Large cattle field - Großrinderfeld

Large cattle field
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Large cattle field is a community in Tauberfranken.


getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street


Map of Großrinderfeld

Tourist Attractions

There are numerous wayside shrines in all four districts. There are two very important ones in Großrinderfeld, which go back to the Wieskirch movement. It is a place of pilgrimage at the end of the Romantic Road near Steingaden. One of the two wayside shrines is in the old cave at the children's playground on the corner of Kapellenstrasse. The upper end of the column bears Jesus with a palm branch (Prince of Peace) on the plinth below it can be read: Hir is Jesus of the Wisdom, who is full of grace. Protect our land from showers, hail and fire with your blessing. After the renovation in 2016, the second wayside shrine was moved back to its original location at the church. It is the so-called "Flagellation Group", a jewel of the highest quality in the Madonnenländchen. This group of figures shows the scourged Savior in the middle, with St. Michael and St. Wendelin to the left and right. The group of figures is an identical copy of the Savior as he stands in the middle of the Wieskirche in Steingaden. In the Pilgrimage church to the Scourged Savior on the WiesThe full name is that in 1738 the farmer Maria Lory saw tears in the eyes of this figure. The miracle of tears was the beginning of the pilgrimage to the Wieskirche. The Großrinderfelder figure group was erected by pious pilgrims at the beginning of the Wies pilgrimage.

In addition to the historic pilgrimage route to the Wieskirche in Steingaden, Großrinderfeld is located on a second historic pilgrimage route, from Käppele in Würzburg to the blood miracle of Walldürn. On the "Alte Bischemer Strasse" between Großrinderfeld and Tauberbischofsheim at the entrance to the state forest there is a wayside shrine from 1650. On the front it says: ECCE HOMO, on the back of the wayside shrine you can still read: TO HONOR GOD and HL. BLOOD TO WALTHÜRN THIS BILTSTOCK HAS BEEN ERECTED BY SOME GOOD WURTZBURG WALLEYTS. The huge monument with a massive base, high column shaft and the ornate Ecce Homo image was completely renovated in 1969.








Practical advice

  • Großrinderfeld community, At the market place 6.


Scenic routes

Through the community of Großrinderfeld, two well-known holiday routes run on the one hand romantic streetthat leads from Würzburg to Füssen, on the other hand the Siegfriedstrasse from Worms to Würzburg.

Hiking trails

There are over 80 kilometers of circular hiking trails in the community of Großrinderfeld. These are in the book of the Heimat- und Kulturverein Großrinderfeld: Legendary and true Großrinderfeld stories, described by the author Siegfried Schultheiß. The hiking trails connect culturally significant small monuments.

1. Circular hiking trail to the Böse Hof

The route is about 8 kilometers long. It is a cultural and historical hiking route, along the course of which 8 wayside shrines and a historical signpost can be admired. It begins and ends at the corner of Hauptstrasse L 578 and Wenkheimer Strasse at the wayside cross. This wayside shrine is a stone crucifix from the 19th century. It bears the inscription: Crucified Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!Diagonally opposite is a Marian column from the 18th century (next to the bus stop). We continue along the L 578 in the direction of Tauberbischofsheim and after about 100 m we come to another important wayside shrine on the right. The Pietà shrine bears the following inscription: O, painful Mother of God, pray for mercy and blessings for all of us who pass by! This is the first stop during the Corpus Christi procession. The hike continues along the main road. At the end of the village, two wayside shrines from 1891 stand out on the left and right of the street. Keep away all harm that this community wants to nourish itself spiritually and physically. On the right shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is written: Out of love for God and to remember the passers-by of St. Herz Jesu, this picture was erected. The hiking trail continues in the direction of Tauberbischofsheim on an asphalt field path along the L 578 to the parking lot below the Aussiedlerhöfe , 1 km), to Grünsfeld (7 km) and to Grünsfeldhausen (5.1 km). There, at this parking lot, at the beginning of the "Alte Bischemmer Stroose" (junction to the right of the country road), the hike continues towards the forest. At the first forest hump, after about 300 m, is the oldest wayside shrine of the 'Großrinderfeld' community from 1596. The inscription reads: GOT TO PRAISE AND HAVE DIS BILT LET THEREFORE VALENTIN KAUTMANN FROM HERE CASPAR SCHMIDT SCHULTHEISS KM BM AND PAVER SCHENK TO GROSSENRINDERFELD. The circular hiking trail now continues on the historic pilgrimage route from Würzburg to Walldürn zum Heiligen Blut. At the entrance to the forest, the pilgrim's shrine from 1650, which was built by pilgrims from Würzburg, is noticeable on the left. The hiking route continues along the forest road (community connection road from Großrinderfeld to Tauberbischofsheim) until you come to the Tauberbischofsheim district at the end of the forest. If you turn left and keep walking along the edge of the forest, you come to the industrial park A 81. This is where the submerged village of Böse Hof used to be, the field name is still Böse Hof today. There is a legend about the Böse Hof: We cross the industrial park A 81 on the road that leads through the industrial park and turn left shortly before reaching the L 578. There is a Pietà shrine built by court builder Fridolin Endres between hedges above a ditch. His inscription reads: Father forgive you! We continue our hike along the former B 27 in the direction of Großrinderfeld. After about 400 m we come to the bus stop at the Paimarer Brückle. We cross the L 578 and now hike to the right of the road in the direction of Großrinderfeld. About 300 m before the entrance to the village there is another statue of the Virgin Mary on the edge of the field. This bears the inscription: O Mary received without original sin, pray for us! Another 300 m further on we come to the last wayside shrine of our hike, located directly on the outskirts, another Pietà wayside shrine with the still legible engraving: In 1734 Caspar Schenk and his housewife Anna Maria had this picture erected in honor of God. We continue on the dirt road and come to the parking lot mentioned at the beginning with the historic signpost. From there we hike back to the center of the village.

