Central Guangxi - Guangxi centrale

Central Guangxi
View of the Ban Gioc – Detian waterfalls during the rainy season from the Vietnamese side

Central Guangxi is a region of the province Chinese of Guangxi.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Chongzuo (崇左, Chóngzuǒ) - Known as the Green Treasure City due to the region's dense subtropical vegetation.
  • Longzhou County (龙 州, Níngmíng) - It is located in a circular valley at the intersection of the Xun and Guijiang rivers.
  • Detian - With its splendid waterfalls on the border with Vietnam.
  • Guigang (贵港; Guìgǎng) - It is located among the five big cities of Guangxi: Nanning, Guilin, Liuzhou, Beihai is Wuzhou.
  • Guiping (桂平; Guìpíng) - Located at the confluence of the Qian and Yu rivers.
  • Hezhou (贺州; Hèzhōu) - Mountain city of the hinterland.
  • Laibin (来宾; Lái Bīn) - Filled with numerous examples of ethnic minority culture, especially Yao.
  • Nanning (南宁; Nánníng) - Capital of Guangxi province, Nanning is a modern-looking city with over 2 million inhabitants. For its visitors Nanning offers parks and botanical gardens plus an interesting museum. Many passing tourists mostly headed to the Friendship Pass, the border crossing with the Vietnam just 200 km away.
  • Pingxiang (萍乡; Píngxiāng) - Border post on the border with Vietnam.
  • Wuzhou (梧州; Wúzhōu) - Located at the confluence of the Gui and Xun rivers.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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