Arabic language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique arabe — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

(العربية (al ʿarabīya))
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ISO 639-1
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ISO 639-3
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The expressions are written in the Arabic alphabet, and are accompanied by an approximate transliteration, then a pronunciation given in International Phonetic Alphabet (API) which each refers to a sound example.


  • at (ا) like atalcohol in French but more closed.
  • b (ب) as in French, baobatb.
  • t (ت) like tarif.
  • th (ث) like this in English (IPA:/ θ /).
  • j (ج) is pronounced dj (IPA:/ dʒ /) (Golf, Algeria), j (IPA:/ ʒ /) (Levant, North Africa), or g like gare (Egypt).
  • H (ح) is an h breath at the back of the throat (IPA:/ ħ /). Like whispering the word Hello.
  • kh (خ) like ch german in Bach (IPA:/ x /).
  • d (د) like douane.
  • dh (ذ) like them in English (IPA:/ ð /).
  • r (ر) r rolled like in Spanish or Italian.
  • z (ز) like zwow.
  • s (س) like sirop (IPA:/ s /).
  • sh (ش) as in chat (IPA:/ ʃ /).
  • S (ص) like a s, but with the back of the throat tight (IPA:/ sˤ /).
  • D (ض) like a d, but with the back of the throat tight (IPA:/ dˤ /).
  • T (ط) like a t, but with the back of the throat tight (IPA:/ tˤ /).
  • Z (ظ) similar to dh gold z, but with the back of the throat tight (IPA:/ ðˤ ~ zˤ).
  • `(ع) marked voice in the throat, like a choke (IPA:/ ʕ /).
  • gh (غ) like razzia: French r (not rolled) but at the back of the throat (IPA:/ ɣ /).
  • f (ف) like fardeau.
  • q (ق) like a k, but at the back of the throat (IPA:/ q /), often reduced to a marked throat stop (IPA:/ ʔ /).
  • k (ك) as in French.
  • the (ل) like theascar.
  • m (م) like magasin.
  • not (ن) like noténotuphar.
  • h (ه) as in English.
  • w (و) like whah ; or as the vowel or or o (IPA:/ where /).
  • y (ي) like yes in English ; or as a i long (IPA:/ eː /).
  • '(ء أ آ ئ ؤ) indicates a marked throat stop (IPA:/ ʔ /).



For this guide, we are using polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you do not know.

Hello : ﻣﹷﺮﹾﺣﹷﺒﺎ (pron.: marħaban)
Hi (Peace be with you) : السلام عليكم (pron.: 'as-salamu' alaikum)
How are you ? : ﻛﻴﹿﻒﹶ ﺍﻟﺤﺎﻝ؟ (pron.: kajfa ɛlhal)
Very well : ﺑﹻﺨﹷﻴﺮ (pron.: bixɛjr)
What's your name ? : ما اسمك؟ (pron.: ma 'smuka)
My name is _____. : ____ اسمي (pron.: ismi: _____ )
Nice to meet you. : سررت بلقائك (pron.: surirtu bi-liqa'ik)
Please. : من فضلك (pron.: min fadˁlik)
Thank you : ﺷﹹﻜﺮﺍ (pron.: ʃukran)
You're welcome : ﻋﻔﻮﺃ (pron.: 'afwan)
excuse me : ﻋﺬﺭﺃ (pron.: 'uðran)
Yes : نعم (pron.: na'am )
No : لا (pron.: lla:)
Goodbye : مع السلامة (pron.: maa 'sala: ma)
I do not speak _____. : .______ لا أتكلم (pron.: la: atakal-lamu ______. )
Do you speak French ? : هل تتكلم الفرنسية؟ (pron.: hal tatakal-lamu al-faransija?)
Does anyone speak French here? : هل من أحد يتكلم الفرنسية؟ (pron.: hal min aħad yatakalamu al-faransiya?)
Help ! :! ساعدوني (pron.: sa'idu: ni:! )
Good morning) : صباح الخير (pron.: sabaħu al-xajr)
Hello afternoon). : مساء الخير (pron.: masa: 'u lxajr. )
Good evening. : مساء الخير (pron.: masa: 'u lxajr)
Good night : تصبح على خير (pron.: tusˁbiħu ʻala xajr)
I do not understand : لا أفهم (pron.: la: 'afham.)
Where are the toilets ? : أين المرحاض؟ (pron.: ʼAyna lmirħadˁ)


