Table Mountains - Góry Stołowe

The location of the park
Peak Narożnik (849 m above sea level)

Table Mountains (NS. Stolové hory) - a mountain range located in the south-west Polandin the middle Sudetes. These mountains are one of the few plate mountains on the continent. The western part of the Table Mountains lies within the area Czech and is called Broumovská vrchovina. The north-west edge of the range near Mieroszów is called Zaworów. In 1993, the Table Mountains National Park was established in the Stołowe Mountains. The highest peak of the range is Szczeliniec Wielki.


Krucza Kopa

The Stołowe Mountains owe their name to their specific structure, the shape of which is similar to the flat surface of the table. The current appearance of the range is due to relatively young tectonic movements and erosions that began in the Miocene and continue to this day. As a result, the upper part of the hills formed flat peaks.


Kurza Stopka in the Errant Rocks labyrinth

By plane

There are no passenger airports in the vicinity of the park. The nearest one, located in Poland, is in Wrocław-Strachowice. It is located approximately 117 km from the national park.

By car

The Niknąca Łąka educational trail

The direct road leading to the park is provincial road 387, which connects New Ruda With Kudowa-Zdrój. To the south of the range there is the national road No. 8, where its final section runs (border crossing in Kudowa-Zdrój, about 6 km from the park border).

Park attractions

  • The Rock Town in Szczeliniec Wielki
  • Errant Rocks in the Skalniak peak massif
  • Skalne Grzyby and Radkowskie Skały
  • The Łężyckie Skałki mountain clearing
  • The old cross on Krucza Kopa
  • Charles Fort and the Hundred Curves Road
  • Dinosaur Park in Karłów
  • Museum of the Table Mountains National Park in
  • Open-air museum and religious buildings in Wambierzyce
Basilica of St. Wambierzyce

Nearest neighborhood

Nature conservation

The part of the Table Mountains with an area of ​​63 km² on the Polish side is included in the Table Mountains National Park (PNGS), established on September 16, 1993. There are three reserves in the park: the "Szczeliniec Wielki" and "Błędne Skały" landscape reserves open to tourists, and the Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowske peat bog reserve, it is planned to create further reserves: Łężyckie Rocks, Above Pośna, Shepherd's Mountain and Rogowa Kopa.

When visiting the mountains, it is also worth taking a trip on the Czech side of the range, which is much larger than the Polish one. In addition to many nature reserves (Broumov Walls, Adršpašskoteplické skály, Ostaš), you can visit several interesting places, such as Broumov, Teplice nad Metují or Police nad Metují.


  • Zajazd Karłów - Karłów 8B
  • Dworek Karłów *** - Karłów 10
  • PTTK hostel in Szczeliniec - Karłów 9
  • Szczeliniec - Karłów Holiday Center 6A
  • Pod Skałką Recreation Center - ul. Złota 4, Szczytna
  • Zielony Las Recreation Center - ul. Jagiellońska 33, Radków
  • "Góry Stołowe" Recreation Center - ul. Jakubowice 3, Kudowa-Z.

tourist information

  • IT point of the Kudowski Center for Culture, Sport and Promotion - ul. Zdrojowa 44 - tel. 074/866 13 87, 866 35 68
  • Tourist Information and City Promotion Office - Rynek 9 - tel. / Fax 074/866 94 13
  • Tourist Information Point - Rynek 17 - tel. / Fax 074/871 22 70