Indonesian language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique indonésien — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

(Bahasa indonesia)
Welcome to Kabupaten Tapin
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Official language
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ISO 639-1
ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3
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Indonesian Language Map.svg

TheIndonesian is the official language of the Republic ofIndonesia.

It was originally from Malay, but the context created with the accession to independence in 1945 resulted in its own development which made Indonesian different from classical Malay.

With 230 million inhabitants scattered in many local communities, Indonesian is not often their mother tongue as Indonesians often speak indigenous local languages ​​such as Javanese, Balinese, Betawi, Sundanese, Minang, palembang, bugis, and papuan. Its purpose is to serve as a unifying language among all the inhabitants of Indonesia.


Pronounce all letters, paying attention to digraphs and consonants at the end of the words.

  • For example : "Jangan mengganggu"(" Don't disturb me ") should be read"Ja-ngan meng-gang-gu " and no "Jan-gan men-ggan-ggu ».
  • Or : "Saya tidak lelah"(" I'm not tired ") should be read"Saya tidaʔ the, theh»By blowing at the end of the, theh ; the k of tidak is not pronounced.



  • b as in bwater
  • vs as in tchèque
  • d as in doux
  • f as in for
  • g as in gcake
  • h like a h aspired English (house), [h] in the international phonetic alphabet
  • j like a j English (jump), [d͡ʒ] in the international phonetic alphabet
  • k as in kmissed ; at the end of a word it forms a glottis stroke, [ʔ] in the international phonetic alphabet
  • the as in theoup
  • m as in maman
  • not as in notlevel
  • p as in panointed
  • q like a qaf (ﻕ) in Arabic, [q] in the international phonetic alphabet; it is often associated with the vowel u and is present in loanwords from Arabic.
  • r like a r spanish roll (pero), [r] in the international phonetic alphabet
  • s as in soi
  • t as in tout
  • v like f, i.e. like for
  • w as in William
  • x as in yourxi, used in foreign loans, sometimes spelled ks (yourksi)
  • y as in yoyo
  • z like s or like j ([d͡ʒ]) or as in zoo


  • bh like b, used in Sanskrit borrowings
  • dh like d, used in Sanskrit borrowings
  • kh like a jota spanish (ojo), [x] in the international phonetic alphabet; it is used in Arabic loans.
  • ng as in parking, [not] in the international phonetic alphabet; it can appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.
  • ny as in vigne
  • sy as in chnothing



  • at as in theatvs
  • e sometimes like fhad, sometimes like été ', sometimes like grève
  • i as in theit
  • o as in pot
  • u as in for


  • have as in pgo, sometimes like failli
  • at as in miaug
  • ia as in theia
  • iu as in sioux
  • oi as in language ofoïl
  • ua as in theyeah
  • ui as in hearing



1st personSaya (formal)
Aku (informal)
Kita (us inclusive)
Kami (us exclusive)
2nd personKamu (familiarity)
Et un (address)
3rd personDiaMereka


The sentences follow a structure: subject-verb-object.

Saya makan nasi : I'm eating rice

There is no agreement of the verb with its subject, nor of conjugation as a function of tense. On the other hand, it is possible to add prefixes and suffixes to the verb to add nuances and create derivatives.

Nasi dimakan kepada saya : rice is eaten by me

We mark the negation with "tidak »Placed before the verb:

Saya tidak makan nasi : I born eat not rice

To mark the tenses, we use markers placed before the verb or we simply indicate the moment when the action takes place:

Saya sudah makan nasi : I have already ate rice (past)
Saya belum makan nasi : I do not have not yet ate rice (past)
Saya sedang makan nasi : I am in the process of eat rice (present)
Saya makan nasi besok : I will eat rice tomorrow (future)

Strictly speaking, the verb "to be" does not exist. Instead, the attribute follows the subject.

Ini mobil saya : this is my car / this is my car
Itu besar : it's big / this is big


Adjectives are placed after the noun.

Ada nasi goreng : there is fried rice

Plural of nouns

Often, the plural of nouns is simply indicated by a doubling. You can also simply specify their number or use the word "banyak " (many)

Ada anak-anak : there are children
Saya punya due to mobil : I have two cars
Ada banyak orang di sini : there are a lot of people here

Please note, there are a few exceptions:

Ada laba-laba : there is a spider (singular)

List of phrases

For this guide, we offer expressions that correspond to a Western conception of things. For example, greetings are those accepted as the equivalent of Western expressions such as "Hello", "Goodbye", "How are you?" In reality, Indonesians do not traditionally greet each other this way. However, the rapid urbanization of the 1980s, linked to the economic take-off, and its consequences, such as the generalization of the telephone, led to the adoption of this type of polite formulas.

