Kobyla Góra (Ostrzeszowskie Hills) - Kobyla Góra (Wzgórza Ostrzeszowskie)

Kobyla Góra - highest elevation Greater Poland (284 m above sea level) located in the range of The Ostrzeszowskie Hills 700 m from the Marcinki - Parzynów road on the edge of the village of Zmyślona Parzynowska w Poland, in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in you will say Ostrzeszów, in Kobyla Góra commune, 3 km south-east of the commune village of Kobyla Góra.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 21′14 ″ N 17 ° 52′57 ″ E

A commemorative cross at the top of Kobyla Góra 284 m above sea level
A commemorative stone on the top of Kobyla Góra
Millennium Cross at the top of Kobyla Góra
Information board at the top
View of the mobile telephone relay

At its peak since 1999, there is the so-called Cross of Wielkopolska to which the trails lead PTTK.

On the top there are also commemorative stones and a bell. John Paul II - a gift from the inhabitants of the Ostrzeszów region.

To the east of the cross there is a mobile network relay tower.

Geographical Coordinates