Gunung Kidul - Gunung Kidul

Gunung Kidul is a regency in Central Java, part of the Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia.


Gunung Kidul is in a karst region, known for the beautiful beaches.

Get in

Take a bus or ride a scooter/drive from Yogyakarta to Wonosari.

Get around

Map of Gunung Kidul

Ideally you come with a scooter or a car, as the beaches are far apart.


  • 1 Ngobaran Beach (Pantai Ngobaran). This is a pure beach with a number of marine attractions to explore. When the tide is low in the morning the visitors can join the local fishermen to collect seaweed or go fishing for stranded fish between the reefs at the beach. Some believe that somewhere in the beach lie the remains of King Brawijaya's fort and his men “Sabdo Palon Ngoyogenggong”. This beach includes a cave, which leads its explorers to a striking underground stream. If you go to Ngrenehan Beach for the grilled fish just drop by Ngobaran Beach, it has a high cliff and is around 2 km from Ngrenehan Beach. Many sea animal species are present in the coral reef and inter-tidal zones, ranging from sea urchin, starfish, to various types of cockleshells.
  • 2 Ngrenehan Beach (Pantai Ngrenehan), Kanigoro Village, Saptosari (about 30 km south of Wonosari). A small bay surrounded by rocky hills that has fascinating panorama and swirling waves hitting white sandy beach and rocky edge of the hills. The local fishermen can prepare fresh or grilled fish for visitors.
  • 3 Baron Beach (Pantai Baron).
  • 4 Kukup Beach (Pantai Kukup).
  • 5 Sepanjang Beach (Pantai Sepanjang).
  • 6 Drini Beach (Pantai Drini).
  • 7 Krakal Beach (Pantai Krakal).
  • 8 Sundak Beach (Pantai Sundak).
  • 9 Indrayanti Beach (Pantai Indrayanti).
  • 10 Poh Tunggal Beach (Pantai Poh Tunggal).
  • 11 Siung Beach (Pantai Siung).


Beach hopping!






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