Algerian Arabic language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique arabe algérien — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Algerian Arab
(الجازايريّة (al jazayriya))
Language spoken
Number of speakers
ISO 639-3
Thank you

THE'Algerian Arabic is the mother tongue of 75 to 80 % of the population ofAlgeria and mastered by 95 to 100 % of the country's population.




Common diphthongs



For this guide, we are using polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you do not know.

Hello : سلاموعليكم (pron.: salamoueilaykoum)

literally "Peace be upon you"

Salvation : Salam
How are you doing ? : ki rakoum?
Very well : over there
What's your name ? : kich wasmek?
My name is _____. : semmouni ______
Nice to meet you. : ma'rifet khir
Please. : allah ikhellik
Thank you : sahhit
You're welcome : bla jmil
excuse me : esmah li
Yes : wah
No : the
Bye : bqa lakhir
I do not speak _____. : ma nahderch ______.
Do you speak French ? : tahder fransiya?
Does anyone speak French here? : kach wahed yahder fransiya?
Help ! : 'awnouni!
Good evening. : msel khir.
Good night : Tesebhou bkhir.
I do not understand : my nefhamch.
Where are the toilets ? : win kayen bit el maa?


Don't bother me. : khellini.
Go away !! : roh 'liya !!
Do not touch me ! : ma tekhrebch fiya!
I'll call the police. : doug n'ayet lboulisiya.
Police ! : boulisiya!
Stop! Thief ! : hebbes! serraq serraq!
Help me please! : 'awen ni, llah ikhellik!
It's an emergency. : haja 'ajla.
I am lost. : rani mwedder.
I lost my bag. : weddert saki.
I lost my wallet. : weddert tezdami.
I am in pain. : rani mwejje '.
I am hurt. : rani mejrouh.
I need a doctor. : rani mehtaj tbib.
May I use your phone ? : nenjem neste'mel tilifounkoum?


0 : Sifr
1 : wahed
2 : zouj
3 : tlata
4 : reb'a
5 : khemsa
6 : setta
7 : seb'a
8 : tmenya
9 : tes'a
10 : 'achra
11 : hdach
12 : tnach
13 : teltach
20 : 'euchrin
30 : tlatin
40 : reb'in
50 : khemsin
60 : settin
70 : seb'in
80 : tmanin
90 : tes'in
100 : mya
200 : mitin
300 : teltemya
1000 : alef
2000 : alfin
1 000 000 : melyoun
number X (train, bus, etc.) : nemro X
half : ness
less : kal
more : ktar


now : dorka
later : oumbe'd
before : kbel
morning : sbah
in the morning : me sbiha
afternoon : la'chiya
evening : es-sahra
In the evening : fes-sahra
night : el lil


one o'clock in the morning : el wehda ta 'es-sbah
two o'clock in the morning : ez-zouj ta 'es-sbah
nine o'clock in the morning : et-tes'a ta 'es-sbah
midday : et-tnach
one p.m : el wahda ta 'el' echiya
two in the afternoon : ez-zouj ta 'el' echiya
six in the evening : es-setta ta 'el' echiya
seven o clock in the evening : es-seb'a ta 'el' echiya
a quarter to seven, 6:45 p.m. : es-seb'a ghir er-rba '
quarter past seven, 7:15 p.m. : es-seb'a w er-rba '
half past seven, 7:30 p.m. : es-seb'a w ness
midnight : tnache ta 'el-lil


_____ minutes) : ______ dkika
_____ time) : ______ sa'a
_____ days) : ______ nhar
_____ week (s) : ______ simana
_____ month : ______ cheher
_____ year (s) : ______ 'am
weekly : sabou'i
monthly : chahri
annual : sanaoui


today : el youm
yesterday : el bareh
tomorrow : Ghedwa
this week : es-smana hadi
last week : es-smana li fatet
next week : es-smana ljaya

Monday : لثنين (pron.: letnin)
Tuesday : الثلاث (pron.: and-tlata)
Wednesday : لاربعه (pron.: lareb'a)
Thursday : الخميس (pron.: lekhemis )
Friday : الجمعه (pron.: el-djem'a )
Saturday : السبت (pron.: es-sebte )
Sunday : الحد (pron.: el-hed )


If those who speak the language use a calendar other than Gregorian, explain it and list the months.

January : janvi
February : fivri
March : marss
April : April
may : may
June : jwen
July : jwiyi
August : out
September : sebtambr
October : oktobr
November : novambr
December : disambr

Write time and date

Give examples of how to write time and date if it differs from French.


black : khel
White : byed
Grey : rmadi
Red : hmer
blue : zreq
yellow : sfer
green : khder
orange : tchini
purple : helhali
Chestnut : qahwi
pink : wardy
gold : dehbi
silver : fedi


Bus and Train

How much does the ticket cost to go to ____? : chehal yeswa and-tiki bach nroh l ____?
A ticket for ____, please. : tiki wahed ta '____
Where is this train / bus going? : win yroh had el tren / kar?
Where is the train / bus to ____? : win raho et-tren / el-kar li yroh l ____?
Does this train / bus stop at ____? : had et-tren / el-kar yahbes f ____?
When does the train / bus to ____ leave? : waqtach ykalla 'et-tren / el-kar ta' _____?
When will this train / bus arrive in _____? : waqtach yewsel had et-tren / el-kar l ____?


