Solińskie Lake - Jezioro Solińskie

Solińskie Lake - artificial retention reservoir on Solinka and Sana'a located in Poland in Podkarpackie Province near the village Solina.

Solińskie Lake
The dam in Solina
The dam in Solina
Solińskie Lake


Geographical location: 49 ° 23′17 ″ N 22 ° 26′58 ″ E

The first hydropower development project of the San river by building a dam was developed in 1921 by professor Karol Pomianowski from Of the Warsaw University of Technology but before the war, no plans were made and no fieldwork was carried out.

The new concept of building the San valley was created in 1955 under the leadership of Eng. Bolesław Kozłowski. It was decided to erect the dam in the narrowing of the valley below the mouth of the Solinka river to the San, near the village of Solina. The construction of the dam began in 1960, in 1964 earthworks and foundation works were completed and the construction of the dam body commenced, which was completed in February 1968. power plant and hydropower equipment was installed. On July 20, 1968 (on the eve of the July 22 holiday, as were the customs at the time), the dam was put into operation.

The dam in Solina is 81.8 m high and 664 m long, the highest in Poland. The area of ​​the reservoir is about 22 km² and the capacity of 472 million m³ is the largest in Poland. The lake has a well-developed shoreline (approx. 166 km with an average water level with a mirror level of 420 m above sea level), with numerous bays - mouths of streams. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 60 m at the dam.

Below the dam there is a 200 MW hydroelectric power plant.

It has been calculated that as a result of frequent changes in the height of the water table and the destructive activity of waves (abrasion), the lake is flooded every year by approx. 200 thousand. m³ of rock material.


By plane

By rail

By car

The Solina reservoir is located approx. 100 km on Cracow.

By bus

You can get there by PKS bus from Rzeszów. Ticket price 11 - 25 PLN.

By ship


Worth seeing

Nearest neighborhood

Myczkowice One of the oldest settlements in the Bieszczady Mountains, founded in 1376. In the years 1956–1960 - a dam was built on the San river at the foot of the former Grodzisk and the Myczkowskie Lake was created. In 1994, Rzeszów "Caritas" took over the former barracks of a military unit and a holiday center for military families and established a modern recreation and rehabilitation center. The center has a collection of 140 models of Greek Catholic, Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine, which is part of the Center for Ecumenical Culture. Paid admission: regular tickets PLN 5, concessions PLN 2.5.





Festivals, parties




Tourist information

Solińskie Lake is frequently visited by tourists and holidaymakers. Several recreational centers have been established here, and on the western shore of the lake there is a famous spa town Polańczyk.

Swimming is possible only in designated bathing areas - in other places it is highly dangerous due to inaccessible shores and numerous underwater obstacles.

The lake is quite popular among sailors and canoeists because of the landscape values ​​and less "commercialization" here compared to other reservoirs.

Swimming is possible only in designated bathing areas - apart from them, bathing is highly dangerous due to inaccessible shores and numerous underwater obstacles.

There is a silence zone on the entire tank (no use of internal combustion engines, not applicable to the Police and WOPR). Sailing and windsurfing are practiced, but this reservoir is not easy - its special feature (compared to lowland waters), caused by the fragmentation of the water surface and the influence of high shores, is the variability and unpredictability of mountain winds.

However, most of the berths suitable for mooring are muddy (due to water fluctuations) or rocky. Apart from the vicinity of Polańczyk, there are only a few available marinas on the lake with a very limited infrastructure.

In the summer season, cruise ships run on the lake. They take several dozen people a day several times a day. Ticket prices from the Port of Solina PLN 18 adults, 12 children and adolescents; "White Fleet" PLN 18 adults, PLN 12 children and youth, PLN 16 seniors. There are many tourist equipment rentals, incl. canoes and pedal boats.

A special attraction is a guided tour of the hydroelectric power plant in helmets. You must have a valid photo ID. The temperature inside the dam is around 7 degrees C.


See also

Geographical Coordinates