Mandarin language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique mandarin — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

For other places of the same name, see Chinese language guide.
(汉语 or 漢語 [Hànyǔ] ; 中文 [zhōngwén])
Guanhua swapped.svg
Official language
Language spoken
Number of speakers
ISO 639-3
Thank you
Map of sinitic languages-en.svg

the chinese mandarin is the official language of China and of Taiwan and also that of Singapore. In China, the official Chinese language is called 普通话 pǔtōnghuà (pou ton roua) which means “everyday language”. There are 54 other languages ​​in China, 21 of which have their own script (Mongolian; Tibetan; Kazakh; Xide). Since 1950, this language has been the main language of Chinese education, excluding Hong Kong and Macau.

It should be noted that there are several dialects in the Chinese language. For example, one Cantonese-speaking person and another Mandarin-speaking person cannot understand each other orally, but can generally read what the other writes. Cantonese, spoken in Hong Kong, uses common phrases from a familiar register that are rarely used in writing. It should be added that in China and Singapore, the inhabitants use simplified characters. But in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and other regions, we still use traditional characters.

About a fifth of the world's population speaks Chinese languages ​​or its dialects, considering it to be their mother tongue. It is a tonal language like Tibetan, and which has had a great influence in Asia. The Vietnamese borrowed many words from the Chinese language and also Chinese characters until the introduction of the alphabet by the Westerners. The Koreans and the Japanese used to use the Chinese language writing system before, before developing different systems. Chinese, like all other Asian languages, is not known to be that difficult to learn; nevertheless Westerners will have difficulty with the tones and recognition of different characters in writing. It should be added that Chinese does not have an alphabet, that the grammar is quite simple: there is no conjugation according to time, nor plurals nor even other grammatical rules that can be found in French. or in English.

For this guide, we are using polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you don't know. In addition, the Chinese use the Latin alphabet to transcribe the pronunciation of characters. The most used transcription in the world is called pinyin which means "to spell sounds" and which will be indicated in this guide in parentheses.




The first line indicates the pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet, the second the pinyin.

Spirantlateral  [the]
Affricate  [ts]
Fricative [f]
Spirant      [ɻ]


Common diphthongs


Common signs

Open : 开 (開) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Firm : 关 (關) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Entrance : 入口 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Exit : 出口 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
To push : 推 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
To pull : 拉 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Bathroom : 厕所 (廁所) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Men / Gentlemen : 男 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Women / Ladies : 女 (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Forbidden : 禁止 / 不许 (禁止 / 不許) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)

Hello : 你好。 (nǐ hǎo)
My name is ______ : 我 叫 ______。 (wǒ jiào)
How are you doing ? : 你 好吗? (你 好嗎?) (nǐ hǎo ma)
Very well thank you : 很好 , 谢谢。 (很好 , 謝謝。) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
What's your name ? : X (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
What's your name ? : 你 叫 什么 名字? (你 叫 什麼 名字?) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
My name is _____ : 我 的 名字 是 (wǒde míngzì shì) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Nice to meet you : 很 高兴 认识 你。 (很 高興 認識 你。) (hěn gāoxìng rénshì nǐ.) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Please : 请 (請) (qǐng) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Thank you : 谢谢。 (謝謝。) (xièxiè)
You're welcome : X (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Yes : 是 (shì) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
No : 不 (bù) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
excuse me : 不好意思 (bù hǎo yìsi) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
I am sorry : 对不起 (對不起) (duìbìqǐ) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Bye : 再见。 (zàijiàn)
I do not speak _____ : 我 不会 说 (我 不會 說) (wǒ búhuì shuō) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Do you speak French ? : 您 会 说 法语 吗? (您 會 說 法語 嗎?) (nin hui shuo fǎyǔ ma, nin hui shuo fàyǔ ma) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Do you speak French ? : 你 会 说 法语 吗? (你 會 說 法語 嗎?) (ni hui shuo fǎyǔ ma, ni hui shuo fàyǔ ma) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Does anyone speak French here? : 这里 有人 会 说 法语 吗? (這裏 有人 會 說 法語 嗎?) (zheli you ren hui shuo fayu ma?) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Help ! : X (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Good morning) : 早上 好 / 早安 (zaoshang hao / zaoan) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Hello afternoon) : 中午 好 (zhongwu hao) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Good evening : 晚上 好 (wanshang hao) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Good night : 晚安 (wan'an) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
Where are the toilets ? : 厕所 在 哪里? (廁所 在 哪裏?) (cesuo zai nali) (pron.: XPronunciation of the title in its original version To listen)
How much does it cost ? : 这个 多少 钱? (這個 多少 錢?) (zhège duōshǎo qián)
I do not understand : 我 不 明白。 (wǒ bù míngbái)
What time is it ? : 现在 几点 了? (現在 幾點 了?) (xiànzài jǐ diǎnle)
France : 法国 (法國) (Fǎguó, Fàguó)
I am French : 我 是 法国 人。 (我 是 法國 人。) (wǒ shì Fǎguó ren, wǒ shì Fàguó ren)
Where ? : 哪里? (哪裏?) (nǎlǐ)
Where is ... ? : ... 在 哪里? (... 在 哪裏?) (... zài nǎlǐ)
Right here : 这里 (這裏) (zhèlǐ)
The low : 那里 (那裏) (nàlǐ)
It's expensive : 很贵。 (很貴。) (hěn guì)
It's too expensive : 太贵。 (太貴。) (tài guì)
It's cheap : 便宜。 (便宜。) (piányí)
Why ? : 为什么? (爲什麼?) (wèishéme)


