Catalan language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique catalan — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Guardamar dunes
Guardamar dunes
Official language
Language spoken
Number of speakers
Standardization institution
ISO 639-1
ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3
Thank you
Extensió de la llengua catalana als Països Catalans.png

The Catalan is spoken in the northeast ofSpain in Catalonia,in the Valencian Community, in the Balearic Islands, in Andorra, in the French department of Eastern Pyrenees and to Alghero in Sardinia Italy.


Each word contains a tonic vowel. A syllable containing a graphically stressed vowel is tonic. If the word does not contain a graphic accent, the tonic syllable is the one containing the last vowel in the case of words ending in a consonant except s, and the one containing the penultimate vowel in other cases (words ending with a vowel or s).

Here is the general pronunciation of Catalan centered on the main differences compared to French (there are, however, many dialect variants for the pronunciation of dull vowels):

  • s hard, vs before e or i, or s are pronounced hissed, more whistling than in French, as in standard Castilian or Occitan.
  • u pronounced like or in French. Examples: twenty (came) [biŋ'gut] or [viŋ'gut], bufar (to blow) [bu'fa (ɾ)].
  • o is pronounced [o] or [ɔ] when it is tonic. In other cases, it is usually pronounced [u] in the Eastern dialect (as u), except in Mallorcan where, as in the West, it is pronounced [o]. However, there are exceptions. If it wears the acute accent, it is tonic and pronounced [o] and if it wears the grave accent, it is tonic and pronounced [ɔ]
  • e is pronounced [e] or [ɛ] when it is tonic. If it wears the acute accent it is tonic and pronounced [e] and if it wears the grave accent it is tonic and pronounced [ɛ]. In some cases, however, è is pronounced [e] in Western dialect and [ə] (tonic) in Balearic. If he's sluggish, e it is pronounced [e] in Western dialect and [ə] in Eastern.
  • at is pronounced [a] in Western dialect. It is pronounced [a] when it is tonic and [ə] in other cases in the central dialect. In a good part of the north-western domain, at final sluggishness is pronounced [ɛ] when it marks the feminine.
  • h : always silent, even after a vs in certain proper names. For example in Bosch['bɔsk].
  • the : except between vowels, generally more velar than in French, close to "the dark »English or the hard Russian. For example : central[sən'tɾaɫ]/[sen'tɾaɫ], altre['aɫtɾə]/['was] (amuï in Valencian in the latter case: ['atɾe]).
  • ll pronounced as a voiced palatal lateral spirant consonant ʎ ; this phoneme tends in certain dialects to disappear in favor of j
  • tll : l palatal doubled: batlle (mayor) ['baʎʎə].
  • l·l (the geminate): double the, often simplified to [l] in spoken language. Examples: col lega (coworker) [kul'lɛɣə], clever[intəlli'ʒen].
  • m and not do not cause nasalization of the vowel in front and are always pronounced (with some exceptions), unlike French: my (world) [my], crawled (ramp) ['rampə].
  • ny (not palatal): like gn French, the nh Portuguese or Occitan or not Castilian: juny (June) [ʒuɲ], Catalunya (Catalonia) [kətə'luɲə], Perpinyà (Perpignan) [pərpi'ɲa].
  • r : beat between two vowels, or preceded by a consonant and followed by a vowel (ɾ). Examples: pera (Pear) ['pɛɾə]crema['kɾemə]. The r is rolled in the other cases - between two vowels, we use the digram rr– (r). Examples: ruina[ru'inə], Perpinyà[pərpi'ɲa], torre (tower) ['torə]. This pronunciation joins that of Castilian and that of traditional Occitan. In the final position, it is most often ammuï (except in Valencian).
  • b, d and g are deviated and pronounced [p], [t], [k] in final position.
  • ig : is pronounced tch at the end of the word in most dialects. Examples: puig (Mountain) [puʧ], mig (half) [miʧ], without exception : càstig (punishment) ['kastik].
  • x : is often pronounced [ʃ] (like ch French), sometimes [ʧ] (especially at the initial): caixa (box) ['kaʃə] (Oriental). It is pronounced [ks] in some cases: fixar[fi'ksa].
  • have, at, ei, had, oi, or are diphthongs in Catalan, not to be confused with "false diphthongs" in French: little (foot) [pɛw], rei (King) [rej], taula (table) ['tawlə], bou (beef) [bɔw].

