Western Sahara - Länsi-Sahara

Western Sahara
General information
Moroccan Dirham, Sahrawi Arabian PesoView and modify data on Wikidata
266,000 km2View and modify data on Wikidata
582 000 (vers )View and modify data on Wikidata
Area code
212View and modify data on Wikidata
Location Western Sahara AU Africa.svg

Western Sahara is an area Africa in the northwestern part of the Atlantic coast. Morocco has declared it part of Morocco, but this is not widely recognized.



Other items


The status of Western Sahara is in dispute. Morocco occupies the region to a large extent and has declared the whole region part of Morocco. This is not widely acknowledged.

Most of Western Sahara is the Sahara Desert. The air is dry and hot, but cold at night. On average, the country has only one inhabitant per square kilometer.


By plane

El Aaiún is the only international airport in the country. Flights are available from Morocco, Spain and the Canary Islands. The other airports are located in Dakhla and Smara.

By train

By road

By car it is possible to arrive from Morocco or Mauritania.

By bus

By boat

The only ships arriving in Western Sahara are from the Canary Islands.


The road network in Western Sahara is sparse. Sandstorms can occasionally impede movement.


Arabic is the dominant language, but Spanish is also widely spoken. Berbers speak Berber in their own mother tongue.


The currency is the Moroccan Dirham.

Price level



A lot of tea is drunk.




Stay safe

Due to the hot climate, you need to drink a lot of water. When going to the Sahara, it is advisable to book regular clothing that protects from the sand and sunshine.

Stay healthy

Travelers are advised to drink only bottled water.


Islam is the religion of the country. In the city, it is worth remembering to dress appropriately, but in the countryside and in the vicinity of the Sahara, the weather dictates even more.

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