Judean desert - Judäische Wüste

Bedouin in the Judean Desert, ca.1919

The Judean desert lies between the Highlands of Judea and the Dead sea. This region roughly coincides geographically with the southeastern part of the West Bank.

Regional breakdown

Location of the Judean Desert
Spring in the Judean Desert

The mountains of Judea form a mountain range of about 80 km in length, which is about Hebron in the south about Jerusalem to Ramallah in the north is enough. The areas east of the main ridge down to the Depression of the Dead Sea are in the rain shadow, this arid zone is called Judean desert designated. Politically, the region belongs to the for the most part West Bank. A smaller part in the southeast belongs to Israel; this part of the Judean Desert corresponds roughly to that Israeli stretch of coast of the Dead Sea.

The Judean Desert is surrounded by the extent described here in the north of Samaria, in the east of Jordan and the Dead Sea, including the aforementioned Israeli Dead Sea areas, to the south of the dry desert Negev and to the west of the Judean Hills.

The southern part of the West Bank is often referred to as Judea in Israel and the area of ​​the West Bank as a whole Judea and Samaria District designated.

Judean desert


  • Jericho, one of the oldest cities in the world

Other goals

  • QumranVarious scrolls were found in the caves in the area, some of which were created before the turn of the century.
  • Herodion, Herod's fortress, 12 km south of Jerusalem, was also home to his tomb.
  • Mar Saba, the Greek Orthodox monastery is located in the Kidron Valley between Jerusalem and the Dead sea on an old pilgrimage route.
  • Nabi Musa, Mosque and pilgrims' hostel at the place which, according to Muslim tradition, is believed to be the tomb of Moses.
  • The Dead sea, the lowest point on earth.

Also belong to the Judean Desert in the geographical sense

  • Masada, the rock fortress of Herod and the last refuge of the Zealots as well
  • En Gedi, Oasis and nature reserve.


Judean desert


The native Palestinians speak Arabic; As in the whole of the West Bank, there are Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley along the Judean Desert, whose inhabitants speak Hebrew. However, many people also understand English.

getting there

The well-developed road leads from Jerusalem 1 down into the Jordan Valley and meets the 90who have made the north-south connection from the Dead Sea north up Bet She'an and Tiberias ensures, their access is usually possible with the Israeli rental car without any problems, checkpoints secure the crossings into the Israeli heartland.


The Judean desert is relatively impassable, branch roads and slopes lead from the Jordan Valley Road into the hinterland of the Judean desert and, like the roads from the Judean mountains, are often only accessible to all-terrain vehicles.


  • to exist in the whole Judean desert Hiking routes, the trip to the starting point resp. the return to the starting point is often not easy to accomplish.
see also Hiking in the southern Judean desert


  • along the road 90 There are a few snack bars in the Jordan Valley, otherwise snack bars or restaurants can be found at the sights that are most frequently visited by groups.


  • In the Judean Desert there is an arid desert climate, except in the winter months, and sufficient drinking water (3 - 6 l for a day tour) and all provisions must be taken with you on all hikes. In the autumn and winter months there is a risk of flash floods, when it rains in the Judean mountains, the wadis can suddenly carry water, even if the sky beyond the hills in the rain shadow is blue.
  • There is a problem in the hinterland of the Judean Desert due to petty crime, in particular there is a large one Risk of breaking into the vehicle by Bedouins, who are rarely prosecuted by the police in the autonomous area. On the other hand, travelers who are recognizable as tourists do not have to expect physical attacks.
There is usually no problem when visiting the well-known national parks such as Masada, Qumran, etc.
  • at the Dead sea May only be bathed in the designated places, more information in the corresponding articles.


  • arid desert climate, during the day in the summer months 30 - over 42 ° are reached, in the winter months the daytime temperatures are around 15 - 25 °.


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