Kończyce Wielkie - Kończyce Wielkie

Kończyce Wielkie - a village of a sołecka located in Poland, in Silesian Voivodeship, in Cieszyn poviat, in Hażlach commune. Located on Wysoczyzna Kończycka, within the historical borders of the region Cieszyn Silesia.

The coat of arms of the village
Map of villages and solectwa
Palace in Kończyce Wielkie
The interior of the chapel of Divine Providence in the palace complex
Chapel of Divine Providence in the palace complex
St. Michael the Archangel in Kończyce Wielkie
Karłowiec farm and the monumental English oak
View of Czantoria


Geographic coordinates: 49 ° 49′57.5 ″ N, 18 ° 39′04.9 ″ E

The area of ​​1,445.25 ha is inhabited by 1,848 inhabitants, i.e. the population density is 127.9 people / km².


The town center is situated between provincial roads 937 and 938.


The town was first mentioned in the Latin document "Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis" (Book of salaries of the Wrocław bishopric), written during the times of Bishop Henry of Wierzbno around 1305, where it was mentioned in a number of villages obliged to pay tithes to the bishopric in Wroclaw.

Worth seeing

  • The 18th-century wooden church of st. Michael the Archangel (ul. Kościelna 20). Inside, you cannot miss the beautiful Rococo baptismal font, decorated with the scene of Christ's baptism in Jordan. St. Michael the Archangel is one of the largest wooden churches in the Silesian Foothills.
  • In Kończyce there is also a palace with a park layout, in which you can admire, among others, old oaks, 750 and 450 years old.

The palace was erected in the 17th / 18th century by Jerzy Fryderyk Wilczek, Marshal of the Duchy of Cieszyn, and after the 19th-century reconstructions it is now kept in an eclectic style. Currently, the palace is in private hands.

  • One of the successive owners of Kończyce Wielkie, Józef Harassowski, built a brick chapel next to the palace in 1767. Inside the single-nave temple there is a rococo pulpit from the 18th century, decorated with a biblical scene depicting Jonah in the mouth of a whale.
  • Harassowski sold the mansion to the Larisch family, then a landscape park was also established.

Monuments of nature

  • At Dolna Street, there are two special specimens of oaks, which in 2005 were given the names of the Cieszyn Piast princes by the Silesian Voivode. Over 500 years old Mieszko It is the oldest oak in Silesia, with a trunk circumference of 856 cm and a height of 30 m, which makes it one of the 20 largest oaks in Poland. Younger and smaller Przemko it is about 300 years old, 547 cm in circumference and 30 m high.
  • There are also 5 other oaks that are also recognized as monuments of nature: 3, almost 450 years old (circumference 410 to 543 cm), grow on the edge of the forest bordering the park on Zamkowa Street, one at the age of 350 (circumference 440 cm) near the farm "Karłowiec" at Zamkowa Street and another one by the Wschodnica Stream (355 cm).

Cyclical events

Hażlach Commune and the Commune Cultural Center in Hażlach (37 Główna Street, tel. 33 8569768, http://www.gokhazlach.pl) are co-organizers of the cyclical event "Historical and Military Picnic" organized since 2005, which has been continued since 2011 under the name "Meeting with militaria".

tourist information


  • Hotel at the "Babilon" Fuel Station, 94 Olszaka Street, Kończyce Wielkie, tel. 33 8569269
  • The farm "Karłowiec", ul. Zamkowa 10, Kończyce Wielkie, tel. 33 8510165, http://www.folwark-karlowiec.pl

website http://www.ekonczyce.pl

Geographical Coordinates