Herculaneum - Herculano

Herculaneum (Item: Ercolano) is a villa near Naples in Campania, Italy. It takes its name from the Roman ruins that are its main attraction. Herculaneum was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius, the same one that devastated Pompeii.

Ruins of Herculaneum with Vesuvius in the background


While the volcano swept through Pompeii, Herculaneum suffered less damage, so it is better preserved and many of the houses feature excellent frescoes and mosaics.

Herculaneum gives you a clear idea of ​​how the ancient Romans lived, plus there are far fewer tourists than in Pompeii and you can explore the ruins without stress.

To get

By bus

Frequent buses to the present village from Naples.

Street in Herculaneum

By train

The line Circumvesuviana It takes only 25 minutes from Naples and 40 from Sorrento. To get to the ruins get to the point 1 Ercolano Scavi leave the station, reach a small square, walk eight blocks and pass the arch where tickets are sold and bags are left.

AttentionAs there is no train station in Herculaneum itself, the Naples-Salerno trains stop at Porticini / Ercolano station.

By car

Herculano is on the A3 Napoles-Salerno, which is a fee (€ 2 approx.). Parking is difficult, you can try the parking lot next to the police, one block southeast of the ruins.


Herculaneum Map
The statue of Marco Nonius Balbus

hours = open every day except Christmas, New Years and May 1. Summer: 8: 30-7: 30, Winter: 8: 30-5: 00.

The Ticket is € 11. The combination for 5 archaeological sites (Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis, Stabia and Boscoreale) is 20 euros.


Audio guides cost € 6.50. The toilets are to the left of the kiosk.

Neptune Mosaic
A domestic altar


PompeiIn [email protected] 39 3284134719 offers itineraries that last about 2 hours and cover the main points of interest: The thistle, the house of the skeletons, the hot springs, the forum, the house of Neptune, the bakery, the gym, the terrace from Marco Nonius Balbus and the beach. The guides are graduates in archeology.

To buy

In the ticket office they sell books and guides. If, in addition to Herculaneum, you plan to visit Pompeii, better buy the combined ticket, something cheaper.

To eat

I'll bring the lunch box or the sandwiches. There is a pizzeria on the way to the ruins from the station, but not inside.

To drink

Advertisement for a bar

In summer it can be very hot in the ruins, drink plenty of water and make sure you don't leave empty bottles there like other unsupported tourists do.


Don't even think about it, Herculaneum can be seen in two or three hours and there is absolutely nothing else in the town, go back to sleep at your hotel in Naples.

Go after

  • The train line Circumvesuviana will: