Ksiaz - Książ

Książ Castle in Wałbrzych

Książ (not M. Fürstenstein) - castle located in Wałbrzych in the Książ district, at ul. Piastów Śląskich 1. It is the largest castle in Lower Silesia and the third largest castle in Poland.

Książ Castle is situated on The Piast Castles Trailis surrounded by Ksiaz Landscape Park and it is built on a rock by the river Pełcznicacreating a picturesque landscape with a vast gorge.

Near the castle there are other historic buildings with hotels, restaurants and apartments.

  • Sightseeing is an interesting solution Wałbrzych Palm House included in the ticket price to the castle, the ticket is valid for 12 months. So the castle can be visited in January and, for example, the Palm House in December.
Książ Castle by night
Gate building, hotel and residential buildings
Ksiazansky terraces
One of the sculptures in the castle square


  • 1288–1292 - building a castle
  • 1497 – Władysław Jagiellończyk he sold the castle to Chancellor Johann von Schellenberg
  • 1508 - the castle belongs to Johann von Haugwitz
  • June 11, 1509 - the castle is bought by Prince Konrad I von Hochberg, the later owner of Wałbrzych. The castle is owned Hochbergs until the castle was confiscated by the Nazis
  • 1941 - the Nazis enter the castle
  • 1943 - a paramilitary organization enters "Todt", intensive work is underway, presumably one of Hitler's headquarters was being prepared here
  • 1946 - Soviet troops are stationed in the castle until August


  • Line No. 8 of the public transport runs right to the castle
  • Or by public transport line No. 12 to the final stop, then on foot along Wrocławska Street and Piastów Śląskich (time: about 15 minutes).

What can you do there?

Visit the castle, castle gardens, visit the castle cellars, take a walk around Landscape Parkvisit The Prince's Mausoleum in the park, and admire the views from viewpoints. Eat in castle restaurants and sleep in castle hotels. In the castle they organize various events, conferences, scientific meetings and various types of exhibitions.

A bit from the castle is located The Stud Stallion Książ with a beautiful, historic manege built of wood, one of the most beautiful in Europe, a carriage house with an exhibition of old carriages and stables, and a hippodrome where the European Dressage Championships are held. You can also horseback and have a good time.

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