Cieszyn poviat - Powiat cieszyński

Cieszyn poviat - poviat in Poland, in (Silesian Voivodeship), created in 1999 as part of the then administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Cieszyn. It is located in the southern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, near the border with Czechs and Slovakia.

County coat of arms
County flag
The poviat against the background of the voivodship
The seat of the starosty in Cieszyn


Geographical coordinates of the district capital: 49 ° 45′00 ″ N, 18 ° 38′00 ″ E

The area of ​​the poviat is 730.29 km², it is inhabited by 177,124 inhabitants, so the population density in the poviat is 242.5 people / km².

51,929 people live in cities, which means that the district's urbanization is 46.3%.

The poviat consists of 12 communes (3 urban communes, 2 urban-rural communes, 7 rural communes).

There are 5 cities within the Cieszyn poviat (population as of December 30, 2012):

All municipalities of the poviat belong to Of the Cieszyn Silesia Euroregionat the same time constituting the core of this Euroregion on the Polish side.


The following roads pass through the poviat:

  • National road No. 1 (DK1)
  • National road No. 81 ("Gierkówka")
  • Expressway S1
  • Provincial road No. 937
  • Provincial road No. 938
  • Provincial road No. 939
  • Provincial road No. 941
  • Provincial road No. 942
  • Provincial road No. 943

History of the county

The Cieszyn Poviat covers a large area of ​​Cieszyn Silesia, i.e. the former lands of the Duchy of Cieszyn. The reference of the poviat to the past of these lands is also emphasized in the coat of arms of the Cieszyn poviat, which is the former coat of arms of the Duchy.


Cieszyn Silesia is a land where religious (Catholics and Protestants), cultural and national diversity (Poles, Czechs, Germans, Austrians, Jews) are very clearly visible. Over the centuries, however, sometimes for better and for worse, it has been possible to work out the principles of coexistence of people who are different, but have the same love for a small homeland in their hearts. The cultural life of Cieszyn Silesia was not only extremely rich, but also diverse - highlander culture in the Beskids is mostly folk traditions related to the liturgical calendar and changes of seasons, while the culture of Cieszyn is dominated by bourgeois traditions.

The traditional Cieszyn folk costume also comes from the city of Cieszyn, which initially was a typical urban, bourgeois garment, and only later it went to the surrounding villages and became popular in the entire region. Jaworzynka, Koniaków) or in the valleys Vistula and Brenna.


The dishes prepared in Cieszyn Silesia are varied and delicious, regardless of whether they come from the nutritious and simple cuisine of villages near Cieszyn, or the cuisine of the Cieszyn nobility inspired by Viennese recipes, or the Jewish cuisine, specific because it obeys religious orders.

The classics of Cieszyn cuisine include Sztrudel, a cake of Austrian origin, stuffed with various fruits: apples, plums, cherries, as well as almond mass, rice, potatoes or semolina (semolina). Once a year there is a cake baking competition. Among the very popular flour dishes, it is worth mentioning various noodles, called noodles, as well as dumplings and wonderful buns made of yeast dough. For dessert, try traditional zozorków, i.e. ginger cookies. An important chapter is also highlander cuisine, which mainly uses sheep's cheese and soil products.

Worth seeing

  • Kończyce Małe - the most interesting is the "Cieszyn Wawel", that is the castle in Konczyce, built in the 15th century in the Gothic style and expanded in the 16th century in the Renaissance style. After the devastation of World War II, it was renovated in the years 1956-1957 and 1993-1995. Two wings from the quadrilateral and an arcaded arcade from the side of the courtyard have survived. The castle houses the Regional Chamber of Cieszyn Village and the hotel and restaurant "Gościniec Zamkowy". The church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the 18th century. The faithful make a pilgrimage here to the 15th century painting of Our Lady of Kończyce, famous for graces, placed in the main altar.


  • Many mountain tourists from all over the country travel along the numerous Beskid tourist routes in summer, who willingly set off to Barania Góra (1220 m above sea level) to admire the panorama of Cieszyn Silesia from the observation tower located there, or wander the Biała Wisełka Valley to the picturesque Rodła Cascades, the most beautiful waterfalls in Beskids. The observation tower is also located on the top of Czantoria (995 m above sea level), to which the cable car runs from Ustroń-Polana. On Wielki Stożek (979 m above sea level) and Równica (885 m above sea level) there are PTTK shelters.
  • In winter, the district has 70 ski lifts serving 30 kilometers of slopes, 10 cableways, incl. to Czantoria in Ustroń-Polana and Palenica in Ustroń-Jaszowiec. The Vistula River, which offers excellent conditions for downhill skiing, can boast the name of the winter capital of the region. You can also go skiing, among others in Brenna and Istebna.
  • There are also over 300 kilometers of bicycle routes,
  • Over 500 kilometers of hiking trails,
  • Over 24,000 beds.


  • There are two objects of inanimate nature in the Cieszyn poviat, which have been entered into the Catalog of Geotourist Objects in Poland, commissioned by the Minister of the Environment, i.e. the Quarry of Godul's layers in Ustroń-Poniewiec and Zlepieńce Malinowskie in Wisła-Nowa Osada.
  • 33 species of orchids have been found so far in the Ustroń Forest District, which constitutes nearly 63% of the total national representatives of this family and is considered unique in Poland.
  • Currently, the protected areas and objects in the Cieszyn poviat include:
    • A fragment of the Beskid Śląski Landscape Park with its buffer zone,
    • Nature reserves (Czantoria, Kopce, the City Forest on the Olza River, the City Forest on the Puńcówka, Skarpa Wiślicka, Wisła, Zadni Gaj, Rotuz, Góra Tuł),
    • Nature and sightseeing complexes: Upper Vistula Valley (NATURA 2000), Bluszcze on Góra Zamkowa, City Forest in Błogocice, Kaplicówka,
    • Natura 2000 protected areas: the area of ​​Beskid Śląski, Cieszyńskie Źródła Tufowe, Ostoja Goczałkowicka - Dolina Górnej Wisły,
    • Ecological lands: Łąki na Kopców, Łęg nad Puńcówka,
    • Documentation sites: Cieszyn outcrop,
    • Monuments of nature.
  • Almost 100 species of birds can be observed in Cieszyn and its vicinity.
  • Brenna famous for its quarries and caves. The rock material obtained here was used, among others, in at the construction site of the Silesian Stadium. In the mountains surrounding Brenna, there are at least 3 known caves: Salmopolska, on Trzy Kopce and in Stolowo, however, visiting them is possible only by experienced speleologists. Other attractions await less demanding tourists, including monuments of folk architecture.
  • Góra Chełm (464 m above sea level) is located north of Goleszów and is one of the favorite places among paragliders visiting the area. The aviation traditions oblige - in the interwar period there was a gliding school here. From the top, you can admire the vast views of the Cieszyn Foothills.
  • The Kubalonka Pass (761 m above sea level) separates the Stożek and Czantoria ranges from the Barania Góra range. A place famous for its modern FIS-standard cross-country skiing routes known throughout Europe. The complex belongs to the Central Sports Center.
  • Main Beskid Trail for them. Kazimierz Sosnowski is the longest trail in the Polish mountains (519 km), marked in red. It runs through Beskid Śląski, Beskid Żywiecki, Gorce, Beskid Sądecki, Beskid Niski and Bieszczady.

County website

Geographical Coordinates