Marajó Island - Ilha de Marajó

THE Marajó Island, at the For, is the largest coastal island in Brazil, with more than 40,000 m², an area larger than the Switzerland. It is washed by the Amazon, Pará and Tocantins rivers and by the Atlantic Ocean. Marajó was once the center of a great and sophisticated indigenous civilization. Its main cities are Soure, considered the "capital", and Salvaterra.


Other destinations

  • Praia do Pescador, in Soure
  • Araruna beach, in Soure
  • Joanes Beach, 15 km from Salvaterra, with ruins from colonial times
  • Big beach, in Salvaterra
  • Mexiana Island, under the equator, is a private island, with a resort, and is 8 hours by ship from Belém or 50 minutes by plane.


Marajó has beautiful river beaches, where you can't see the other side. Many of them are completely unexplored. It also has the largest herd of buffaloes in Brazil.

From December to June, during the flood period, the eastern part of the island is soaked

To arrive

The main access to the island is from ship, which part of the port of Bethlehem and arrives in Soure, in a journey of approximately 4 hours. Enasa - Empresa de Navegação da Amazônia, tel.: (91) 3242-5870, operates large ships, with tickets for R$9.00. Other companies are Arapari, which makes the crossing with small boats or speedboats (1:30 am), Paraense, with small ships, and Henvil, which also makes the trip by ferry (R$22.00). Tickets in the port of Belem.

In air taxi, the trip lasts from 20 to 30 min. Information on angry (91) 3233-4884, sour (91) 9981-0794, Kovacs (91) 3233-06065, Candid (91) 3244-4024, among many other companies. Shipping can vary widely; so check with several companies.


The roads are precarious and are often flooded. Therefore, cars are quite useless for traveling great distances. River and air transport are still the best options.



  • Marajoara ceramics
  • Craftsmanship

With the

  • Fish such as peacock bass, pirarucu and tamuatá, seasoned with roots following indigenous traditions
  • buffalo meat
  • Tacacá, typical food from Pará
  • Piracui dumpling

drink and go out

In Soure and Salvaterra there are some restaurants with some nightlife and carimbó shows, the music of Pará.




The city of Anajás is the Brazilian champion in cases of malaria.


Stay in touch


Ship schedules may vary due to tides.

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