The boss - Il Capo

The boss
Archbishop's Palace
Il Capo - Location

The boss or pawnshop or Seralcadio is a district (or district) of the city of Palermo.

To know

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see


Church of SAgostino - Detail of the facade
  • 1 Church of Sant'Agostino, Via di S. Agostino (At the crossroads with via Maestri dell'Acqua). Church of Sant'Agostino (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Agostino (Q2223820) on Wikidata
The entrance to the cathedral
  • unescomain attraction2 Cathedral (Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary of the Assumption), Corso Vittorio Emanuele (From the central station take the free shuttle to the Bonello-Cattedrale stop or bus 109 to the Piazza Indipendenza stop, you can change to the free shuttle or walk. From Politeama by bus 108 or 104 to the Piazza Indipendenza stop.). Ecb copyright.svgRoyal Tombs, Treasury, Crypt, Underground, Apses and Roofs: 10 €, Royal Tombs, Treasury, Crypt, Undergrounds, Apses: 6 €, Royal Tombs: 1.50 €. Treasury, Crypt, Underground, Apses: € 5. Roof: € 5 (Jan 2020). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 7:00 am-7:00pm, Sun 8:00 am-7:00pm. Monumental Area opening hours: (Royal Tombs, Treasury, Crypt, Underground, Apses and Roofs): Mon-Fri 9: 00-14: 00. Sat 9: 00-18: 00. Sun 9: 00-13: 00. The Cathedral of Palermo is a grandiose architectural complex composed in different styles, due to the various phases of construction. Erected in 1185 by archbishop Gualtiero Offamilio on the area of ​​the first basilica that the Saracens had transformed into a mosque, it has undergone various alterations over the centuries; the last was at the end of the eighteenth century, when, on the occasion of the structural consolidation, the interior was radically redone to a design by Ferdinando Fuga. In fact, in 1767, Archbishop Filangieri had commissioned Ferdinando Fuga to carry out a conservative restoration of the building, aimed solely at consolidating its structure. The works began only in 1781, carried out not by Fuga but by Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia from Palermo and lasted until the late nineteenth century. The renovations of Marvuglia were actually much more invasive and radical than the projects of the Florentine architect, who instead thought of preserving, at least in part, the longitudinal complex of the naves and the original wooden ceiling. The restoration intervened to change the original appearance of the complex, endowing the church with the characteristic but discordant dome, executed according to the drawings of the Fuga. It was on this occasion that the precious tribune that Antonello Gagini had erected at the beginning of the 16th century and which was decorated with statues, friezes and reliefs, was destroyed. The picturesque majolica domes intended to cover the side aisles also date back to the renovation in 1781.
Inside the cathedral there are the tombs of the kings who reigned in Palermo including the tomb of Frederick II of Swabia. The church also has an element of great union and respect between the faiths, in the left pillar of the entrance there is an ancient Arabic inscription bearing a sura from the Koran. Palermo Cathedral on Wikipedia Palermo cathedral (Q1478407) on Wikidata
Incoronata Chapel
  • 3 Chapel of the Incoronata, Via Coronazione, 11 (To the west it faces the Episcopal Palace, to the north the church of Santa Cristina la Vetere, on the opposite corner to the east on the same Via Incoronazione stands the church of the Madonna di Monte Oliveto called "Badia nuova"). It is a Norman building made up of a chapel with a single nave with a north-south axis and a portico-loggia known as "of the Coronation" about as wide as the chapel and the remains of a vestibule. The Coronation chapel under the title of "Santa Maria Incoronata" was the cult building for the coronation of sovereigns and the acclamation of the same to the public through the balustrade. Later it took on the function of archive of the cathedral and of the writings of the Maramma (a word that derives from the ancient-Norman French). It kept the inventory of materials and housed the controllers responsible for managing the "Fabbrica del duomo". The basement has the remains of two columns that supported the floor of the ancient mosque that was present here. Cappella dell'Incoronata on Wikipedia Incoronata chapel (Q1034537) on Wikidata
Church of the Holy Forty Martyrs
  • 4 Church of San Ranieri and Santi Quaranta Martiri Pisani alla Guilla, Piazza Quaranta Martiri alla Guilla. The Holy Forty Martyrs were a group of Christian soldiers, belonging to a Roman legion, which in 320 AD. they were sentenced and killed by immersion in a frozen pond near Sebasta in Armenia. This is one of the Christian persecutions under the emperor Valerio Liciniano Licinius. The church was built by the Pisan community of Palermo in 1605. In 1725 restoration work was carried out and the Flemish painter Guglielmo Borremans was commissioned to decorate the interior of the church. The fresco cycle narrates episodes from the life of San Ranieri. Architectural elements connect the vault to the walls of the nave. In the sails and in the panels are painted landscapes and tondi with images of Beati, by Sante Vergini Pisane. Church of San Ranieri and Santi Quaranta Martiri Pisani on Wikipedia church of San Ranieri and Santi Quaranta Martiri Pisani (Q2223448) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of the Immaculate Conception al Capo, Via Porta Carini, 38,, 39 3288291276. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 9: 00-13: 00. Church of the Immaculate Conception to the Head on Wikipedia church of the Immaculate Conception al Capo (Q1659891) on Wikidata
Church of Santa Cristina Vetere
  • 6 Church of Santa Cristina la Vetere, Pellegrini courtyard (in the north-western area adjacent to the cathedral). Ecb copyright.svg2 € (Oct 2020). Simple icon time.svgSun 10:00 - 13:00 or by reservation. Arab-Norman church built around 1174 and dedicated to the holy martyr is the patron saint of the city before the cult of Santa Rosalia was established is one of the oldest churches in Palermo. The building has a Greek cross plan and has an apse from a later period. Four pillars support as many pointed arches, which intersect form the central vault. Church of Santa Cristina la Vetere on Wikipedia church of Santa Cristina la Vetere (Q2222845) on Wikidata
  • 7 Church of the Madonna di Monte Oliveto. Church of the Madonna di Monte Oliveto on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria di Monte Oliveto (Q2223132) on Wikidata
  • 8 Church of the Ten Thousand Martyrs. Church of the Ten Thousand Martyrs on Wikipedia church of the Ten Thousand Martyrs (Q653310) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church of the Guardian Angel. Church of the Guardian Angel (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of the Guardian Angel (Q24938932) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santi Cosma e Damiano.
  • Church of the Confraternity of Saints John and James.
  • Church of the Seven Angels. Church of the Seven Angels on Wikipedia church of the Seven Angels (Q24938784) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso dei Lucchesi.
  • Church of Sant'Onofrio. Church of Sant'Onofrio (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Onofrio Re (Q55173951) on Wikidata
  • 10 Church of Santa Maria della Mercede. Church of Santa Maria della Mercede (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria della Mercede (Q2223094) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Holy Family. Church of the Holy Family (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of the Holy Family (Q22263767) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santa Maria di Gesù al Capo. Church of Santa Maria di Gesù al Capo on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria di Gesù al Capo (Q60837867) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Giacomo dei Militari. Church of San Giacomo dei Militari on Wikipedia church of San Giacomo dei Militari (Q42532399) on Wikidata
St. Mary Magdalene
  • 11 Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 469 (Inside the "Dalla Chiesa - Calatafimi" barracks complex). Simple icon time.svgThe church, not visible from the outside, is not easily accessible, therefore it is difficult to visit except on particular occasions.. In 1130 there was an older chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene, built by Elvira di Castiglia, first wife of Roger II of Sicily, to house her remains and those of Norman counts, dukes, princes, kings and queens. The chapel was adjacent to the south side of the original cathedral. In 1187, the chapel was demolished and the sepulchral sacelli of the Norman princes were temporarily transferred, pending the completion of the construction of the new cathedral, where they would find their final location. Subsequently, the barracks complex was built around it. Church of Santa Maria Maddalena (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria Maddalena (Q28669639) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Giuliano. Church of San Giuliano (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Giuliano (Q45360470) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Silvestro al Collegio San Rocco.
  • 12 St. Stanislaus Kostka Church (Madonna del Lume). St. Stanislaus Kostka Church on Wikipedia St. Stanislaus Kostka's church (Q1226158) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santa Croce and the pyramid of the Madonna delle Grazie.
  • Church of Santa Maria del Cancelliere. Church of Santa Maria del Cancelliere on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria del Cancelliere (Q22263752) on Wikidata
  • Church of Sant'Agata alle Mura. Church of Sant'Agata alle Mura on Wikipedia church of Sant'Agata alle Mura (Q45381451) on Wikidata
  • Church of Sant'Aniano.
  • 13 Church of the Holy Spirit (Vespro church). Church of the Holy Spirit (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of the Holy Spirit (Q1569194) on Wikidata
  • 14 Church of Santa Rosalia (church of Santa Rosalia and Santi Quattro Coronati al Capo). Church of Santa Rosalia (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Rosalia (Q1072486) on Wikidata
  • Church of Gesù e Maria al Papireto (or of the Scarpari).
  • Church of San Marco. Parts of the facilities house a retirement home.
  • Church of the Madonna della Grazia dei Caldumai.
  • Church of Santo Stefano del Piano.