The pronunciation remains indicative, there are many variations in the treatment of sluggish vowels.

List of phrases

For this guide, we are using polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you do not know.


  • Hello. : Bon dia / Bona tarda / Hola.
  • How are you ? : How are you?
  • How are you ? : How are you?
  • Very well thank you. : Molt bé, thanks.
  • What's your name ? : Com es diu? / Quin és el seu name?
  • What is your name ? : Com and dius? / Quin és el teu nom?
  • My name is _____. : Em dic ____ / El meu names _____
  • Nice to meet you. : Molt de gust / Encantat (if you are a man), Encantada (if you are a woman)
  • Please : If we plau.
  • You're welcome : From res.
  • Yes : Yes
  • No : No
  • excuse me : Perdoni.
  • I am sorry. : Em sap greu.
  • Goodbye : Adéu.
  • I don't speak Catalan. : No parlo català.
  • Do you speak French ? : What did francès speak?
  • Does anyone speak French here? : Que hi ha algú que parli francès?
  • Help ! : Ajuda! Auxiliary! Socors!
  • Good morning) : Good dia
  • Hello afternoon). : Bona tarda / Bona vesprada
  • Good evening. : Good evening.
  • Good night : Bona nit.
  • I do not understand : No ho entenc.
  • Where are the toilets ? : Are we on the sink?


  • Don't bother me. : No em molesti.
  • Go away !! : Vagi-se'n !!
  • Do not touch me ! : No em toqui!
  • I'll call the police. : Ara truco at the police.
  • Police ! : Policia!
  • Stop! Thief ! : Atureu el lladre!
  • Help me please! : Ajudi'm / Ajuda'm, si us plau!
  • It's an emergency. : És una urgència.
  • I am lost. : M'he lost.
  • I lost my bag. : He esgarriat la meva / meua bossa.
  • I lost my wallet. : He esgarriat el moneder.
  • I am in pain. : Em fa bad.
  • I am hurt. : Estic ferit.
  • I need a doctor. : Em cal a metge.
  • May I use your phone ? : Puc utilitzar el telèfon?


  • 1 : u / un / una
  • 2 : back / due
  • 3 : very
  • 4 : four
  • 5 : cinc
  • 6 : sis
  • 7 : set
  • 8 : seen
  • 9 : nou
  • 10 : deu
  • 11 : eleven
  • 12 : dotze
  • 13 : tretze
  • 14 : catorze
  • 15 : fifteen
  • 16 : setze
  • 17 : disset
  • 18 : divided
  • 19 : dinou
  • 20 : came
  • 21 : came-i-u (-un, -una)
  • 22 : vint-i-dos (-dues)
  • 23 : came
  • 30 : trenta
  • 40 : quaranta
  • 50 : fiftieth
  • 60 : seixanta
  • 70 : setanta
  • 80 : vuitanta
  • 90 : noranta
  • 100 : hundred
  • 200 : dos-cents, due-centes
  • 300 : very-cents (-centes)
  • 1000 : mil
  • 2000 : back mil
  • 1,000,000 : a milió
  • number X (train, bus, etc.) : number
  • half : mig
  • less : menys
  • more : my


  • now : ara
  • later : late
  • before : abans
  • morning : matí
  • in the morning : at the morning
  • afternoon : tarda
  • evening : vespre
  • night : nit


  • one o'clock in the morning : la una de la matinada
  • two o'clock in the morning : the due of the morning
  • nine o'clock in the morning : les nou del matí
  • midday : migdia
  • one p.m : la una del migdia
  • two in the afternoon : les dues del migdia
  • six in the evening : sis de la tarda
  • seven o clock in the evening : set del vespre
  • a quarter to seven, 6:45 p.m. : very quarters of a set
  • quarter past seven, 7:15 p.m. : a quarter of life
  • half past seven, 7:30 p.m. : back quarter panels
  • midnight : mitjanit


