Hawaii - Havaiji

Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii (Hawaii, Hawaiʻi) is an archipelago of 122 islands in the North Pacific. Hawaii is one The United States From the 50th state.

The largest of the islands in the area is The island of Hawaii. However, most of the inhabitants of the archipelago live Oahun on the island where the state capital Honolulu is also located.



By plane

There are no flights from Finland to Hawaii, so a change to New York or Los Angeles, for example, is necessary. There are a lot of flights from Los Angeles to different Hawaiian islands, so it’s a good but a bit congested place to change. When flying through Asia, it is possible to change planes in Japan, for example.

The flight from Finland to Hawaii is long, so you should also consider an overnight stay or a couple of days stop on the west coast of the United States.

By boat


Renting a car is recommended elsewhere except in Honolulu. On some islands (e.g. Maui, Kauai), public transportation is cheap or even free, but buses rarely run and may not reach all tourist destinations.




There is talk in Hawaii English and the Hawaiian language. Virtually all locals know English. Americans are usually polite and helpful, and they don’t mind even if you don’t speak perfect English.


Hawaii is quite expensive in American terms, due to the fact that almost all food and goods have to be imported from elsewhere by water or air freight, but compared to the Finnish price level, it is still affordable.




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