Harar - Harar

ሓረር- Gey
ET-Harar Ethiopia (9) .JPG
Harar - Flag
Time zone
Map of Ethiopia

Harar is a city of Oromia region in Ethiopia.

To know

Children at Harar Jegol Wall


Harar was founded in 810 AD. from Arab migrants it became the capital of the Sultanate of Adal and in this period the city took much of its religious importance. During the reign of Haile Selassie I the city resumed its cultural role that it still maintains today, and since 2006 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is certainly an important stop for tourism in Ethiopia. The city is also known by the Islamic faithful as "Madinat al-Awilya" meaning "City of Saints".

Spoken languages

The languages ​​spoken by the local population are Amaric and Arabic, but to ask for information you can use English or Italian, the latter known mainly by people over 40 years of age.

Culture and traditions

The city has a fundamental cultural importance for the Islamic religion, in fact it is considered by the Islamic faithful to be the fourth holy city of Islam, and inside it you can find 82 mosques and 102 shrines. But despite everything there is also a large part of the inhabitants who profess Catholicism.

The population calls the city Gey, that is "The city". The population is very hospitable and tourists are well received, but it is necessary to maintain a behavior of respect towards their religion and their traditions.

How to orient yourself


The city has to the east a part that differs from the rest of the city, "Harar Jugol Wall" an old city founded in 1500 which became a UNESCO heritage site in 2006.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Say Daua (Dawa will say), from there you can make car trips to the city.

By car

The city is connected by a railway network with Addis Ababa is Say Daua.

How to get around

By car

Traveling by car does not present problems and is very frequent in the city, but cycling is also recommended.

What see

Catholic church in the city built in the early 1900s in the style of Ethiopian architecture
  • Mosques in the city. They represent the historical and cultural importance of Islam in the city.
  • Markets. Where you can find different souvenirs including ceramic vases or sculptures, but you can also find typical Ethiopian products.
  • Harar Jegol Wall. Absolutely not to be missed is the fortified old city built 500 years ago where you can get to know all the culture and history of this city.
  • Harar Museum. The city museum that can convey not only the history of the city but also the history of the wholeEthiopia.

Events and parties

Being an Islamic city all the feasts of this religion are celebrated but also those of Christian origin are celebrated by the Christian population.

What to do


Fruit sellers in Harar

Supermarkets in Harar are few and not very reliable, the vast majority of the local population make their purchases during the markets or in retail stores.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices


The city does not present any kind of danger, petty crime is not widespread but it is advisable to avoid exhibiting valuables.

How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Harar
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Harar
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