Hermon - Hermon

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The Hermon is a mountain range at the border triangle between Israel, Syria and the Lebanon. This article describes the proportion on Israeli territory.


The Hermon massif is located in the southern border area between Syria and the Lebanon, at its southern end, the Israeli border reaches the triangle. The highest point on Israeli territory is located here on a pre-summit at 2224 m above sea level, the 2814 m high main summit of Hermon is 15 km further north and is under Syrian rule.
The Hermon massif was created by a fold at the Great Rift Valley; in contrast to the dark volcanic basalt of the Golan the Hermon massif consists of light limestone. In the winter months it is covered by a snow cap.

Already in the Psalms (psalm 89,12 EU) the heights of Hermon are sung about. According to Jewish tradition, the Hermon was the place where God (Genesis 15,18 EU) Abraham awarded the promised land after the conclusion of the old covenant; the site BritBen HaBetarim is not available for security reasons. In the Bible (1. Chronicle 5,23 EU) the Hermon is mentioned as the northern border of Israel, the territory of half the tribe of Manasseh extended to its slopes. The mountain is not mentioned in more detail in the New Testament, it is very likely that the "Mount of Transfiguration" is not Hermon, according to Christian tradition it comes Tabor this honor too.

The Canaanites had already built sanctuaries on the Hermon Heights, and the Greeks and Romans had built their temples here in ancient times.

In the Six Day War, Hermon, who was under Syrian control, was captured without a fight. During the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli outposts were attacked by Syrian troops and in a counter-attack by soldiers from three Golani battalions along with the Golan Heights recaptured after bloody fighting. The region of the main summit, which was originally occupied, was handed over to Syria in accordance with international demands, and troops of the UNO observer UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) are holding their positions below the summit. Together with the Golan, the Israeli-occupied portion (which comprises seven percent of the Hermon massif) was annexed in December 1981.
Israel has occupied positions on the 2224 m high pre-summit, the favorable position is used by the Israeli armed forces for the electronic reconnaissance of troop movements in Lebanon and Syria. A ski area has been set up on the south-west slope, and Israelis can enjoy winter sports on various lifts and downhill slopes.

getting there

Mount Hermon, Parking

Here only the journey to the Israeli part of the Hermon massif is described, a border crossing to Syria and in the Lebanon can not.

By plane

Most visitors from German-speaking countries travel via the Ben Gurion Airport at Tel Aviv at.

By train / by bus

The Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights are not connected to the Israeli rail network.

There are bus connections to Majdal Shams, from there, however, there is no public transport to the winter sports area on the Hermon; Those who arrive by bus can try to continue their journey by taxi or hitchhiking. In the winter months there are direct buses from Tel Aviv to the winter sports area, the website provides information.

In the street

You travel over by private vehicle Kirjat Schmona because the city in Northern Galilee is on the road 90 reached. The street 99 leads in an easterly direction to the Druze village Mas'ada, from there you take the road 98 in a northerly direction. In the Druze town Majdal Shams one drives on the 98 further north. The 1 Checkpoint at the entrance to the Hermon winter sports area is open during the day until 4 p.m., after which the entrance is closed. After 7.6 km, the upper parking lot at the winter sports area is reached on a well drivable paved road 2 Ticket booth (similar to a cash register system on a French motorway) are not manned in the summer months and access is free.


A chair lift of the Skihermon transports walkers to the pre-summit in the summer months, otherwise one moves on foot.

Asphalt roads lead to the various military installations on the peaks and along the border fence, but these may only be used by military vehicles.

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Skihermon, Hermon Ski Resort. Tel.: 972 1-599-550-560, Email: . Open: 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m., last ascent 3.30 p.m.Price: 49 NIS (single trip, return); in winter day ticket 250 NIS, half-day ticket from 12.00 NIS 200.


In the seasons when there is no snow, a chairlift to the summit is in operation. In the entire protected region of the Hermon area you can admire an alpine flora with some endemic species, which is unique for Israel. Due to the altitude, the flowering time is much later than in the rest of Israel, so the optimal travel time is between April and June; in March the last bits of snow melt.
In the summer months, in addition to the chairlift, there is also a summer toboggan run.
On the green and white marked path you can hike down from the pre-summit to the lower parking lot, the northern beginning of the Golan Trail lies here.

Chair lift to the Hermon
Skiing is only possible in January / February


  • be on site in the winter months Winter sports articles such as gloves, hats, etc. sold. The ski equipment is usually rented out, however, at the valley station of the chairlifts there are large material rentals (similar to those known from artificial ice rinks in this country).
  • in Majdal Shams In addition to supermarkets, there are a number of boutiques in which the local (Druze) people shop.


  • 1  Cafe bar. In the café bar in the mountain station of the chairlift, mineral water, tea and a café are offered, as well as small snacks and hot dogs.


The entire winter sports facility is closed from 4 p.m., an après-ski experience with bars and nightspots known from the Alpine resorts is unknown in Israel.


In the nearby moschav Neve Ativ all types of accommodation are offered, from hotels to B&B; the way to Kiryat Shmona or Tiberias is so short that the Hermon can easily be visited as a day trip.


In the winter months there is a first-aid station for the treatment of sports injuries.

Practical advice

In the summer months you can pass the facility with barriers and ticket booths at the driveway without paying, park at the upper parking lot and buy a ticket for the chairlift ride in the valley station. A certain degree of stability is required to get on and off the chairlift, assistants are always on hand.

Due to the difference in altitude and the brisk wind on the summit, there is a risk of catching a cold if you come quickly up from the sea of ​​Galilee, which is warm in summer.


  • at the entrance to Hermon resp. to Majdal Shams Well worth a visit to the Jordan springs from Banyas or the Nimrod Fortress.


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