Kwilcz - Kwilcz

Kwilcz - a large village and commune village in the west Poland, located in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in you will say Międzychodzki, in Kwilcz commune.


Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 33′13 ″ N, 16 ° 05′05 ″ E

The coat of arms of the village
Church of st. Michael in Kwilcz

The village is situated at an altitude of 96 - 104 m above sea level.

In 2007, 2746 people lived there.

In the years 1975-1998, the town administratively belonged to the then Poznań Province.

The village council consists of the following villages:

  • Kwilcz - a large village (about 2,500 inhabitants), by the national road No. 24,
  • Orzeszkowo - a village by the national road No. 24, with over 200 inhabitants

and smaller settlements and hamlets:

  • Dąbrowa - a forester's lodge located south of Kwilcz,
  • Kozubówka - forester's lodge,
  • Woodsman - a forest settlement by the provincial road 186, located on the northern shore of Lake Kwileckie,
  • Nowa Dąbrowa - a settlement with about 40 inhabitants located 3 km south of Kwilcz,
  • Old Mill - forester's lodge located in Bukowy Ostrów nature reserve, near the village of Mościejewo.

Historical monuments

  • Classicist parish church st. Michael the Archangel (1766-1782) on a rectangular plan, plastered, decorated with pilasters, with a tower (from 1793) with an obelisk-shaped dome (45 m high). It is decorated with a small balcony. There are altars with paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries in the church. The main altar was dedicated to St. Michael. The Holy Spirit is above the altar. On the sides of the presbytery there are sacristies and boxes above them. Interior fittings: classicist rococo benches and confessionals, pulpit, Kwilecki tombstones from the end of the 18th century.

The register of monuments also includes a fence with sculptures and two late-baroque chapels

  • Palace complexconsisting of:
    • Kwilecki palace from around 1830,
    • two outbuildings from the second half of the 18th century,
    • landscaped park,
    • outgoing horse stable and coach house,
    • wooden park gazebo
  • Farm teamwhere there are, among others distillery from 1872, granary, stewardess and carpentry from the end of the 19th century.
Geographical Coordinates