Basque language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique basque — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Seinalea Bianditzen.JPG
Official language
Language spoken
Number of speakers
Standardization institution
ISO 639-1
ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3
Thank you
Euskalkiak koldo zuazo 2008.png

the Basque (also says: "euskara ") Is a language spoken in Pays Basque (provinces of Guipuzcoa, ofAlava, of Biscay, of Labourd and of Soule) as well as Navarre and in Lower Navarre. It also has speakers in the Valle de Villaverde in Cantabria and in the Enclave of Treviño in Castile and Leon. Its main specificity is to be a non-Indo-European linguistic isolate: it has no kinship with Latin, Celtic or Germanic languages. Basque is an agglutinating language, like Turkish where the Hungarian (without being related to the latter), which retains a particularly original grammar.

It has the status of co-official language (with theSpanish) in the autonomous community of the Basque Country (Euskadi) and in Navarre. In France, it is counted among the “minority languages” and is taught in public schools and in ikastolak (schools where education is provided entirely in Basque), but does not yet have official status in a country where “the language of the Republic is French” (Article II of the French Constitution).


  • The x is pronounced "ch" (like dog)
  • The z is pronounced "s" (like snake) or "ts"
  • Before a vowel, “in” is pronounced “gn” (equivalent to Spanish “ñ”)
  • Before a vowel, "il" is pronounced "li" (equivalent of the Spanish "ll")
  • The tx is pronounced "tch" (like Chechen)
  • "An" is pronounced like "anne" and "on" like "onne"



Common diphthongs



For this guide, we are using polite form for all expressions, on the assumption that you will be speaking most of the time with people you don't know.

Hello. : Kaixo.
Salvation ! : Epa! (or Aupa!) / Agur!
How are you doing ? : Zer moduz?
Very well thank you. : Ondo, eskerrik asko.
What's your name ? : Nola duzu izena?
My name is _____. : Nire izena ____ da.
Nice to meet you. : Pozten naiz zu ezagutzeaz.
Please : Mesedez.
Thank you. : Eskerrik asko / milesker

Yes : Bai.
No : Ez.
excuse me : Aizu (to ask for something) / Barkatu (to ask for forgiveness)
I am sorry. : Barkatu
Bye : Agur / ikus arte
I do not speak Basque (well). : Ez dakit euskaraz (ondo) hitz egiten.
Do you speak French ? : Frantseza mintzen zare?
Do you speak English ? : Inglesa mintzen zare?
Does anyone speak French here? : Inork ba al daki frantsez?
Help ! : Lagundu!
Good morning) : Egunon
Hello afternoon). : Arratsaldeon.
Good evening. : Gabon
Good night : Bihar arte.
Welcome : Ongi etorri.
I do not understand : Ez had to ulertzen.
Where are the toilets ? : No dago komuna?


Go away! : Utzi pakean!
Do not touch me ! : Ez ikutu!
I'll call the police. : Polizia deituko had to.
Stop! Thief ! : Geldi! Lapurra!
Help me please! : Zure laguntza behar had to!
It's an emergency. : Larrialdia da.
I am lost. : Galdurik nago.
I lost my bag. : Nire poltsa galdu had to.
I lost my wallet. : Nire diru zorroa galdu dut.
I'm sick. : Gaixorik nago.
I am hurt. : Min hartu had to.
I need a doctor. : Mediku beats behar dut.
May I use your phone ? : Zure telefonoa erabil dezaket?


1 : bat
2 : bi
3 : hiru
4 : lau
5 : botz
6 : sei
7 : zazpi
8 : zortzi
9 : bederatzi
10 : hamar
11 : hameka
12 : hamabi
13 : hamahiru
14 : hamalau
15 : hamabost
16 : hamasei
17 : hamazazpi
18 : hamazortzi
19 : hemeretzi
20 : hogoi
21 : hogoi ta bat
22 : hogoi ta ni
23 : hogoi ta hiru
30 : hogoi ta hamar
40 : berrogoi
50 : berrogoi ta hamar
60 : hirur hogoi
70 : hirur hogoi ta hamar
80 : laurogoi
90 : laurogoi ta hamar
100 : ehun
200 : berrehun
300 : hirurehun
1000 : mila
2000 : nimila
1,000,000 : miliun
number _____ (train, bus, etc.) : _____ zenbakia
half : erdia
less : gutxiago
more : gehiago


now : orai
later : gero
before : lehen
morning : goiz
afternoon : arratsalde
evening : arrats
night : gaua


one o'clock in the morning : goizeko ordu bata
two o'clock in the morning : goizeko ordu niak
nine o'clock in the morning : goizeko ordu bederatzik
midday : eguerdia
one p.m : eguerdiko ordu bata
two in the afternoon : arratsaldeko ordu niak

midnight : gauerdi



today : gaur
yesterday : atzo
tomorrow : bihar
this week : aste honetan
last week : joan den astean
next week : hurrengo astean

  • Monday : astelehena
  • Tuesday : asteartea
  • Wednesday : asteazkena
  • Thursday : osteguna
  • Friday : ostirala
  • Saturday : larunbata
  • Sunday : igandea


  • January : urtarrila
  • February : otsaila
  • March : martxoa
  • April : apirila
  • may : maiatza
  • June : ekaina
  • July : uztaila
  • August : abuztua
  • September : iraila
  • October : urria
  • November : azaroa
  • December : abendua

Write time and date


black : beltz
White : zuri
Grey : Grey
Red : gorri
blue : urdin / blu
yellow : hori
green : berde
orange : laranja
Chestnut : marroi


Bus and Train



Taxi! : Taxi!
Take me to _____, please. : Eraman _____ra, mesedez.
How much does it cost to go to _____? : Zenbat balio from _____ra joateak?
Bring me there, please. : Utz nazazu han, mesedez.







I would like to rent a car. : Auto bat alkilatu nahiko nuke.
Could I be insured? : Aseguru beats lortu al dezaket?
stop (on a sign) : stop
One Way : Bide bakarra
yield : bidea eman
parking forbidden : ez aparkatu
speed limit : muga - abiadura
gas station : Gasolindegia
gasoline : Gasolina
diesel : diesela



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