Don't bother me. : لا تزعجني (pron.: la: tuz'id͡ʒni:)
Go away !! : !! إذهب من هنا (pron.: iðħab min ħuna: !!)
Do not touch me ! :! لا تلمسني (pron.: la: talmasni:!)
I'll call the police. : سوف أتصل بالشرطة (pron.: sawf 'at-tasˁil bi-ʃurtˁa)
Police ! :! شرطة (pron.: ʃurtˁa!)
Stop! Thief ! :! توقف! سارق (pron.: tawaq-qaf! sa: riq! )
Help me please! :! ساعدوني ، أرجوكم (pron.: sa: 'iduni,' arju: kum! )
It's an emergency. : حالة طارئة. (pron.: ħa: la ta: ri'a)
I am lost. : لقد تهت (pron.: laqad tuht)
I lost my bag. : .أضعت حقيبتي (pron.: adˁa'tu ħaqibati)
I lost my wallet. : أضعت حافظة نقودي (pron.: 'ada'tu ħa: fizˁta nuqudi: )
I am in pain. : أنا موجوع (pron.: ana: mawd͡ʒu: ')
I am hurt. : أنا مجروح (pron.: ana: mad͡ʒru: ħ)
I need a doctor. : أنا محتاج لطبيب (pron.: ana: muħtad͡ʒun li tabi: b)
May I use your phone ? : هل يمكنني إستعمال هاتفك؟ (pron.: hal yumkinuni: isti'malu hatifik?)


0 : صفر (pron.: [sˁifr] )
1 : واحد (pron.: [wa: ħid] )
2 : ﺍثنان (pron.: [iθna: n] )
3 : ثلاثة (pron.: [θala: θa] )
4 : اربعة (pron.: [arbaʕa] )
5 : خمسة (pron.: [xamsa] )
6 : ﺳﹻﺘﺔ (pron.: [si'ta] )
7 : سبعة (pron.: [sabʕa] )
8 : ثمانية (pron.: [θama: nija] )
9 : تسعة (pron.: [tisʕa] )
10 : عشرة (pron.: [ʕaʃara] )
20 : عشرون (pron.: ʕishru: n)
30 : ثلاثون (pron.: θalaθu: n)
40 : اربعون (pron.: arba'u: n)
50 : خمسون (pron.: xamsu: n)
60 : ستون (pron.: sittu: n)
70 : سبعون (pron.: Sab'u: n)
80 : ثمانون (pron.: θamanu: n)
90 : تسعون (pron.: tis'u: n)
100 : مئة (pron.: mi'a)
200 : مئتان (pron.: mi'atane)
300 : ثلاثمئة (pron.: θala: θu-mi'a)
1000 : ألف (pron.: 'alf)
2000 : ألفين (pron.: 'alfajn)
1 000 000 : مليون (pron.: malju: n)
number X (train, bus, etc.) : X رقم (pron.: raqm X)
half : نصف (pron.: nisˁf)
less : أقل (pron.: 'aqal)
more : أكثر (pron.: 'akθar)


now : الآن (pron.: ālʾān)
later : لاحقا (pron.: laħiqan)
before : قبل (pron.: qabla)
morning : صباح (pron.: sˁaba: ħ)
in the morning : في الصباح (pron.: fisˁ-sˁaba: ħ)
afternoon : بعد الزوال (pron.: ba'da zawa: l)
evening : مساء (pron.: masa: ')
In the evening : في المساء (pron.: fi-lmasa: ')
night : الليل (pron.: al-layl)


one o'clock in the morning : الواحدة صباحا (pron.: wahida sabaha )
two o'clock in the morning : tania sabaha
nine o'clock in the morning : tassiaa sabaha
midday : zawal
one p.m : wahida bada zawal
two in the afternoon : tania bada zawal
six in the evening : sadissa massa
seven o clock in the evening : sabia massa
a quarter to seven, 6:45 p.m. : sabia ghir ba
quarter past seven, 7:15 p.m. : sabia or rba
half past seven, 7:30 p.m. : sabia or nass
midnight : tnache ta lil