Where is _____ ? ? : win jaya _____?
...the train station ? : el-gar
...the bus station ? : el-gar ta 'el-kiran
... the airport? : مَطَار (pron.: l-matar) the city ? : fel mdina?
... the suburbs? : berra 'la lemdina?
...the hostel ? : youthful el-oberj
...the hotel _____ ? : l-otil
... the French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian embassy? : es-safara ta 'fransa / el-beljik / swisra / elkanada?
Where are there lots of ____? : win nsib bezzaf _____?
... hotels? : l-otilat
... restaurants? : hwanet ta 'el-makla?
... bars? : et-tabernat?
... sites to visit? : blayes ta 'tehwas?
Can you show me on the map? : tenjem twerri li fel kharita?
Street : ez-zenqa
Turn left : to read it.
Turn right. : dour 'la limen.
left : read
right : limen
straight : nichan / qbala
in the direction of _____ : jihet ____
after _____ : mora l -_____
before _____ : qbel ____
Locate the _____. : sib el -_______
crossroads : karfour
North : chmal
South : janoub
is : look
Where is : gherb
at the top : lfouq
downstairs : lteht


Taxi! : Taxi!
Take me to _____, please. : eddini l ___, ellah ykhellik.
How much does it cost to go to _____? : chehal el-koursa l _____?
Bring me there, please. : eddini hna, ellah ykhellik.


Do you have free rooms? : 'endkoum khawyin chamber?
How much does a room cost for one person / two people? : Chehal etdir ec-chambra ta 'wahed / zouj nas?
Is there in the room ... : qoul ila kayen _____ fel bit
...sheets ? : lizour
...a bathroom ? : hemmam
...a phone ? : tilifoun
...a television ? : tilivizion
Can I visit the room? : nenjem nchouf ech-chambra?
You don't have a (quieter) room? : ma 'andekch bit tkoun (fiha s-skat)?
... bigger ? : kbira?
...cleaner ? : nqiya?
...less expensive? : rkhisa 'liha?
well, I take it. : saha, neddi ha.
I plan to stay _____ night (s). : ghadi nebqa ____ lila (t).
Can you suggest me another hotel? : tenjem tensahni f otil wehdakhor?
Do you have a safe? : 'endkoum kofr?
... lockers ? : kheznat?
Is (breakfast / dinner) included? : el (ftour ta 'es-sbah /' cha) dakhel fes-souma?
What time is (breakfast / dinner)? : waqtach el (ftour ta 'es-sbah /' cha)?
Please clean my room. : naqqiw li l-bit, ellah ykhellikoum.
Can you wake me up at _____ o'clock? : tenjmou tnawdouni 'la _____?
I want to let you know when I'm leaving. : bach nqol lkom ghadi nroh.


Do you accept euros? : teqeblou el euro?
Do you accept Swiss francs? : teqeblou el frenk ta 'swisra?
Do you accept Canadian dollars? : teqeblou ed-dolar ta 'el-kanada?
Do you accept credit cards ? : taqablou el karta ta 'el kridi?
Can you change me? : tenjmou tserrfou li?
Where can I change it? : win nenjem nserref ed-douviz?
Can you change me on a traveler's check? : tenjmou tserrfou li ch-chikat ta 'es-safar?
Where can I redeem a traveler's check? : win nenjem nserref chikat ta 'safar?
What is the exchange rate? : bechehal tbeddlou?
Where can I find an ATM? : win nenjem nsib machina ta 'ed-drahem?


A table for one person / two people, please. : tabla ta 'wahed / (zouj nas), ellah ykhellik.
Can I have the menu ? : nenjem nchouf el menu?
Can I visit the kitchens? : nenjem nchouf el kouzina?
What is the specialty of the house ? : wach etdirou mlih?
Is there a local specialty? : kayna kach makla ta 'had el blasa?
I am vegetarian. : ma nakoulch el lham.
I do not eat pork. : my nakoulch el hallouf.
I only eat kosher meat. : ma nakoul ghir el makla kacher.
Can you cook light? (with less oil / butter / bacon) : rani hab makla tkoun khfifa (neqqes ez-zit / ed-lidam).
menu : menu

breakfast : ftour ta 'es-sbah
to eat lunch : ftour
tea : letey
supper : el-'cha
I want _____ : rani baghi ​​_____
I would like a dish with _____. : rani baghi ​​(a) kach makla b _____.
chicken : el jaj
beef : lham el begri

Fish : el hout
some salmon : es-somon
tuna : and your
whiting : el mernouz
cod : el bajij
seafood : fwaki lebhar

lobster : el lobster

some snails : el boubouch

cheese : el fermaj
eggs : el bid
a salad : es-slata
vegetables (fresh) : el khodra
fruit (fresh) : el fakya
bread : el khobz

rice : er-roz
Beans : el louya
Can I have a glass of _____? : tenjem tjib li kas ta '_____?
Can I have a cup of _____? : tenjem tjib li fenjal ta '____?
Can I have a bottle of _____? : tenjem tjib li qer'a ta '___?
Coffee : qahwa
tea : letey
juice : 'asir
sparkling water : maa gazouz
water : maa
beer : birra
red / white wine : Red wine
Can I have _____? : tenjem tjib li ___?
salt : mleh
pepper : felfel lekhel
butter : zebda
Please ? (attract the attention of the waiter) : ya ssi?
I finished : kemmelt
That was delicious.. : jat bnina
You can clear the table. : tenjem teddi ..
The bill, please. : el fatoura / hsab, ellah ykhellik.




stop (on a sign) : stop


I did not do anything wrong.. : ma derti walou mamnou '..
It is a mistake. : hadi ghelta.
Where are you taking me? : win rakou ddyin ni?
Am I under arrest? : rani mhebbes?
I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen. : ana mouwaten fransi / geljiki / swisri / kanadi.


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