2. Circular hiking trail to the Linsenkreuz

The route is about 7 kilometers long. It begins at the town hall in Großrinderfeld. The main street is crossed and one arrives at Untere Tor Straße. At the end of this street (there used to be the lower gate, which was part of the fortifications), we go right, then straight over the bridge into Paimarer Straße. At the crossroads we go half right to the barn. There is a splendid Trinity shrine from 1832 with the Saints George, Francis, Barbara and Ursula. We hike to the left up to the hilltop (about 250 m). From up here you have a beautiful view. The route then descends about 300 m, there we turn right, after another 250 m we turn left until we reach the motorway underpass after about 400 m. Before that you can admire the wayside shrine in honor of the Holy Family on the right. The inscription reads: O HL. FAMIL ASK FOR US. About 250 m after the motorway underpass, we turn right onto an asphalt field path, which after about 10 minutes leads us to the lens cross around which a legend wrestles about 60 cm high from a stone. There the path continues to the left along the ditch to the Gerchsheimer Grundgraben with the adjacent forest. The district boundary to Paimar also runs here. After about 600 m we leave the boundary and walk to the left in the direction of the Seehütte. In front of the Seehütte we continue to the right, cross the A 81 motorway. We then turn left again and steer towards the giant linden tree, a natural monument that can be seen from afar. Here you have a wonderful view of the place and the surroundings. From there it goes back to the center of the village.

3. Circular hiking trail to the Sinkloch

The route is about 10 kilometers long. It is primarily a natural history hike. You can look at two wayside shrines and a boundary stone (three-markers) on the route.

The route begins at the market square. After crossing the main street you come to the street Unteres Tor. At the end, the path continues on Ilmspaner Straße. There is a fourteen-saints shrine at the Bergstrasse / Frankenstrasse intersection. This bears the inscription on the back: Franz Valentin Thoma and his wife Maria-Maria had this picture erected in honor of the crucified Christ in 1873. Follow Ilmspaner Straße and cross Kreisstraße 2882. Follow the wood path to the community forest. At the entrance to the forest there is a trail map on which three different routes are described. We choose the route to the sinkhole. After about a kilometer you will come to a crossroads. Four elementary school classes planted four trees here on May 6, 1978, on Arbor Day. Turn left here to the Waldhütte. At the Waldhütte you can turn left and make a detour to a stone cross. This bears the inscription: IHS, 1751 D. 8. Merz, Johannes Schenk was killed by a tree there. We go back to the forest hut. There you go straight ahead and after 100 m you come to the sloping path that leads us to the edge of the forest. From here we follow a steep, sloping Fuhrholzweg, which joins the II. Stellweg after about 1 kilometer. Turning right, after a steep climb, we come to the Hartmannsberg district. We orient ourselves to the left and after about 500 m we come to a natural monument, an oak tree that is estimated to be over 400 years old. We continue to follow the path and arrive at the III. This leads down to the Sinklochweg. On the right side of the path there is a natural monument sign that indicates the first and second sinkhole. These are 2 sinkholes, as they often occur in karst areas with limestone soils that have been washed out underground. There is a legend about the sinkhole. We continue on the path to the edge of the forest and then walk along the edge of the forest towards the village of Großrinderfeld and thus arrive at our starting point.

4. Circular hiking trail to the lost castle

The route is about 8 kilometers long. It begins at the market square in Großrinderfeld and leads past five, in some cases very significant, small monuments.