We use the polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you do not know.

In the pronunciation that can be read directly as French words:

  • the dashes make it possible not to forget that we do not nasalize the vowels (example: ang is pronounced a-ngue and not angue)
  • the dots at the end of a word remind that when the word ends with k, you must mark the stop at the end of the word (example: tidak pronounced tida. and not tidaque)
  • the uppercase h reminds you to pronounce the h as in English (example: hidup is pronounced Hidoupe and not idoupe)


Common signs

Open : Buka (pron.: bouka)
Firm : Tutup (pron.: toutoupe)
Entrance : Masuk (pron.: masou.)
Exit : Keluar (pron.: kélouare)
To push : Dorong (pron.: dorong)
To pull : Tarik (pron.: dried up.)
Bathroom : WC (pron.: lived)
Men / Gentlemen : Pria (pron.: prayed)
Women / Ladies : Wanita (pron.: ouanita)
Forbidden : Dilarang (pron.: dilara-ng)

Hello (until 10 h) : Selamat pagi (pron.: selamate pagui)
Hello from 10 h - 15 h) : Selamat siang (pron.: selamate sia-ng)
Hello from 15 h At nightfall) : Selamat sore (pron.: sore selamate)
Good evening : Selamat malam (pron.: selamate malame)
How are you ? : Apa kabar? (pron.: apa kabar)
Very well thank you : Baik, terima kasih (pron.: bai., térima kasiH)
What's your name ? : Siapa namamu? (pron.: siapa namamou)
My name is _____ : Nama saya ____ (pron.: nama saya ____)
Nice to meet you : Senang bertemu Anda (pron.: sena-ng bèrtémou a-nda)
Please : Tolong (for a request), husband, silahkan (for an invitation) (pron.: tolong, husband, silaHkane)
Thank you : Terima kasih (literally "(I) receive your affection") (pron.: térima kasiH)
You're welcome : Sama-sama ("Likewise") (pron.: samasama)
Yes : Ya (pron.: ya)
No : Tidak (pron.: tida.)
excuse me : Permit (for a request), maaf (to apologize) (pron.: pèrmici, maafe)
I am sorry : Mohon maaf (pron.: mohone maafe)
Goodbye : Pergi dulu (authentic formula), sampai bertemu lagi (modeled on the western) (pron.: pèrgi doulou)
I do not speak _____ : Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa ______ (pron.: saya tida. bissa bitchara baHasa ______)
Do you speak French ? : Bisakah Anda bicara bahasa Perancis? (pron.: bisakaH a-nda bitchara baHasa Péra-ntchisse)
Does anyone speak French here? : Adakah orang yang bisa bicara bahasa Perancis? (pron.: adakaH ora-ng ya-ng bissa bitchara baHasa Péra-ntchisse)
Help ! : Tolong! (pron.: tolong)
Good night : Selamat tidur (pron.: selamate tidoure)
I do not understand : Saya tidak mengerti (pron.: saya tida. me-ngèrti)
Where are the toilets ? : Di mana kamar kecil? (pron.: di mana kamar kétchile)


Police patrol in Indonesia
Fire truck at Jakarta.

Don't bother me : Jangan mengganggu (pron.: dja-ngane me-ng-ga-ng-gu)
Go away !! : Pergi !! (pron.: pèrgi)
Do not touch me ! : Jangan sentuh saya! (pron.: dja-ngane sèntouH saya)
I'll call the police : Saya akan panggil polisi (pron.: saya akan pa-ng-guile polissi)
Police ! : Polisi! (pron.: polished)
Stop! Thief ! : Stop! Copet! (pron.: stop chopète)
Help me please ! : Tolong saya! (pron.: tolong saya)
It's an emergency : Ini keadaan darurat (pron.: ini kéada-ane darourate)
I am lost : Saya tersasar (pron.: saya tèrsassare)
I lost my bag : Saya kehilangan heap (pron.: saya kéhila-ngane)
I lost my wallet : Saya kehilangan dompet (pron.: saya kéhila-ngane dompète)
I am in pain : Saya kesakitan (pron.: saya kesakitane)
I am hurt : Saya luka-luka (pron.: saya loukalouka)
I need a doctor : Saya perlu seorang dokter (pron.: saya pèrlou séora-ng dokteur)
May I use your phone ? : Boleh saya pakai teleponnya? (pron.: bolèH saya pakaïe)