Thief ! : 小偷! (xiǎotōu) (pron.: siao-thow)
Call the police ! : 叫 警察! (jiào jǐng chá) (pron.: djiao-djing-tcha)
Call the fire department ! : 叫 火警! (jiào hǔo jǐng) (pron.: djiao-rhouo-djingue)
Call an ambulance ! : 叫 救护车! (jiào jiù hù chē) (pron.: djiao-djieau-rhou-tche)
Don't bother me : 不要 打扰 我。 (búyào dǎrǎo wǒ) (pron.: bou-yao-dah-rah-weau)
Do not touch me ! : 不要 碰 我! (búyào pèng wǒ) (pron.: bou-yao-pangue-weau)
I'll call the police : 我 要 叫 警察 了。 (wǒ yào jiào jǐngchá le) (pron.: weau-yao-djiao-jingue-tcha-le)
Police ! : 警察! (jǐngchá) (pron.: djingue-cha)
Stop! Thief ! : 住手! 小偷! (zhùshǒu! Xiǎotōu!) (pron.: jou-shau-siao-tau)
Help me : 我 需要 你 的 帮助。 (wǒ xūyào nǐde bāngzhù) (pron.: weau-su-yao-ni-de-bangue-jhu)
It's an emergency : 这 是 紧急 情况。 (zhèshì jǐnjí qíngkuàng) (pron.: jhe-she-djine-dji-tchingue-kuangue)
I am lost : 我 迷路 了。 (wǒ mílù le) (pron.: weau-mi-lou-le)
I lost my bag : 我 的 手提包 丢 了。 (wǒ from shǒutíbāo diūle) (pron.: weau-de-sheauw-ti-bao-dieau-le)
I lost my wallet : 我 的 钱包 丢 了。 (wǒ from qiánbāo diūle ") (pron.: weau-de-tchiaine-bao-dieau-le)
I am hurt : 我 受伤 了。 (wǒ shòushāng le) (pron.: weau-shou-chengue-le)
I'm sick : 我 生病 了。 (wǒ shēngbìng le) (pron.: weau-chengue-bingue-le)
I need a doctor : 我 需要 医生。 (wǒ xūyào yīshēng) (pron.: weau-su-yao-yi-shengue)
May I use your phone ? : 我 可以 打 个 电话 吗? (wǒ kěyǐ dǎ ge diànhuà ma) (pron.: weau-ke-yi-dah-dian-houa-ma)


1 : 一 ("yi") (pron.: i)
2 : 二 ("er") (pron.: time)
3 : 三 ("san") (pron.: sane)
4 : 四 ("if") (pron.: se)
5 : 五 ("wu") (pron.: wou)
6 : 六 ("liu") (pron.: lieau)
7 : 七 ("qi") (pron.: tchi)
8 : 八 ("ba") (pron.: Bah)
9 : 九 ("jiu") (pron.: djiou)
10 : 十 ("shi") (pron.: she)
11 : 十一 ("shí-yī") (pron.: she-i)
12 : 十二 ("shí-èr") (pron.: she-hour)
13 : 十三 ("shí-sān") (pron.: she-sane)
14 : 十四 ("shí-sì") (pron.: she-se)
15 : 十五 ("shí-wǔ") (pron.: she-wou)
16 : 十六 ("shí-liù") (pron.: she-lieau)
17 : 十七 ("shí-qī") (pron.: she-tchi)
18 : 十八 ("shí-bā") (pron.: she-bah)
19 : 十九 ("shí-jiǔ") (pron.: she-djiou)
20 : 二十 ("èr-shí") (pron.: hour-she)
30 : 三十 ("sān-shí") (pron.: sane-she)
40 : 四十 ("sì-shí") (pron.: se-she)
50 : 五十 ("wǔ-shí") (pron.: wou-she)
60 : 六十 ("liù-shí") (pron.: lieau-she)
70 : 七十 ("qī-shí") (pron.: tchi-she)
80 : 八十 ("bā-shí") (pron.: bah-she)
90 : 九十 ("jiǔ-shí") (pron.: djiou-she)
100 : 一百 (yī-bǎi) (pron.: i-baye)
200 : 两百 (liǎng-bǎi) (pron.: liangue-baye)
300 : 三百 (sān-bǎi) (pron.: sane-baye)
500 : 五百 ("wǔ-bǎi") (pron.: wou-baye)
1000 : 一千 (yī-qiān) (pron.: i-tiaine)
2000 : 两千 (liǎng-qiān) (pron.: liangue-tiaine)
1,000,000 : yī-bǎi-wàn (一 百万) (pron.: i-baye-ouane)
half : 半 (well) (pron.: bane)
less : 少于 (shǎoyú) (pron.: chao-you)
more ... than : 多于 (duōyú) (pron.: duao-you)
even more : 更 ("gèng") (pron.: gengue)