From the market square you pass the church to the exit towards Würzburg. At the left corner of the garden fence there is a shell limestone memorial with the crucified Savior. The inscription reads: Pray a veteran in honor of the crucified Savior. We cross Neubaustraße and see a fourteen-saints shrine with the inscription: O, you fourteen Holy Helpers pray for us. We now follow the paved dirt road parallel to the road 578. After about 500 m we come across a giant shrine that cannot be overlooked, a cross tractor. On the pedestal you can read the following: If someone wants to follow me, they deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me! Here we turn left, in the direction of the fir forest. We follow this field path, after about 400 m it makes a big curve and further, after about 300 m, we come across the very important wayside shrine Bögner's picture. It is the second oldest wayside shrine in Großrinderfeld. The name Bögner goes back to a famous wine merchant from Tauberbischofsheim, who was attacked nearby but was saved. Johann Bögner had the baroque palace built on the market square in Tauberbischofsheim in 1744. This wayside shrine from 1602 bears the inscription: Jesus Christ was God and man, my Redeemer; Anno 1602 S.JA. The hiking trail continues through the forest (firs). After about 500 m there is an idyllic wetland on the left. At the biotope we cross the old road. It led as a convoy from Mainz via Tauberbischofsheim to Würzburg. The path leads out of the forest, after about 200 m there is a junction to Hof Baiertal. We go straight on. We come across the Bavarian border. The path continues into the adjacent forest. We follow the Waldgasse branching off to the left and come to a place where, according to oral tradition, a castle should have stood. Berberich writes in his home book from 1895, History of the City of Tauberbischofsheim, of walls that were discovered while digging up. We walk right through the forest, after about 500 m turn right again and we come across the already familiar hiking trail. At the Bögnersbild we do not turn right, but left and come to the high wayside cross on the L 578. From there it goes back to the market square, where you can stop at the Thai.

5. Circular hiking trail to Hof Baiertal

The hike begins at the town hall in the center of the village. Behind it is a fountain (Röhrenstein - formerly called Rossbrunnen). This fountain was the former village potion. The rectory is diagonally opposite. We continued our way along the district road (Wenkheimer Straße). At the confluence with Friedhofstrasse, we continue straight ahead. The Friedhofstrasse corresponded to the earlier fortifications (Hag). We turn on the next street, which is called Alte Hohle, into the new building area Alte Hohle. Here you can still admire an old signpost with location information (Hof Baierthal 1/2 hour and Wenkheim 1 hour) After about 100 m, at the end of the children's playground on the corner of Kapellenstrasse, we find a massive wayside shrine with the inscription: Hir is Jesus von the wis. It is related to the pilgrimage to the Wieskirche. We continue on the road, walk past a biotope to the left and leave the new development area Alte Hohle. After about 100 m, at a slight right-hand bend at the moat, there is a shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It bears the inscription: Sweet Heart of Jesus, so that I love you more and more! After the curve, the path continues for about 150 m until it joins a connecting road, the dead straight up to the Bärlistanne (a rectangular forest area). This is located at an altitude of 375 m above sea level. At the beginning of the wood on the left is an oak tree, which is a natural monument. We walk past the wood and enjoy a wonderful view from here to the foothills of the Odenwald and the Spessart. Right in front of us in the valley lies the Baiertal farm with cemetery and chapel. To the right behind it you can see the Steinbacher Siedlung, which is already in Bavaria, and to the left, at the same height, the Wenkheimer Siedlung, which is still in Baden. We continue down into the valley and pass a fourteen-sainted wayside shrine on the right. On the capital, 14 emergency helpers look to the west. The base is engraved: O! You 14 Holy Helpers, pray for us! We walk further into the valley and on the left side, above the cemetery, we see a Kreuzschlepper monument, which was erected in 1765 by Michael Dürr and bears the inscription: Whoever doesn’t take my Creutz, that is not worthy of me. In the cemetery there is a Lourdes grotto to the left of the chapel. The Baiertal farm probably got its name from the state of Bavaria, which begins just a few hundred meters from the farm. Hof Baiertal was politically assigned to the community of Großrinderfeld in 1838, and the route now continues below the cemetery. Walk away from the farm on Wenkheimer Straße. After about 200 m there is a Käppellele on the right-hand side, shortly afterwards the hiking trail leads left into a field path. The path leads back up to the grove (Bärli fir). There is a wayside shrine with the crucified Jesus in the capital on the right-hand ceiling of the forest. The path now leads us on, right along the wood. We get to the elevated water tank, where we turn right. In the field on the left is the primary linden tree by Harald Bethäuser, which was planted on the occasion of the Pörimiz on May 21, 2006. We get to Wenkheimer Straße (Kreisstraße). From there we hike in the ditch to the parking lot on the left. Here is a large cross that was donated by Anna Gerber. We continue walking on the left side of the road and pass the old water tank from 1921. A few meters further on, there is a wayside shrine from H. Brother Konrad's on the traffic island. From there we return to the starting point.


  • Siegfried Schultheiss: Fabulous and true large cattle fields stories. Heimat- und Kulturverein Großrinderfeld, Großrinderfeld 2012.
  • Team of authors of the Heimat- und Kulturverein Großrinderfeld: "In hiking boots through the homeland" - HKV Großrinderfeld, Großrinderfeld 2015.
  • Großrinderfeld through the ages: Geiger-Verlag, Horb am Neckar ISBN 3-89264-586-8

Web links

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