0 : kosong (pron.: kossongue)
1 : satu (pron.: satou)
2 : due to (pron.: doua)
3 : tiga (pron.: tigua)
4 : empat (pron.: èmpate)
5 : lima (pron.: lima)
6 : at Am (pron.: name)
7 : tujuh (pron.: toudjouH)
8 : delapan (pron.: delapane)
9 : sembilan (pron.: sèmbilane)
10 : sepuluh (pron.: sepoulouH)
11 : sebelas (pron.: sebélasse)
12 : duabelas (pron.: douabélasse)
13 : tigabelas (pron.: tiguabélasse)
14 : empatbelas (pron.: èmpatebélasse)
15 : limabelas (pron.: limabélasse)
16 : enambelas (pron.: enambélasse)
17 : tujuhbelas (pron.: toudjouHbélasse)
18 : delapanbelas (pron.: Délapanebelasse)
19 : sembilanbelas (pron.: sèmbilanebélasse)
20 : duapuluh (pron.: douapoulouH)
21 : duapuluh satu (pron.: douapoulouH satou)
22 : duapuluh dua (pron.: douapoulouH doua)
23 : duapuluh tiga (pron.: douapoulouH tigua)
30 : tigapuluh (pron.: tiguapoulouH)
40 : empatpuluh (pron.: èmpatepoulouH)
50 : limapuluh (pron.: limapoulouH)

100 : seratus (pron.: seratousse)
200 : dua ratus (pron.: doua ratousse)
300 : tiga ratus (pron.: tigua ratousse)
1 000 : seribu (pron.: seriousbou)
2 000 : dua ribu (pron.: doua ribou)
10 000 : sepuluh ribu (pron.: sepoulouH ribou)
100 000 : seratus ribu (pron.: seratousse ribou)
1 000 000 : sejuta (pron.: seduced)
2 000 000 : dua juta (pron.: doua added)
17 263 : tujuhbelas ribu dua ratus enampuluh tiga (pron.: toudjouHbélasse ribou doua ratousse enampoulouH tigua)
number 12 (train, bus, etc.) : nomor duabelas (pron.: nomor douabélasse)
half : setengah (pron.: sete-ngaH)
less : kurang (pron.: koura-ng)
more : tambah (pron.: ta-mbaH)


now : sekarang (pron.: sékara-ng)
later : wealthy (pron.: na-nti)
before : sebelum (pron.: sebéloum)
morning (until 11 a.m.) : pagi (pron.: pagui)
noon and early afternoon (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) : siang (pron.: sia-ng)
afternoon (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.) : sore (pron.: soré)
evening and night (from 18 h) : malam (pron.: malam)


one o'clock in the morning : jam satu (pron.: djam satou)
two o'clock in the morning : jam dua (pron.: djam doua)
nine o'clock in the morning : jam sembilan (pron.: djam sèmbilane)
midday : tengah hari (pron.: té-ngaH Hari)
one p.m : jam satu siang (pron.: djam satou sia-ng)
two in the afternoon : jam dua siang (pron.: djam doua sia-ng)
six in the evening : jam enam sore (pron.: djam enam soré)
seven o clock in the evening : jam tujuh malam (pron.: djam toujouH malam)
a quarter to seven, 6:45 p.m. : jam tujuh kurang seperempat (pron.: djam toudjouH koura-ng sepèrèmpate)
quarter past seven, 7:15 p.m. : jam tujuh seperempat (pron.: djam toudjouH seperempate)
half past seven, 7:30 p.m. : jam tengah delapan (pron.: djam tèngaH Délapane)
midnight : tengah malam (pron.: tèngaH malam)


_____ minutes) : ______ menit (pron.: menit)
_____ time) : ______ jam (pron.: djam)
_____ days) : ______ hari (pron.: Hari)
_____ week (s) : ______ minggu (pron.: mi-ng-gou)
_____ month : ______ bulan (pron.: boulane)
_____ year (s) : ______ tahun (pron.: taHoune)
weekly : mingguan (addition of the suffix -year) (pron.: mi-ng-gouane)
monthly : bulanan (pron.: boula-nane)
annual : tahunan (pron.: taHounane)


today : hari ini (pron.: Hari ini)
yesterday : kemarin (pron.: kémarine)
tomorrow : besok (pron.: bésso.)
this week : minggu ini / pekan ini (pron.: mi-ng-gou ini / pekane ini)
last week : minggu lalu / pekan lalu (pron.: mi-ng-gou lalou / pekane lalou)
next week : minggu depan / pekan depan (pron.: mi-ng-gou Dépane / Pékane Dépane)
Sunday : hari minggu (pron.: Hari mi-ng-gou)
Monday : senin (pron.: senine)
Tuesday : selasa (pron.: selassa)
Wednesday : rabu (pron.: rabou)
Thursday : kamis (pron.: kamisse)
Friday : jum'at (pron.:
Saturday : sabtu (pron.: sabtou)


January : Januari (pron.: djanouari)
February : Februari (pron.: febrouari)
March : Maret (pron.: marete)
April : April (pron.: april)
may : Mei (pron.: mei)
June : Juni (pron.: djouni)
July : Juli (pron.: djouli)
August : Agustus (pron.: agoussetousse)
September : September (pron.: septèmbèr)
October : Oktober (pron.: oktobèr)
November : November (pron.: nofémbèr)
December : Desember (pron.: déssèmbèr)

Write time and date

Give examples of how to write time and date if it differs from French.