now : 现在 (xiànzài) (pron.: siaine-zai)
later : 以后 (yǐhòu) (pron.: i-rhou)
before : 以前 (yǐqián) (pron.: i-tiaine)
morning : 早上 (zǎoshang) (pron.: Zhao-shangue)
afternoon : 下午 (xiàwǔ) (pron.: sia-or)
evening : 晚上 (wǎnshang) (pron.: wane-shangue)
what time is it ? : 现在 几点? (Xiànzài jǐ diǎn) (pron.: siane-zai-ti-diaine)


_____ minutes) : ______ 分钟 (fēnzhōng) (pron.: faine-zhong)
_____ time) : ______ 小时 (xiǎoshí) (pron.: siao-she)
_____ days) : ______ 天 (tiān) (pron.: tiaine)
_____ week (s) : ______ 星期 (xīngqī) (pron.: sine-tchi)
_____ month : ______ 月 (yùe) (pron.: yuè)
_____ year (s) : ______ 年 (nián) (pron.: niaine)


today : 今天 (jīntiān) (pron.: tine-tiaine)
yesterday : 昨天 (zuótiān) (pron.: zuo-tiaine)
tomorrow : 明天 (míngtiān) (pron.: mïngue-tiaine)
this week : 这 星期 (zhè xīngqī) (pron.: jhe-sine-tchi)
last week : 上星期 ( shàng xīngqī) (pron.: shangue-sine-tchi)
next week : 下星期 (xià xīngqī) (pron.: sia-sine-tchi)

Weekdays in Chinese are easy: start with 1 for Monday, then add the numbers after 星期 xīngqī.

Sunday : 星期天 (xīngqītiān) (pron.: sine-tchi-tiaine)
Monday : 星期一 (xīngqīyī) (pron.: sine-tchi-i)
Tuesday : 星期二 (xīngqīèr) (pron.: sine-tchi-hour)
Wednesday : 星期三 (xīngqīsān) (pron.: sine-tchi-sane)
Thursday : 星期四 (xīngqīsì) (pron.: sine-tchi-se)
Friday : 星期五 (xīngqīwǔ) (pron.: sine-tchi-wou)
Saturday : 星期六 (xīngqīliù) (pron.: sine-tchi-lieau)


The months in Chinese are also easy, starting with January 1; and add the numbers behind 月 yuè.

January : 一月 (yī yuè) (pron.: i-yue)
February : 二月 (èr yuè) (pron.: hour-yue)
March : 三月 (sān yuè) (pron.: sane-yue)
April : 四月 (sì yuè) (pron.: se-yue)
may : 五月 (wŭ yue) (pron.: or-yue)
June : 六月 (liù yuè) (pron.: lieau-yue)
July : 七月 (qī yuè) (pron.: tchi-yue)
August : 八月 (bā yuè) (pron.: bah-yue)
September : 九月 (jiŭ yuè) (pron.: djiao-yue)
October : 十月 (shí yuè) (pron.: she-yue)
November : 十一月 (shí yī yuè) (pron.: she-i-yue)
December : 十二月 (shí èr yuè) (pron.: she-er-yue)

Write time and date

To write the date, you must name the months ("numbers (1-12) yuè"), before inserting the day ("numbers (1-12) hào").

