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East Timor
​((pt)Timor-Leste, (tet) Timor Lorosa'e)
The coast at Dili
The coast at Dili
Flag of East Timor.svg
Capital city
Form of State
Official language
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
8 ° 58 ′ 0 ″ S 125 ° 45 ′ 0 ″ E
Government site

The East Timor, in long form Democratic Republic of East Timor, is a small country ofSouth East Asia independent since 2002 from its neighbor theIndonesia.



In East Timor, beaches of crystal white sand and clear waters are ideal for diving. There is also a great diversity of corals.

If the sea is a great tourist asset for the country, so are its mountains, which are remarkable for walks or downhill mountain biking.


There are two seasons:

  • The dry season, when it is very hot and dry. It hardly ever rains during this period.
  • The rainy season, where the rains lead to flooding.

In the mountains, the climate is humid and more balanced.



Holidays and public holidays


Map of East Timor
North Coast
Home to most of the inhabitants of East Timor, the North Shore is rich in cultural and historical attractions. The island of Atauro is famous for its dive sites.
South side
The laid-back south coast stretches the length of the island, with its coffee plantations, hiking opportunities, and beautiful scenery.
The mountainous enclave of Oecusse is truly off the beaten track, with the ruins of the Indonesian occupation still visible, friendly locals rarely see travelers.


  • 1 Dili Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The capital, 51,700 inhabitants in 2004.
  • 2 Baucau Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 3 Gleno Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Capital of Ermara district.
  • 4 Pante Makasar (Pante Macassar) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – capital of the Oecussi region, landlocked in the West Timor

To go


  •      East Timor
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa on arrival only at the airport and seaport of Dili

By plane

Comoro is the only international airport in East Timor, located in the capital Dili.

The main way to get to Dili, is to take the plane from Darwin (city in the north ofAustralia) until DiliThis route is serviced by the Australian company Airnorth every day and the flight lasts approximately h 15.

Airport taxes are US $ 10.

By car

There is no means of land transport (Car / Coach) to go from Indonesia to East Timor.

Crossing the common border between Indonesia and East Timor by land is not recommended due to ongoing struggles.


By plane

Flights are provided to Dili from Darwin with Airnorth; from Singapore with SilkAir (Timor Air); from Bali with Merpati Airlines and soon Batavia airlines.

On a boat

There is a passenger transport boat that connects Oecussi and Dili.
Oecussi is the isolated region of East Timor whose Pante Makasar is the capital.

By train

By bus

With most of the old facilities destroyed, the public transport network is extremely poor and constantly overloaded.

By car

Driving is very dangerous, the roads are in very bad condition.
All you need is your national driving license to drive a car in East Timor.


The tetum and the Portuguese are the official languages. However Malay and other national languages ​​are spoken. English is spoken by many people.


Banknotes of US $ 100, US $ 50, US $ 20, US $ 10, US $ 5, US $ 2 and US $ 1

The currency of East Timor is the US dollar ($, USD).


Timorese cuisine is very similar to Indonesian cuisine (rice, spices). Each region has its specialty, as in most countries. In the capital, due to the large number of foreigners, you can find restaurants serving foreign cuisine.

Have a drink / Go out


The hotels are mainly located in the capital Dili.There are several price classes, but in general they are quite expensive. Large hotels generally accept credit cards.


To work



Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
All emergency services:112

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


You are advised to:

  • Get a vaccine against cholera, although this is not an entry requirement. Note that the effectiveness of the vaccine against cholera is disputed, a medical examination is required before travel.
  • Boil water before putting it in your mouth even if you do not drink it, and also before making ice cubes. Preferably drink bottled water.
  • Prophylactic medication for malaria is highly recommended for anyone wanting to return to East Timor.
  • Vaccination against hepatitis A is advised, and also hepatitis B for those who stay long term.
  • vaccination against typhus, polio, diphtheria and tetanus is further advised.


  • The dengue.
  • Japanese encephalitis.
  • Rabies. In the event of a bite, please consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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Destinations located in the region