August 17, 1945 : 17 Agustus 1945 (pron.: toudjouHbélasse agoustousse seriousbou sèmbilane )


black : hitam (pron.: Hitame)
White : putih (pron.: poutiH)
Grey : abu-abu / kelabu (pron.: abouabou / kélabou)
red : merah (pron.: merah)
blue : biru (pron.: birou)
yellow : kuning (pron.: kouni-ng)
green : hijau (pron.: Hijaou)
orange : jingga (pron.: dji-ng-ga)
purple : ungu (pron.: or-ng-or)
Chestnut : coklat ("chocolate") (pron.: tchoklate)


Indonesia Map in Indonesian

Bus and train

How much does the ticket cost to go to ____? : Berapa harga karcis ke ____? (pron.: berapa Harga kartchisse ké ____)
A ticket for ____, please : Tolong, satu karcis ke _____ (pron.: tolong satou kartchisse ké ____)
Where is this train / bus going? : Kereta / bus ini ke mana? (pron.: kereta / bousse ini ké mana)
Where is the train / bus to ____? : Di mana kereta / bus ke _____? (pron.: di mana kereta / bousse ké ____)
Does this train / bus stop at ____? : Apakah kereta / bus ini berhenti di _____? (pron.: apakaH kéréta / bousse ini bèrhènti di ____)
When does the train / bus to _____ leave? : Jam berapa kereta / bus ke _____ berangkat? (pron.: djam bérapa kéréta / bousse ké ____ béra-ngkate)
When will this train / bus arrive in _____? : Jam berapa kereta / bus ini sampai di _____? (pron.: djam berapa kereta / bousse ini sampaye di ____)


Where is _____? : Bagaimana saya pergi ke _____? (pron.: bagaïmana saya pèrgui ké ____)
... the train station ? : ... stasiun kereta api? (pron.: stasioune kéréta api)
... the bus station ? : ... bus terminal? (pron.: terminal bush)
... the airport? : ... bandara? (pron.: ba-ndara)
... in the city ? : ... pusat kota? (pron.: pushate kota)
... the suburbs? : pinggiran kota (pron.: pi-ng-girane kota)
... the hostel? : losmen / hotel melati (pron.: losmène / hotèl Mélati)
... the hotel _____? : ... hotel _____? (pron.: hotèl _____)
... the French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian embassy? : ... kedutaan besar / konsulat Perancis / Belgia / Swiss / Kanada? (pron.: kédouta-ane béssar / ko-nsulate Perantchisse / Bèlguia / Souisse / Kanada)
Where are there lots of ... : Di mana ada banyak ... (pron.: di mana ada bagnia.)
... hotels? : ... hotel? (pron.: hotèl)
... restaurants? : ... rumah makan? (pron.: roumaH makane)
... bars? : ... bar? (pron.: bar)
... sites to visit? : ... tempat-tempat wisata? (pron.: tèmpate-tempate ouissata)
Can you show me on the map? : Bisa anda tunjukkan di peta? (pron.: bissa a-nda toundjoukkane di péta)
Street : jalan (pron.: djalane)
Turn left : belok kiri (pron.: bélo. kiri)
Turn right : belok kanan (pron.: bélo. kanane)
left : kiri (pron.: kiri)
right : kanan (pron.: kanane)
straight : lurus (pron.: lourousse)
in the direction of _____ : menuju _____ (pron.: mènoudjou)
after _____ : sesudah _____ (pron.: sésoudaH)
before _____ : sebelum _____ (pron.: sebéloum)
Locate the _____ : menemukan _____ (pron.: menemoukane)
crossroads : persimpangan (pron.: pèrsi-mpa-ng-ane)
intersection : persimpangan (pron.: pèrsi-mpa-ng-ane)

Wind rose in Indonesian

North : utara (pron.: outara)
South : selatan (pron.: selatan)
is : timur (pron.: timour)
Where is : barat (pron.: barate)
at the top : teratas (pron.: teratasse)
downstairs : turun (pron.: touroune)