January 6 : 一月 六号 ("yī yuè liù hào") (pron.: i-yue-lieau-rhao)

December 25th : 十二月 二十 五号 ("shí-èr yuè èr-shí-wǔ hào") (pron.: she-hour-yue-hour-or-rhao)


black : 黑色 (hēi sè) (pron.: rhei-se)
White : 白色 (bái sè) (pron.: bai-se)
Grey : 灰色 (huī sè) (pron.: huai-se)
Red : 红色 (hóng sè) (pron.: rhongue-se)
blue : 蓝色 (lán sè) (pron.: lane-se)
yellow : 黄色 (huáng sè) (pron.: rhuangue-se)
green : 绿色 (there sè) (pron.: read)
orange : 橙色 (chéng sè) (pron.: shangue-se)
purple : 紫色 (zǐ sè) (pron.: zhe-se)
Chestnut : 棕色 (zōng sè) (pron.: zongue-se)


Bus and Train


...the train station)? : 火车站 (husezhan) (pron.: X?)
... the bus station / bus station? : 公交 车站 (gongjiachenthan) (pron.: X?)
... the airport? : 机场 (pron.: jichang) the city ? : 市中心 (shizhongxin)
... the suburbs? : 郊区
...the hostel ? : 青年旅舍
...the hotel _____ ? : 酒 hôtel (pron.: jiudian)
... the French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian embassy? : 法国 / 比利时 / 瑞士 / 加拿大 大使馆 (法國 / 比利時 / 瑞士 / 加拿大 大使館) (pron.: faguo / bilishi / ruishi / jianada dashiguan)

... restaurants? : ... restaurants?餐馆

Street : 街
Turn left : 向左 转 (pron.: xiang zuo zhuan)
Turn right. : 向右 转 (pron.: xiang you zhuan)
left : 左 (pron.: zuo)
right : 右 (pron.: you)
straight : 一直 走 (pron.: yi zhi zou)

North : 北 (pron.: bei)
South : 南 (pron.: Nope)
is : 东 (pron.: dong)
Where is : 西 (pron.: xi)
at the top : 上 (pron.: shang)
downstairs : 下 (pron.: xia)


Taxi! : 出租车!


... bigger ? : 多大 (pron.: ... duo da?)
...cleaner ? : 多



I do not eat pork. : 我 不吃 猪肉 (pron.: wo bu chi jie rou)

menu : 菜单 (pron.: Cài dān)

breakfast : 早餐 (pron.: Zǎo cān)
to eat lunch : 午餐 (pron.: Wǔ cān)
tea : 茶 (pron.: cha)
supper : 晚餐 (pron.: Wǎn cān)
I want _____ : 我 会. (pron.: wo hui _____)

chicken : 鸡 (pron.: ji)
beef : 牛肉 (pron.: niu rou)
Fish : 鱼 (pron.: yu)
some salmon : 三文鱼 (pron.: Sān wèn yú)
tuna : 金枪鱼 (pron.: Jīn qiāng yú)
seafood : 海鲜 (pron.: Hǎi xiān)
lobster : 龙虾 (pron.: Lóng xiā)
oysters : 牡蛎 (pron.: Mǔ lì)
mussels : 淡菜 (pron.: Dàn cài)
some snails : 蜗牛 (pron.: Wōniú)
frogs : 青蛙 (pron.: Qīng wā)
Ham : 火腿 (pron.: Huǒ tuǐ)
pork / pig : 猪
.wild boar : 野猪
sausages : 香肠
cheese : 奶酪 (pron.: nai lao)
eggs : 鸡蛋
a salad : 沙拉 (pron.: shala)
vegetables (fresh) : 蔬菜
fruit (fresh) : 水果 (pron.: shui guo)
bread : 面包 (pron.: mian bao)
toast : 吐司
pasta : 面 (pron.: mian tiao)

coffee : 咖啡 (pron.: kafei)

juice : 果汁

water : 水 (pron.: shui)

red / white wine : 红 / 白酒 (pron.: hong / bai jiu)

salt : 盐 (pron.: yan)
pepper : 辣椒

The bill, please. : X. (pron.: qing gei wo mai dang)


A glass of red / white wine, please : X. (pron.: xing gei wo hong / bai jiu)

_____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please. : _____ and _____, please.
whiskey : 威士忌酒
vodka : 伏特加
rum : 朗姆酒
some water : 水水 (pron.: shui)

Coca : 可口可可口可 (pron.: ke le)

Do you have appetizers (in the sense of chips or peanuts)? X (X)


I do not want it : 我 不想 (pron.: wo bu xiang)
You are cheating on me. : 愚弄 我

I need... : 我 要 (pron.: wo yao)
... toothpaste. : 牙膏
... a toothbrush. : 牙刷
... tampons. : 缓冲区
...soap. : 肥皂
... shampoo. : 洗发 水
... an analgesic (aspirin, ibuprofen) : X. (pron.: aspirin, ibuprofen)

... a razor. : 剃刀
... batteries. : 电池
... an umbrella : 伞
... sunscreen. : 防晒霜
... of a postcard. : 明信片
... postage stamps. : 邮票

... a pen. : 钢笔


stop (on a panel) : stop


I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen  : .  


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