  • 15 Oratory of the Charity of San Pietro, Via Maqueda, 206. Oratory of Charity (Palermo) on Wikipedia Oratory of Charity (Q72397933) on Wikidata
  • 16 Oratory of Saints Peter and Paul, via Matteo Bonello (adjacent to the Archbishop's Palace). Oratory of Saints Peter and Paul (Palermo) on Wikipedia oratory of Saints Peter and Paul (Q25410141) on Wikidata
  • Oratory of the Ecce Homo.
  • Oratory of the Madonna del Soccorso.
  • Oratory of San Marco.
  • 17 Oratory of Santo Stefano protomartire. Oratory of Santo Stefano protomartire on Wikipedia oratory of Santo Stefano protomartire (Q924202) on Wikidata


House of the Mutilated
Fire Brigade Barracks
  • 18 House of the Mutilated (Armed Temple Mystical Fortress), Via Alessandro Scarlatti, 12. Simple icon time.svgIt can be visited on request or for special events. Rationalist building in the past used by war mutilated and for this reason military-themed frescoes are represented inside. The entrance with the three columns in the center recalls the symbol of the association of the mutilated which included three daggers surrounded by a crown of thorns (the circular opening of the entrance hall). House of the Mutilated (Q77600703) on Wikidata
  • 19 Fire Brigade Barracks, Via Alessandro Scarlatti, 16 (Not far from the Teatro Massimo and next to the house of the Mutilated). The rationalist building of the Fire Brigade was inaugurated on 19 August 1937, and to this day it continues to fulfill the same function.
Justice palace
  • 20 Justice palace, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 39 0917421111. It is a rationalist style building. The building was designed by the architects Ernesto and Gaetano Rapisardi, construction began in 1938, but for obvious war reasons it stopped almost immediately; the works resumed after the war and ended in 1957. For the construction of the building the Bastion of Aragon in the Capo district and other adjacent buildings were demolished. The Palace has been enriched with some works of art: on the ground floor, a high relief by Luigi Venturini depicting King Solomon in the act of administering justice, installed in 1965, and in the center of the atrium, a large bronze sculpture by Vincenzo Gennaro, dedicated to all the fallen of justice. The old and the new Palace of Justice are separated by a large pedestrian square, dedicated to the memory of the judges killed for their action against the Cosa Nostra, and is called "Piazza della Memoria". The fame of this building is above all linked to the incessant work of the various magistrates who fought the mafia in the front line through the judicial and investigative action, here the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino worked there. In their memory, the Falcone and Borsellino Museum was established inside the court where the offices, documents and period furnishings are visible. Admission is by reservation. Palace of Justice (Palermo) on Wikipedia Palace of Justice (Q3891588) on Wikidata
  • 21 Archbishop's Palace, via Bonello (a few meters from the cathedral and the Norman Palace). Archbishop's Palace (Palermo) on Wikipedia Archbishop's Palace (Q2047513) on Wikidata
  • Artale Palace. Palazzo Artale on Wikipedia Palazzo Artale (Q60840626) on Wikidata


  • 22 Door Carini, Via Porta Carini (at the entrance of the popular market of the Capo a few steps from the court and the Massimo Theater). Bring Carini to Wikipedia Porta Carini (Q3908694) on Wikidata
  • 23 Palermo Mosque. Palermo Mosque on Wikipedia Palermo mosque (Q3866048) on Wikidata
  • 24 Diocesan Museum (MUDIPA), @. Diocesan Museum (Palermo) on Wikipedia Diocesan Museum of Palermo (Q518412) on Wikidata
  • 25 Complex of the barracks "Dalla Chiesa - Calatafimi", Corso Vittorio Emanuele 475. Barracks Dalla Chiesa-Calatafimi on Wikipedia barracks Dalla Chiesa-Calatafimi (Q3661721) on Wikidata

What to do


  • 1 Flea market, Domenico Peranni square. Flea Market (Palermo) on Wikipedia flea market (Q3854853) on Wikidata
  • 2 Cape Market, Via Cappuccinelle.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 At the old black pink club, Vicolo Caldomai 18, 39 091 251 1234.
  • 2 Ruvolo Cafeteria, Via Maqueda, 186. Bar and ice cream parlor, with designer interiors and a wide choice of croissants for breakfast. Little space inside.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 B&B Teatro Massimo, via Clock 31 (In the pedestrian area of ​​the historic center, just 50 meters from the Teatro Massimo), 393388323334, fax: 390916197653, @. Check in: 13:00, check-out: 11:00. Elegant residence offering accommodation in finely furnished rooms and apartments. The historic building that houses the B&B is completely restored and has a lift.
  • 2 The Cathedral Guest House, Via del Celso, 78. Located on the second floor of a finely restored 16th century building, it has two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sofa bed, a bright living room and an equipped kitchen, four balconies with views and wi-fi.

High prices

  • 3 Eurostars Centrale Palace, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 327. Check in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Very central, a few steps from the Quattro Canti. In a historic building. The rooms are clean and the service decent, but the non-four-star finishes are left to be desired.

How to keep in touch

Useful information

  • 1 UNESCO Visitor Center, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 353 (Next to Palazzo Riso), 39 0916116368. information on the monuments of Palermo and especially on the Unesco ones.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning The boss
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