Shetland Islands - Isole Shetland

Shetland Islands
The lighthouse on the island of Muckle Fugga
Shetland Islands - Location
Shetland Islands - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

The Shetland Islands are a region of the Scotland.

To know

Crofting farms on Fair Island

Geographical notes

The Shetland Islands are located off the northern coast of Scotland and contribute geographically to separate theAtlantic Ocean from the North Sea.


In the 9th century the islands were invaded by the Vikings and remained a Norwegian colony until 1472 when their territory came under the Scottish jurisdiction.

Territories and tourist destinations

Out of about 100 islands, only twelve are inhabited. The main island of the archipelago is known as Mainland (562 km²).

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

  • Lerwick - The most populous locality (about one third of the entire island population) and the administrative center of the Shetland Islands. Combine a thriving harbor with charming local architecture, making Lerwick the beating heart of Shetlands.
  • Scalloway - Shetland's historic capital, with a castle and a reasonable number of shops for shopping.

Other destinations

In addition to Mainland, the other inhabited islands are:

How to get

Sumburgh Airport

By plane

In the Shetland is present on Sumburgh Airport, located in the southern part of the archipelago, which connects it with the major Scottish urban centers.

On boat

In the region there is a ferry service that connects the capital Lerwick with Aberdeen.

How to get around

What see

Muness Castle
  • Clickimin broch -
  • Fort Charlotte -
  • Jarlshof -
  • Mavis Grind -
  • Mousa Broch -
  • Muness Castle -
  • Old Scatness -
  • Scalloway Castle -
  • St Ninian's Isle -
  • Sullom Voe -
  • Sumburgh Head -
  • Skaw -

What to do

For knitting enthusiasts, an essential event is the Shetland Wool Week, held annually in early October.

Wool processing was central to the economy of the Shetland Islands until the first half of the 20th century and still today among the most important industries in the district are traditional Shetland wool spinning mills. Wool Week is a week of courses, workshops and other events that has its center in Lerwick, the capital of the islands, while individual events take place in various locations on the islands (to attend it is strongly recommended to have a car available).

At the table

Tourist infrastructure


Other projects