesbahn travel planner. The buses stop at the former train station, and therefore do not arrive at bus stations. These bus services are generally not known at the bus stations.

on foot

Through this region runs the European walking route E11. This route runs from the Hague to the east, currently the border Poland/Lithuania. A large part of the route in this region can be found on and comes on site from Stare Gorzycko in the region lubusz. Miedzychod is the first somewhat larger place. The route then goes through Bielsko, Ławicá, Góra, Sieraków, Piaski, Bucharzewo, Bukowar, Pustelnia, Chojno-Młyn, Chojno Błota and Mokrz until the route arrives at the somewhat larger town of Wronki. From there, the route continues via Obrzycko, Słopanowo, Kobylniki, Twardowo, Szczuczyn, Szamotuły, Kepa, Baborówko, Pamiątkowo, Krzyszkowo, and Starzyny to the Kiekrz district in Poznan. Up to Wronki, outside the villages and towns, the route is mostly on unpaved roads and trails. A number of villages are (still) only accessible by unpaved road.East of Pozna the route continues for a long stretch through a suburban area, with relatively many ribbon buildings up to the historic city of Gniezno. After gniezno a number of small towns follow until the village of Trzemezno. Just north the route continues in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Travel around


Polish television has dubbing, people speak their languages ​​poorly. But because of the many emigrants, it can happen that you can suddenly be addressed in Dutch. In addition to English, older people often speak German, and sometimes Russian.

To look at

To do


  • On the E11, supplies are available outside the larger towns up to Poznań in Sieraków, Chojno, Obrzycko, Pamiątkowo and Kiekrz. From Poznań in Zielinec, Uzarzewo, Biskupice, Lednogóra (southwest of the village, so before the lake) and Fałkowo. Shops are usually open 7 days a week, with the exception of Christmas and Easter.
  • Hospitality can be found in Sieraków, Wronki, Obrzycko, Szamotuły, Kiekrz, Pobiedzisko, Gniezno and Trzemeszno.

Going out

stay overnight

Along the E11

  • wronki, Hotel Olympic. Leśna 15a, phone 48 67 254 55 73.
  • szamotuły, Lake Gościniec Sanguszko, Wroniecka 30, phone 48 61 292 57 16.
  • biscuit, Hotel Sieden Drzew. ul. Krotka 24, phone 48 618 155, 139-130 zloty for double room with breakfast. Signage from walking route: 'gosciniec' Nice hotel, good food.
  • Gniezno, Hotel Pietrak ul. Chrobrego 3, 48 614 261, 497-170 zloty for double room with deluxe breakfast. In Gniezno there are more hotels, this hotel is near the main square, not far from the cathedral.


all around

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