Iruya - Iruya

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Iruya is an idyllic little village in the northwest Argentina with steep and narrow streets and mud houses. It is located at an altitude of 2780 m, not far from the Jujuy Province and belongs to the Salta Province. From the provincial capital of the same name Salta it is around 300 km away.


getting there

In the street

From the provincial capital Salta one arrives via the Ruta Nacional 9 first to Humahuaca. About 20 km after Humahuaca we continue northeast to Iturbe (Jujuy Province) and from there via a dirt road to Iruya.

The path between Iturbe and Iruya leads over the mountain pass Abra del Cóndor. It is located at almost 4,000 m above sea level, on the border between the two provinces of Jujuy and Salta. From there, it's a breathtaking 1200 m downhill for a distance of 19 km through a colorful, bizarre rugged rock landscape.

By bus

Numerous buses run from the provincial capital Salta via Jujuy to Humahuaca, from where you change trains to Iruya. The drive between Salta and Humahuaca takes about three hours, and between Humahuaca and Iruya three to three and a half hours. In the main season of January and February the bus is often fully booked, so you should reserve a place several days in advance.

Humahuaca - Iruya: daily 08:30 *) **), 10:30 **); Sun - Fri: 18:00 **)
Iruya - Humahuaca: Mon - Sat: 06:00 **); daily 14:00 *); Mon - Sun: 14:00 **), 15:15 **) and 16:00 **)
*) : Society Panamericano de Jujuy, Price: 18 Pesos (one way)
**): Society Iruya S.A. (formerly Mendoza), Price: 20 pesos (one way)


Tourist Attractions

Pueblo Viejo Rodeo Colanzulí.png
  • In the middle of the village is the adobe church, which can be seen from afar, with the striking blue steeple. It was built in 1753.
  • The ruins of the Pucara of Titiconte date back to before the arrival of the Spaniards. They consist of terraced, well-preserved stone buildings and are about six kilometers away from Iruya. Because of the difficult access, it is advisable to take a guide.


  • From the quarter La Banda from, which is located outside the center, you have a beautiful view of the village from the outside. There is also a footpath that leads to the top of a hill.
  • A hike to the neighboring town San Isidro along the rivers Río Iruya and Río San Isidro takes about two hours.
  • Hike to the neighboring towns Pueblo Viejo, Campo Carreras, Rio Grande, Colanzulí (about four hours to Colanzulí). You can see these places on the journey over the mountain pass Abra del Cóndor.



In the cozy restaurant Comedor Margarita you get tasty food for little money. There are empanadas (filled dumplings), locro (a typical Andean stew), quinoa (a South American vegetable, too Inca ice called), pizza, asado (grilled meat) and typical dishes of the Iruya region. In addition, two menus with soup, main course and dessert are offered daily at a particularly affordable price.


There is no nightlife in Iruya as we know it from cities. But there is a bar called Milmahuasi, where backpackers from all over the world meet for a beer or a glass of wine in the evening. Night hikes are also organized from there. The bar Milmahuasi is in the street Salta, Corner Retiro.


There is a youth hostel in Iruya called the International Youth Hostel Federation (Hostelling International) Milmahuasi.

Essential facilities for travelers

  • In the street Pasaje LavalleThe police station is right next to the church. Opposite are the post office and the town hall.
  • The local hospital is on the street General San Martin, Corner Mariano Moreno.
  • There has been an ATM in Iruya since August 2011.
  • In the street General San Martin there is a tourist office.
  • There is no gas station in Iruya. So if you arrive by car, you should fill up again beforehand. Most places in the area can only be reached on foot or by mule anyway.
  • In the street General San Martin, Corner Pasaje Lavalle is the post office.
  • Area code Iruya: 0387.
  • A phone shop (Spanish locutorio) and an internet café (Spanish cíber) are in the street General San Martin, Corner Mariano Moreno.
  • The GSM cellular network is for the providers staff and MoviStar available.



Web links

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