Hortobágy - Hortobágy

Sheeps in the park
Hortobágy - Localization
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Hortobágy (officially Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóságok) is located in Hungary.

To know

The Hortobágy is part of theAlföld, the great plain of eastern Hungary, near Debrecen. It was declared a national park in 1973 (the first in Hungary), a biosphere reserve in 1979 and inserted by theUNESCO between world heritage sites in 1999. Hortobágy is the largest production area in Hungary, as well as the largest remaining grassland in Central Europe. Its surface covers more than 800 km².

Flora and fauna

The landscape of Hortobágy is steppe-like, a flat meadow with cattle, sheep, oxen and horses, and is the ideal habitat for various species (342 species of birds have been sighted) .This alkaline steppe was believed to have formed thanks to the cutting of immense forests during the Middle Ages, and that the River Tisza did the rest by modifying the structure of the soil and its pH. Actually the Hortobágy is older, the alkalization began 10,000 years ago, when the Tisza made its way along the Great Hungarian plain by "decapitating" the small rivers that originated from the Northern Mountains. Its training was concluded by grazing animals, marmots and wild horses during the ice age, and by domestic animals later.

How to get

By car

Starting from Tiszafüred or Debrecen just take the national road 33 and you will find Hortobágy among the possible exits.

On the train

By train there are several ways to reach the park. From Budapest or from Debrecen there are direct connections to Hortobáy.

Permits / Rates

Access to the park is totally free but be careful to respect the environment in order not to incur very high fines.

How to get around

What see

Painting depicting the bridge with nine arches
  • 1 halastó. Small pond in the center of the park which is its main attraction.
  • 2 Bridge. One of the most popular photographic subjects is this nine-arched bridge in the park.

What to do

  • Bike rides in the park
  • Fishing in the central pond


Where to eat

Where stay

  • 1 Hédi Vendégház, 5362 Tiszaörs, Rákóczi út 14. Ecb copyright.svg2500HUF per night. Located in an old renovated building with shared kitchen. The owners only speak Hungarian but try hard to understand foreign tourists.


How to keep in touch


In the surroundings, and some even inside the park, there are small villages and towns that those who want to discover the simple way of life in the Hungarian province should visit:

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Hortobágy
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Hortobágy
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains information on how to get there, on the main attractions or activities to do and on tickets and access times.