Taxi! : Taksi! (pron.: taksi)
Take me to _____, please : Tolong antar saya ke _____ (pron.: tolong a-ntar saya ké ____)
How much does it cost to go to _____? : Berapa harganya ke _____? (pron.: berapa Hargagnia ké ____)
Bring me there, please : Tolong antar saya ke sana (pron.: tolong a-ntar saya ké sana)


Do you have free rooms? : Ada kamar kosong? (pron.: ada kamar kosong)
How much does a room cost for one person / two people? : Berapa harga kamar untuk satu / dua orang? (pron.: berapa Harga kamar ountou. satou / doua ora-ng)
Is there in the room ... : Apakah kamarnya ada ... (pron.: apakaH kamargnia ada)
... sheets ? : ... seprei? (pron.: seprèye)
... a bathroom ? : ... kamar mandi? (pron.: kamar ma-ndi)
... a phone ? : ... telepon? (pron.: telephone)
... a television ? : ... televisi / TV? (pron.: televissi / tévé)
Can I visit the room? : Boleh lihat kamarnya dulu? (pron.: bolèH liHate kamargnia doulou)
You don't have a quieter room? : Ada kamar yang lebih tenang? (pron.: ada kamar ya-ng lebiH tena-ng)
... bigger ? : ... besar? (pron.: béssar)
... cleaner ? : ... bersih? (pron.: bèrsiH)
... less expensive ? : ... murah? (pron.: mouraH)
Well i take it : Baik saya ambil (pron.: bay. saya a-mbil)
I plan to stay _____ night (s) : Saya akan tinggal selama _____ malam (pron.: saya akane ti-ng-gal selama ____ malame)
Can you suggest me another hotel? : Anda bisa sarankan hotel lainnya? (pron.: a-nda bissa sara-nka-n hotèl laïn-gnia)
Do you have a safe? : Apakah Anda punya brankas? (pron.: apakaH a-nda pougnia bra-nkasse)
... lockers ? : ... lemari berkunci? (pron.: lémari bèrkountchi)
Is breakfast / dinner included? : Apakah sudah termasuk sarapan / makan malam? (pron.: apakaH soudaH tèrmasou. sarapane / makane malam)
What time is breakfast / dinner? : Jam berapa sarapan / makan malam? (pron.: djam bérapa sarapane / makane malam)
Please clean my room : Tolong bersihkan kamar saya (pron.: tolong bèrsiHkane kamar saya)
Can you wake me up at _____ o'clock? : Bisakah saya dibangunkan jam _____? (pron.: bisakaH saya diba-ng-ounkane djam ____)
I want to notify you of my departure : Saya mau check out (pron.: saya maou czech august)


Indonesian currency is the rupiah. There are coins of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 rupiah. Sometimes there is more than one part model.
Tickets range from 1000 to 100 000rupiah.

Do you accept euros? : Bisa pakai euro? (pron.: bissa pakaïe euro)
Do you accept Swiss francs? : Bisa pakai franc Swiss? (pron.: bissa pakaïe franc souisse)
Do you accept Canadian dollars? : Bisa pakai dollar Kanada? (pron.: bissa pakaïe dollar kanada)
Do you accept credit cards ? : Bisa pakai kartu kredit? (pron.: bissa pakaïe kartou krédite)
Can you change me? : Bisakah anda tukar uang untuk saya? (pron.: bisakaH a-nda toukar oua-ng ountou. saya)
Where can I change it? : Di mana saya bisa tukar uang? (pron.: di mana saya bissa toukar oua-ng)
Can you change me on a traveler's check? : Bisakah anda tukar cek perjalanan? (pron.: bissakaH a-nda toukar Czech pèrdjalanane)
Where can I redeem a traveler's check? : Di mana saya bisa tukar cek perjalanan? (pron.: di mana saya bissa toukar czech pèrdjalanane)
What is the exchange rate? : Apa kursnya? (pron.: apa koursegnia)
Where can I find an ATM? : Di mana ada ATM? (pron.: di mana ada até-th)


Tastes and temperatures

Dirty : asin (pron.: assine)
Acid : asam (pron.: assame)
Sweet : manis (pron.: manisse)
Spicy : pedas (pron.: pedasse)
Bitter : pahit (pron.: paHite)
Delicious : enak (pron.: éna.)
Without taste : tawar (pron.: ta-ouar)
Cold : dingin (pron.: di-ngine)
Lukewarm : sejuk (pron.: sedjou.)
Hot : hangat (pron.: Ha-ngate)
Burning : panas (pron.: panasse)

