Kakheti - Kachetien

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Regions of Georgia
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კახეთი, Kakheti

Kakheti (კახეთი, Kakheti) is a historical province in the east Georgia. It occupies most of the modern administrative region (Mchare) of Kakheti, part of which is also the historical region Tusheti is. Capital of the region is Telavi.

Kakheti, and in particular the Alazanital, is the largest wine-growing region in Georgia and is considered the cradle of viticulture. Legend has it that it was from there that wine spread all over the world. In fact, the main attractions of the region, in addition to the numerous old churches, are also the hundreds of small and large, modern and old-fashioned wineries, some of which are family-run.


Map of Kakheti

The city of Sighnaghi, in the background the Alazan Valley and the peaks of the Greater Caucasus
Telavi with fortress wall of the royal palace of Erekle II.
Semi-desert landscape near Udabno / Davit Garedschi
Alaverdi basilica and monastery complex
Fortified church Gremi
In Nekresi Monastery, kvewri (wine amphorae) are buried in the floor of the wine cellar
In the Lagodechi nature reserve
Vashlovani nature reserve

The central landscape of the region is the Alazani Valley, where almost all of the larger towns and cities are located. To the north of the Alasani valley is the Greater Caucasus, to the south of it the Lesser Caucasus with the Gombori chain Akhmeta is that Pankisi valley. In the southwest of the region, the so-called Outer Kakheti (Gare Kakheti) includes the Sagaredscho and Dedopliszkaro districts.


The most important cities and district administrative centers are:

Other goals



In addition to the standard Georgian language, there are languages ​​of local minorities, among others. Tush, Batsisch, Azeri and Chechen. The most common foreign language is Russian.

getting there

From Tbilisi via the Kakheti highway, which begins in Tbilisi as a six-lane highway, directly to Kakheti. At Sartitschala, you can also choose to drive over the newly developed route over the Gombori Pass, which is possible for destinations in the north (Telavi, Akhmeta) is significantly faster. The regional connection from Tianeti to Akhmeta is in poor condition and only accessible with off-road vehicles Lagodechi there is a border crossing with Azerbaijan.

Minibuses to various Kakheti cities and towns depart from the Isani bus station in Tbilisi.

The railway line from Tbilisi to Kakheti and also within Kakheti (Telavi, Detopliszkaro, Znori) has no passenger traffic as of autumn 2013.

Nearest airports are in Tbilisi and in Belakan (Azerbaijan), Telavi-Kurdgelauri Airport should be expanded under the Saakashvili government, but these plans are currently on hold.

In Tbilisi, numerous travel companies offer day trips to Kakheti, the most important sights are easy to tick off. Costs from around 100 lari per person.


Within Kakheti, marshrutkas usually travel several times a day between the larger towns. To Tusheti You can charter jeep taxis or hitchhike in Pschaweli, but the fares are relatively expensive (70-100 USD per person and direction.

Tourist Attractions

  • Telavi with the palace of King Erekle II and the attached ethnographic museum as well as the 1000 year old plane tree
  • The monastery complex Ikalto and new and oldShuamta near Telavi
  • The basilica of Alaverdi
  • The fortified church Gremi
  • Archaeological site and monastery Nekressi
  • The town Sighnaghi with old town, Pirosmani Museum and fortifications as well as the Bodbe monastery on the outskirts
  • The All Saints Church (Kvelazminda) at Gurjaani
  • The cave monastery of Dawit Gareja
  • The Pankisital
  • Tusheti with the historic defense towers
  • The natural parks of Lagodechi and Vashlovani
  • Castle ruins Udscharma (on the road to the Gombori pass)


  • Hiking in the Lagodechi Natural Park
  • Hiking and bird watching in the Waschlowani Nature Park
  • Mountain biking on Lopota Lake
  • Bike tours around Gremi
  • Mountaineering and hiking in Tusheti - also as part of a hiking tour of Stepantsminda above Shatili to Omalo
  • Wine tasting in numerous large and small wineries


Kakheti is known for its wine, the Alasanital is one of the main growing areas in Georgia. The most important wine villages are Zinandali, Kwareli and Anaga, the most important grape varieties Saperavi (red) and Rkaziteli (white). Almost every household grows its own wine in the entire region, and home-made wine is often brought along on special occasions or just drunk with friends. Numerous wineries, large and small, modern or old-fashioned, can be visited. The classic production in Kwewri, clay jugs that are buried in the ground, is increasingly being replaced by modern methods (metal or plastic tanks), but many wineries still maintain them Kvevric culture. Wooden barrels, as in Central Europe, are rarely used in Kakheti.


  • Alaverdoba. The grape harvest festival takes place around the cathedral Alaverdi always held at the end of September. It lasts for several days and culminates on September 28, the day of Saint Joseph of Alaverdi. The festival has been handed down for centuries, survived the Soviet era and is still popular today.


  • In the steppe areas of Davit Garedschi and Waschlowani, you should pay attention to sun protection, especially in summer, and take enough drinking water with you, as there are hardly any shops or fountains there. There are also poisonous snakes in these areas.
  • Davit Gareji: The cave monasteries are already a few meters on Azerbaijani territory. Access is usually possible without restrictions, but Azeri soldiers forbid access at times. But that is not dangerous for tourists, it is just annoying. They are simply sent back.


In the mountains it can be very cold even in summer. In the lowlands, on the other hand, it is stiflingly hot in summer, but it can get very cold in winter.


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