Hammaslahti - Hammaslahti

Hammaslahti is in Joensuu. It was centre of formerly Pyhäselkä municipality. Nowadays it is one of Joensuu districts.

Get in

By bus

From Joensuu several times a day. See more information from Joensuu region local transport website. Matkahuolto schedule search shows timetables of long distance buses from Savonlinna and Kitee, the nearest stop to Hammaslahti is named Hammaslahti/Kiihtelysvaara-risteys. Matka.fi route planner includes information about these services.

By train

Trains do not stop anymore at Hammaslahti railway station. Nearest railway station in passenger service is in Joensuu.

Get around

Joensuu region local transport buses can be used also for local trips.

By taxi

  • Smartphone app: 02 Taksi


Museum of The Carelian railway



  • Supermarket "S-Market", hammaslahdentie 19
  • Supermarket "Siwa", lastaustie
  • Kiosk


  • Rohat Pizza & Kebab, pyhäseläntie 11


  • Aseman kuppila, a pub in Hammaslahti centre, lastaustie 5


  • Suhmuran kievari, (Suhmura's Inn) conference/ restaurant/ accommodation, about five kilometres to north from centre * iltarauhantie 56, 358 13749109, .


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