  • _____ minutes) : ______ minute (s)
  • _____ time) : ______ hora (hores)
  • _____ days) : ______ dia (dies)
  • _____ week (s) : ______ setmana (setmanes)
  • _____ month : ______ my bones)
  • _____ year (s) : ______ any (s)
  • weekly : setmanal
  • monthly : monthly
  • annual : anual


  • today : avui / hui (Valecian Country)
  • yesterday : ahir
  • tomorrow : tomorrow
  • this week : aquesta setmana
  • last week : the setmana passada
  • next week : the setmana came
  • Sunday : diumenge
  • Monday : dilluns
  • Tuesday : dimarts
  • Wednesday : dimecres
  • Thursday : dijous
  • Friday : divendres
  • Saturday : dissabte


If those who speak the language use a calendar other than Gregorian, explain it and list the months.

  • January : gener
  • February : febrer
  • March : març
  • April : abril
  • may : lean
  • June : juny
  • July : juliol
  • August : agost
  • September : setembre
  • October : octubre
  • November : November
  • December : December

Write time and date

Wednesday, the

Dimecres, 30 of agost del 2006


  • black : negre
  • White : White
  • Grey : Grey
  • red : vermell
  • blue : blau
  • yellow : groc
  • green : verd
  • orange : Taronja
  • purple : violeta, lila
  • Chestnut : marró / castany


Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost to go to ____? : Quant costa un bitllet per anar a?
  • A ticket for ____, please. : A bitllet, if we please.
  • Where is this train / bus going? : Are we going to aquest tren / bus?
  • When does the train / bus to XXX leave? : Quan parteix el tren / bus?
  • When will this train / bus arrive in _____? : Quan arriba aquest tren / bus?


  • Where is _____ ? : "on és / On es troba____________?
  • ...the train station ? : L'estació?
  • ...the bus station ? : the estació of buses?
  • ... the airport? : the airport?
  • ... downtown? : ... Al center ciutat?
  • ... the suburbs? : Als afores?
  • ...the hostel ? : The alberg of joventut
  • ...the hotel _____ ? : the hotel ______ ?
  • ... the French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian embassy? : the ambaixada francesa / belga / suïssa / canadenca?
  • Where are there ... : We hi ha ...
  • ... hotels? : hotels
  • ... restaurants? : ... restaurants?
  • ... bars? : bars?
  • ... sites to visit? : llocs a visitar?
  • Can you show me on the map? : Em pot ensenyar al mapa?
  • Street : square
  • Turn left : fell to the edge.
  • Turn right. : fell to the dreta.
  • left : esquerra
  • straight : tot recte
  • in the direction of _____ : heading to _____
  • after _____ : després del / de la _____
  • before _____ : abans del / de la _____
  • Locate the _____. : Vegi el / la
  • crossroads : cruïlla
  • North : north
  • South : South
  • is : is
  • Where is : east
  • at the top : a dalt
  • downstairs : a bai


  • Taxi! : Taxi!
  • Take me to _____, please. : Porti'm a _____, if us plau
  • How much does it cost to go to _____? : Quant costa per anar z _____?
  • Bring me there, please. : Porti'm aqui, per favor


  • Do you have free rooms? : Tenen cambers lliures?
  • How much does a room cost for one person / two people? : Quant costa una cambra per una / dues persones?
  • Is there in the room ... : Hi ha ... at the habitació?
  • ...sheets ? : llençols
  • ...a bathroom ? : a bany
  • ...a phone ? : a telefon?
  • ...a television ? : una televisió?
  • Can I visit the room? : Puc wants the habitation?
  • You don't have a quieter room? : No tenen una habitació més tranquil·la?
  • ... bigger ? : més gran?
  • ...cleaner ? : mes neta?
  • ...less expensive? : menys cara?
  • Can you suggest me another hotel? : Em podria aconsellar cap altre hotel?
  • Do you have a safe? : Tenen una caixa forta?
  • Is breakfast / dinner included? : The esmorzar / el dinar goes inclòs?
  • What time is breakfast / dinner? : A quina hora és l'esmorzar / el sopar?