Types of cooking

Believed : mentah (pron.: mèntaH)
Costs : segar (pron.: segar)
Cooked : matang (pron.: mata-ng)
Roast : panggang (pron.: pa-ng-ga-ng)
Gate : bakar (pron.: bakar)
Jumped up : tumis / cah (in Chinese restaurans) (pron.: toumisse / tchaH)
Fried : goreng (pron.: gorè-ng)
Boiled : reject (pron.: rebousse)
Steamed : kukus (pron.: koukousse)
Mixture : campur (pron.: tcha-mpour)

The nasi goreng is the Indonesian version of stir-fried rice. The krupuk udang (shrimp chips) often accompany dishes.
Indonesian cuisine is spicy, especially thanks to the sambal, a sauce made from cabe (peppers).
The rendang, a meat dish simmered in coconut milk and spices, is a classic dish of Indonesian cuisine.
The bubur ayam is rice porridge (bubur) topped with chicken (ayam).
The ketupat and the lontong are two types of rice cake that can be served with sate (skewers).
The durian is a very fragrant and very rich fruit.

A table for one person / two people, please : Tolong, satu meja untuk satu / dua orang (pron.: tolong, satou médja ountou. satou / doua ora-ng)
Can I have the menu ? : Bolehkah saya lihat menunya? (pron.: bolèHkaH saya liHate menougnia)
Can I visit the kitchens? : Bolehkah saya mengunjungi dapur? (pron.: bolèHkaH saya mè-ng-oundjou-ng-i)
What is the specialty of the house ? : Adakah makanan istimewa? (pron.: adakaH makanane istiméoua)
Is there a local specialty? : Adakah makanan khas daerah ini? (pron.: adakaH makanane rasse daéraH ini)
I am vegetarian : Saya vegetarian (pron.: Vedjetarian saya)
I do not eat pork : Saya tidak makan babi (pron.: saya tida. makane babi)
I only eat kosher meat : Saya makan daging kosher saja (pron.: saya makane dagi-ng kochère sadja)
Can you cook light? (with less oil / butter / bacon) : Bisa dibuat dengan minyak sedikit saja? (pron.: bissa dibouate dèngane mignia. sedikite sadja)
Can you add less spice? : Bisa dibuat dengan cabe sedikit saja? (pron.: bissa dibouate dèngane)
menu : paket (pron.: pakète)

breakfast : sarapan / makan pagi (pron.: sarapane / makane pagi)
to eat lunch : makan siang (pron.: makane sia-ng)
supper : makan malam (pron.: makane malame)
I want _____ : Saya mau pesan _____. (pron.: saya maou péssane)
I would like a dish with _____ : Saya mau makanan yang mengandung _____. (pron.: saya maou makanane ya-ng me-ng-a-ndoung)
chicken : ayam (pron.: ayame)
beef : daging sapi (pron.: daging sapi)
sheep : daging kambing (pron.: daging ka-mbing)
deer : rusa (pron.: roussa)
Fish : ikan (pron.: ikane)
some salmon : ikan salmon (pron.: ikane salmone)
tuna : ikan tongkol (pron.: ikane tongkol)

cod : ikan kod (pron.: ikan kode)
seafood : boga bahari (pron.: boga baHari)
shrimps : udang (pron.: ouda-ng)
crab : kepiting (pron.: képiting)
squid : cumi (pron.: tchoumi)
cuttlefish : sotong (pron.: sotong)

