Language guides - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guides linguistiques — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit


This page lists the language guides currently available on Wikivoyage. If you need a language guide for a language that is not listed here, add it to the language guide requests. The development of language guides is organized by the Language Guides Expedition.

Global distribution of languages

Color legend defining the level of advancement of the language guides:

  •      Sketch - The language guide usually contains basic words like greetings and thanks
  •      Usable - The language guide usually contains many translated phrases and sentences but the pronunciation transcription is often missing
  •      Guide - The language guide contains many translated phrases and expressions with usually the transcription of the pronunciation
  •      Star - The language guide contains many translated phrases and expressions with pronunciation transcription
International languages
African languages
American languages
Asian languages
European languages
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
These travel tips are a rough sketch and need more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information to be really useful. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the theme: Around the trip
Articles related to the topic: Language guides