_____ minutes) : ______ dkika
_____ time) : ______ saa
_____ days) : ______ youm
_____ week (s) : ______ sludge
_____ month : ______ chahr
_____ year (s) : ______ soul
weekly : ousbouii
monthly : chahri
annual : sanaoui


today : Al yawm (pron.: هذا اليوم )
yesterday : el bareh (pron.: البارحة)
tomorrow : Ghadan (pron.: غدا)
this week : smana hadi (pron.: هذا الأسبوع)
last week : smana lifatet (pron.: الأسبوع الفائت)
next week : smana djaya (pron.: الأسبوع القادم)

Monday : الاثنين (pron.: tnine)
Tuesday : الثلاثاء (pron.: tlata)
Wednesday : الأربعاء (pron.: lareba)
Thursday : الخميس (pron.: khemis )
Friday : الجمعة (pron.: djema )
Saturday : السبت (pron.: sabte )
Sunday : الأحد (pron.: ahed )


If those who speak the language use a calendar other than Gregorian, explain it and list the months.

January : يناير (pron.: yanayer )
February : فبراير (pron.: fabrayer )
March : مارس (pron.: marss )
April : أبريل (pron.: abril )
may : ماي ​​(pron.: may )
June : يونيو (pron.: yonyo )
July : يوليوز (pron.: yolyouz )
August : غشث (pron.: rocht )
September : شتنبر (pron.: chotanber )
October : أكتوبر (pron.: October )
November : نونبر (pron.: noianber )
December : دجنبر (pron.: dojanber )

Write time and date

Give examples of how to write time and date if it differs from French.




Bus and Train

How much does the ticket cost to go to ____? : كم ثمن التذكرة للذهاب الى



Taxi! : Taxi (pron.: سيارة أجرة)




A table for one person / two people, please. : tawila li chakhess / chakhessayn, mine fadlik
Can I have the menu ? : Hall astatia'ou akhtha el kaeima, mine fadlik?
Can I visit the kitchens? : hall astatia'ou ziyarata al matbakh, mine fadlik?
What is the specialty of the house ? : Ma Howa ekhtissass al maanzell?
Is there a local specialty? : Hal youjad ekhtissass mahalli?
I am vegetarian. : ena aa'chib
I do not eat pork. : the aekol al khenziiir

Can you cook light? (with less oil / butter / bacon) : Hell tastatiaa'ou tatbakhou khafif (maa 'El kalill mn' Zaytt / zoubda / samn)
menu : El kaima
à la carte : aala el bitakaa
breakfast : fatour
to eat lunch : ghadae
having dinner : aachae
supper : chouraba
I want _____ : Ooredoo_____. (pron.: أريد _____)
I would like a dish with _____. : Ooredoo tabak maa '_____ (pron.: X _____)
chicken : dajaj (pron.: الدجاج)
beef : Bakrii
deer : venison
Fish : Samak (pron.: السّمك)
some salmon : salmon
tuna : you dont have

seafood : ghilal El bahhar

some snails : saltaa'oun
frogs : dhifdaa '
Ham : Ham
pork / pig : khinziir

cheese : joubn
eggs : baydh
a salad : salata
vegetables (fresh) : (thazaje) khodhar
fruit (fresh) : (thazaje) ghilel
bread : khobez (pron.: الخبز)
toast : khobej mohamess
pasta : aa'jiiin
rice : arouzz (pron.: الأرز)
green beans : fasoulya khadhra
white beans : fasoulya baydha
red beans : fasoulya hamra
Can I have a drink of _____? : Ooredoo kaessan mn______?
Can I have a cup of _____? : Ooredoo tassatt_____?
Can I have a bottle of _____? : Ooredoo keninatou_____?
Coffee : kahawa
tea : Cheyy (pron.: الشاي)
juice : aa'ssyrr
sparkling water : ma ghazyy
water : my (pron.: ماء)
beer : khamer
red / white wine : aa'ssyrr El aa'inab El ahhmar / abyadh
Can I have _____? : Hall astatiaa'ou al houssoula aala____?
salt : myllahh (pron.: ملح)
pepper : felfel
butter : zebda
Please ? (attract the attention of the waiter) : mine fadlik / aa'odhran
I finished : anhaytou
That was delicious.. : kam howa lathizz
You can clear the table. : tastyaa'ou jamaa 'el tawila
The bill, please. : El fatouraa, mine fadlik




stop (on a sign) : stop


I did not do anything wrong.. : لم أفعل أي مكروه

Where are you taking me? : أين تاخدونني

I am a French / Belgian / Swiss / Canadian citizen. : انا مواطن فرنسي / بلجيكي / سويسري / كندي


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