lobster : lobster (pron.: lobster)
clams : kerang (pron.: kéra-ng)
oysters : tiram (pron.: tirame)
mussels : kupang (pron.: koupa-ng)
some snails : siput (pron.: sipoute)
frogs : katak (pron.: kata.)
Ham : ham (pron.: Hame)
pork / pig : daging babi (pron.: daging babi)
wild boar : babi celeng (pron.: babi tchélè-ng)
sausages : sosis (pron.: sausage)
cheese : keju (pron.: kédjou)
eggs : telur (pron.: telour)
tofu : tahu (pron.: taHou)
vegetables (fresh) : sayuran (pron.: sayourane)
cucumber : timun (pron.: timoune)
carrot : wortel (pron.: wortèl)
a salad : selada (pron.: selada)
cauliflower : kembang kol (pron.: kèmba-ng kol)
tomato : tomat (pron.: tomato)
radish : lobak (pron.: loba.)
corn : jagung (pron.: djagoung)
water spinach : kangkung (pron.: ka-ngkoung)
amaranth / spinach : bayam (pron.: bayame)
squash : labu (pron.: The dirt)
beans / peanuts : kacang (pron.: katcha-ng)
long beans : kacang panjang (pron.: katcha-ng pa-ndja-ng)
potatoes : kentang (pron.: kènta-ng)
yam : singkong (pron.: singkong)
purple yam : ubi (pron.: oubi)
sweet potato : ubi jalar (pron.: oubi djalar)
onion : bawang bombay (pron.: bawa-ng bo-mbay)
Garlic : bawang putih (pron.: bawa-ng poutiH)
shallot : bawang merah (pron.: bawa-ng méraH)
Mushroom : jamur (pron.: djamour)
fruit (fresh) : buah (pron.: bouaH)
apple : call (pron.: call)
banana : pisang (pron.: pissa-ng)
orange : jeruk (pron.: djérou.)
watermelon : semangka (pron.: séma-ngka)
grape : anggur (pron.: a-nggour)
papaya : pepaya (pron.: pepaya)
mango : mangga (pron.: ma-ngga)
guava : jambu (pron.: ja-mbu)
of pineapple : girls (pron.: girls)
persimmon : kesemek (pron.: késémè.)
melon : blewah (pron.: wheatwaH)
coconut : kelapa (pron.: kélapa)
carambola : belimbing (pron.: belimebing)
jackfruit : nangka (pron.: na-ngka)
breadfruit : sukun (pron.: soukoune)
rambutan : rambutan (pron.: rameboutane)
mangosteen : manggis (pron.: ma-nggisse)
soursop : sirsak (pron.: sirsa.)
durian : durian (pron.: douriane)
bread : roti (pron.: roast)
toast : roti bakar (pron.: roti bakar)
noodles : crumb (pron.: mi)
pasta : pasta (pron.: pasta)
rice : nasi (pron.: nassi)
rice porridge : bubur (pron.: bouboure)
ice : es krim (pron.: ès crime)
cake : kue (pron.: koué)
Can I have a drink of _____? : Saya bisa minta satu gelas _____? (pron.: saya bissa mi-nta satou guelasse _____)
Can I have a cup of _____? : Saya bisa minta satu cangkir_____? (pron.: saya bissa mi-nta satou tcha-ngkir _____)
Can I have a bottle of _____? : Saya bisa minta satu botol _____? (pron.: saya bissa mi-nta satou botol _____)
Coffee : kopi (pron.: kopi)
tea : teh (pron.: tèH)
juice : juice (pron.: djousse)
sparkling water : air bersoda (pron.: aïr bèrsoda)
water : air (pron.: aïr)
beer : bir (pron.: bir)
red / white wine : anggur merah / putih (pron.: a-nggour méraH)
Can I have _____? : Saya bisa minta _____? (pron.: saya bissa mi-nta _____)
salt : garam (pron.: garame)
pepper : merica (pron.: deserved)
hot sauce : saus sambal (pron.: sa-mbal sauce)
tomato sauce : saus tomat (pron.: tomato sauce)
butter : mentega (pron.: mèntega)
Please ? (attract the attention of the waiter) : Permit (pron.: pèrmissi)
I finished : Saya sudah selesai (pron.: saya soudaH selesai)
That was delicious : Enak (pron.: éna.)
You can clear the table : Tolong ambil piringnya (pron.: tolong a-mbil piring-nia)
The bill please : Minta good (pron.: mi-nta bone)


Do you serve alcohol? : Apakah Anda menyajikan alkohol? (pron.: apakaH a-nda meganiadjikane alkoHol)

One beer / two beers, please : Bir satu / Bir dua tolong (pron.: bir satou / bir doua tolong)
A glass of red / white wine, please : Tolong, satu gelas anggur merah / putih (pron.: tolong satou guélasse a-nggoure méraH / poutiH)
A big beer, please : Bir besar satu tolong (pron.: bir béssar satou tolong)
A bottle, please : Tolong, satu botol (pron.: tolong satou botol)
whiskey : whiskey (pron.: ouissequi)
vodka : vodka (pron.: vodka)
rum : rum (pron.: roum)
some water : air (pron.: aïr)
soda : minuman ringan (pron.: ringan minoumane)
Schweppes : air tonik (pron.: aïr tonik)
Orange juice : jeruk juice (pron.: djousse djérou.)
Coca : Coca Cola (pron.: Coca Cola)
Do you have appetizers (in the sense of chips or peanuts)? : Ada makanan kecil? (pron.: ada makanane kétchile)
Another one, please : Satu lagi tolong (pron.: satou lagui tolong)
Another for the table, please : Tolong, satu round lagi (pron.: tolong satou ro-ndé lagui)
What time do you close ? : Jam berapa tutup? (pron.: djame berapa toutoupe)