  • Do you accept euros? : accept in euros?
  • Do you accept Swiss francs? : accept in Swiss francs?
  • Do you accept Canadian dollars? : accepten dòlars canadencs?
  • Do you accept credit cards ? : accept credit targets?
  • Can you change me? : Em poden donar canvi?
  • Where can I change it? : We puc fer el canvi?
  • What is the exchange rate? : Quina és la taxa de canvi?
  • Where can I find an ATM? : We puc trobar un caixer automàtic?


  • I am a vegetarian. : Sóc vegetarià / na.
  • I do not eat pork. : No menjo not pork.
  • Can you cook light? (with less oil / butter / bacon) : Que podria cuinar lleuger? (amb menys oli / mantega / llard)
  • menu : menú
  • à la carte : a la carta
  • breakfast : esmorzar
  • to eat lunch : dinar
  • tea : you
  • supper : sopar
  • I want _____ : Voldria ______.
  • I would like a dish with _____. : Voldria un dish amb ______
  • chicken : pollaster
  • beef : vedella
  • deer : cervol
  • Fish : pei
  • some salmon : salmó
  • tuna : tonyina
  • cod : bacallà
  • seafood : marisc
  • oysters : ostres
  • mussels : musclos
  • some snails : cargols
  • frogs : granotes
  • Ham : pernil
  • pork / pig : pork
  • wild boar : porc-senglar
  • sausages : salsitxes
  • cheese : format
  • eggs : ou
  • a salad : amanida
  • vegetables (fresh) : verdura
  • fruit (fresh) : fruita
  • bread : pa
  • toast : torrada
  • pasta : pasta
  • rice : arròs
  • Beans : mongetes
  • coffee : Coffee
  • tea : you
  • juice : suc
  • sparkling water : aigua amb gas
  • water : aigua
  • beer : cervesa
  • red / white wine : vi negre / blanc
  • salt : sal
  • pepper : pebre
  • butter : mantega
  • Please ? (attract the attention of the waiter) : Perdoni!
  • I finished : He acabat.
  • The bill, please. : El count, if we plau.


  • Do you serve alcohol? : Serveixen alcohol?
  • One beer / two beers, please. : Una cervesa / dues cerveses, si us plau.
  • A glass of red / white wine, please : Una copa de vi negre / blanc.
  • A big beer, please. : Una cervesa gran, si us plau.
  • A bottle, please. : Una ampolla, si us plau.
  • whiskey : whiskey
  • vodka : vodka
  • rum : rom
  • some water : aigua
  • Schweppes : Schweppes / tònica
  • Orange juice : taronja juice
  • Coca : Coca Cola
  • Another one, please. : Un (a) altre (altra) si us plau.
  • What time do you close ? : A quina hora tanquen?


  • How much does it cost ? : As for val?
  • It's too expensive ! : És massa car!
  • Could you accept _____? : Podria acceptar ______?
  • Dear : because
  • cheap : barat
  • I do not want it : No en vull.
  • You are fooling me. : M està enganyant.
  • I am not interested. : No interests me
  • I need... : Necessito
  • ... a toothbrush. : a raspall of teeth
  • ... tampons. : buffers
  • ...soap. : sabó
  • ... shampoo. : xampú
  • | an analgesic (aspirina, ibuprofen). ||}}
  • ... medicine for a cold. : X.
  • ... stomach medicine. : una medicina per estómac
  • ... an umbrella : a paraigua.
  • ... a parasol. (Sun) : an umbrella
  • ... sunscreen. : una crema solar
  • ... of a postcard. : una postal
  • ... postage stamps. : segells
  • ... a pen. : a bolígraf
  • ... of books in French. : llibres in French
  • ... magazines in French. : revistes in francès
  • ... a newspaper in French. : a diari in French
  • ... from a French-Catalan dictionary : a diccionari francès-XX


  • stop (on a sign) : stop
  • One Way : felt únic
  • yield : cedeixi el pas
  • parking forbidden : estacionament prohibit
  • speed limit : límit de velocitat
  • gas station : gasolinera
  • gasoline : benzina
  • diesel : dièsel / diesel


  • I did not do anything wrong.. : No he fet res de mal.
  • It is a mistake. : Is an error.
  • Am I under arrest? : Quedo detingut?
  • I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen. : Sóc ciutadà francès / belga / suís / canadenc
  • I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen : Sóc ciutadana francesa / belga / suïssa / canadenca


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