Kimolos - Kimolos

The island of Poliegos seen from Kimolos
Kimolos - Localization

Kimolos it's an island Greek of the archipelago of Cyclades very close to Milo.

To know

Kimolos has remained off the beaten track by mass tourism and, according to some, this is its main privilege. Bare rocks and white houses constitute the basic elements of the landscape of "Argentiera" as the baptized Venetians due to the color of its rocks, although these often turn out to be rust colored. The only inhabited center of the island is Choriò with the ruins of a Venetian castle around which the district of Exo Kastro extends with old houses stuck together. The church of Christo dates back to the 16th century and is the oldest in the country. Other churches, often nothing more than votive chapels, are scattered among the alleys. Quiet and solitude characterize Kimolo's atmosphere and the clock ceases to be a rival and is often forgotten on the bedside table.

Geographical notes

The maximum altitude is 364 m a.s.l.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Choriò (literally The country) - The only inhabited center consisting of a new part (Neo Choriò) and an old part (Paliò Choriò), the latter in the upper area where the Venetian castle stood.
  • Psathì - It is the Choriò airport about 1 km away. Ships from Piraeus, from Laurium and from the neighbor Milo.

Other destinations

  • Polyego - An uninhabited island east of Kimolos, a destination for excursions with private boats from Kimolos. The name means "the island of many goats".

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is at Milo.

How to get around

By car

There are no car rental agencies or simple mopeds.

On boat

You can rent boats with which to make the circumnavigation of the island. The Monachus monachus seal has been sighted on the completely uninhabited stretch of northern coast. Excursions can also be made to the neighboring island of Polyegos

What see

Kimolos' interest lies in the sea. Small sandy beaches can be found in Mavrospilia, Kalamitsi and Alykì where it is also possible to pitch tents.

  • Folklore Museum (Laografikò Musìo). It is located in the upper area of ​​Choriò and was born thanks to the personal initiative of a now retired doctor, Manoli Christoulàki who transformed his property into a permanent exhibition of traditional costumes used by the locals at the end of the 19th century. There are also numerous kitchen utensils and for the necessities of daily life of that time. The rooms on the upper floor meticulously reproduce a nineteenth-century Kimolo house with period furnishings. Open until 13:00

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Although Kimolos is not a very touristy island, the local dishes can be a surprise for those who do not mind the genuine flavors of Greek cuisine. In fact, the dishes are still "homemade" enriched with natural ingredients. The famous Greek salad is flavored with the addition of local capers, feta and vinegar. Often courgettes, aubergines and tomatoes come directly from the vegetable garden next to the tavern and grow without the use of fertilizers as you can see from their skin that is not leathery.

Where stay

In general, the tourist season of Kimolos lasts only two months: July and August. Outside of these months some pensions close but it is always possible to find hospitality with some families. The accommodation capacity of Kimolos amounts to a total of 220 beds.

Average prices

High prices


In case of emergency, you can call the following numbers:

  • Emergency number: 100
  • Police: 30 22870 51205

How to keep in touch


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