Do you have this in my size? : Barang ini ada yang ukuran saya? (pron.: bara-ng ini ada ya-ng oukourane saya)
How much does it cost ? : Berapa harganya? (pron.: berapa Hargania)
It's too expensive ! : Terlalu mahal! (pron.: tèrlalou maHal)
Could you accept _____? : Kalau _____ bagaimana? (pron.: kalaou _____ bagaïmana)
Dear : mahal (pron.: maHal)
cheap : murah (pron.: mouraH)
I can't pay him / her : Saya tidak bisa beli itu (pron.: saya tida. bissa bèli)
I do not want it : Saya tidak mau (pron.: saya tida. maou)
You are cheating on me : Kau menipu saya (pron.: kaou menipou saya)
I am not interested : Saya tidak tertarik (pron.: saya tida. tèrtari.)
Well i will take it : Baiklah, saya beli (pron.: bai.laH saya bèli)
Could I have a bag? : Ada kantong? (pron.: ada ka-ntong)
Do you ship abroad? : Bisakah dikirim (ke luar negeri)? (pron.: bissakaH dikirime (ké louar neguéri))
I need... : Saya perlu ... (pron.: saya pèrlou)
... toothpaste : ... pasta gigi (pron.: pasta guigui)
... a toothbrush : ... sikat gigi (pron.: sikate guigui)
... buffers : ... softeks / pembalut (pron.: softèks / pèmbaloute)
...soap : ... sabun (pron.: saboune)
... shampoo : ... sampo (pron.: sa-mpo)
... an analgesic (aspirin, ibuprofen) : ... obat pereda sakit (aspirin, parasetamol,…) (Note: ibuprofen is not easy to find) (pron.: obate pereda sakite (aspirin, paracetamol))
... medicine for a cold : ... obat masuk angin (pron.: obate masu. angina)
... medicine for the stomach : ... obat sakit perut (pron.: obate salite peroute)
... a razor : ... cukuran (pron.: tchoukouran)
... batteries : ... baterai (pron.: batéraï)
... an umbrella : ... payung (pron.: payoung)
... of a parasol (sun) : ...Beach umbrella (pron.: Beach umbrella)
... a sunscreen : ... tabir surya (pron.: tabir sourya)
... a postcard : ... kartu pos (pron.: kartou posse)
... postage stamps : ... perangko (pron.: péra-ngko)
...writing paper : ... kertas (pron.: kèrtasse)
... a pen : ... pulp (pron.: octopus)
... books in French : ... buku-buku bahasa Perancis (pron.: boukouboukou baHassa Péra-ntchisse)
... magazines in French : ... majalah bahasa Perancis (pron.: madjalaH baHassa Péra-ntchisse)
... a newspaper in French : ... surat kabar / koran bahasa Perancis (pron.: sura kabar / koran baHasa Péra-ntchisse)
... from a French-Indonesian dictionary : ... kamus Perancis-Indonesia (pron.: kamousse Péra-ntchisse I-ndonéchia)


I would like to rent a car : Saya mau sewa mobil (pron.: saya maou seoua mobil)
Could I be insured? : Saya bisa minta asuransi (pron.: saya bissa mi-nta assoura-nsi)
stop (on a sign) : stop (pron.: stop)
One Way : satu arah (pron.: satou araH)
yield : beri jalan (pron.: béri djalane)
parking forbidden : dilarang parkir (pron.: dilara-ng parkir)
speed limit : batas kecepatan (pron.: batasse kétchépatane)
gas station : pom bensin / SPBU (Stasiun Pengisian Bahan bakar Umum) (pron.: apple bensine / ès-pe-bé-ou (stassioune pè-ng-issiane baHane oumoume))
gasoline : bensin (pron.: benesine)
diesel : diesel / solar (pron.: diesel / solar)


I did not do anything wrong : Saya tidak berbuat salah (pron.: saya tida. berbouate salah)
It is a mistake : Itu kesalahpahaman (pron.: itou késalaHpaHamane)
Where are you taking me? : Ke mana saya dibawa? (pron.: ké mana saya dibaoua)
Am I under arrest? : Apakah saya ditahan? (pron.: apakaH saya ditaHane)
I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen : Saya warga negara Perancis / Belgia / Swiss / Kanada (pron.: saya ouarga negara Péra-ntchisse)
I must speak to the French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian Embassy / Consulate : Saya ingin bicara dengan kedutaan besar / konsulat Perancis / Belgia / Swiss / Kanada (pron.: saya i-ng-ine bitchara dè-ng-ane kédouta-ane béssar / konsoulate Péra-ntchisse / Bèlguia / Souisse / Kanada)
I would like to speak to a lawyer : Saya mau bicara dengan pengacara / advokat (pron.: saya maou bitchara dèngane pèng-atchara / advokate)
Could I just pay a fine? : Bisakah saya bayar denda di tempat saja? (pron.: bissakaH saya bayar dènda di tèmpate sadja)


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