La Loggia (Palermo) - La Loggia (Palermo)

The Loggia
Church of San Domenico
La Loggia - Location

The Loggia or Castellammare is a district of the city of Palermo.

To know

It is the only one of the four districts of the historic center that does not have Unesco assets, but there are also several places of historical value.

Geographical notes

It is delimited by:

  • Via Maqueda
  • Corso Vittorio Emanuele
  • Via Cavour
  • Via Crispi


Its name derives from the presence of the Castello a Mare, of an uncertain period, which was heavily damaged during the Palermo insurrection of 1860 and definitively demolished in 1923.

How to orient yourself

How to get

  • 1 La Cala. La Cala (Palermo) on Wikipedia La Cala (Q3820689) on Wikidata

How to get around

What see


Church of San Domenico
  • main attraction1 Church of San Domenico, S. Domenico square (corner via Roma). It is the second most important church in Palermo after the cathedral and was elected as a pantheon of illustrious men of Sicily. The style is typically scenographic baroque, the pediment is studded with two high bell towers, on the facade there are also many stucco statues depicting saints and popes, some of these inserted in niches, these statues are the work of Giacomo Serpotta's nephew, Giovan Maria Serpotta. Here were carried out the funeral of General Dalla Chiesa killed by the mafia in 1982, but also of Giovanni Falcone and Francesca Morvillo in 1992. There are buried, Giovanni Falcone, the archaeologist Sebastiano Tusa, the historian Michele Amari, the politician Francesco Crispi, the painter Pietro Novelli, the astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, the anthropologist Giuseppe Pitrè and many others. Church of San Domenico (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Domenico (Q1772789) on Wikidata
Church of San Matteo al Cassaro
  • 2 Church of San Matteo al Cassaro, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 295, 39 3296198263, @. Ecb copyright.svg2 € (Dec 2019). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat: winter 10: 30-17: 30; summer opening hours 10: 30–18: 30. A church dedicated to the same saint existed in the twelfth century opposite the current one and housed the first nucleus of the Dominican friars of Palermo. The current church was built between 1634 and 1647 and was entrusted to the Confraternity of the Miseremini to celebrate masses for the souls of Purgatory. The façade is Baroque with an adjoining bell tower, the interior with three naves is decorated with marble, painted decorations and stuccoes (by Giacomo Serpotta) and frescoes. The sacristy was obtained from a pre-existing garden, hence the presence of a facade that resembles a nymphaeum. Between the wardrobes there is a genuflexorium in which there is a door with an access to a gallery, this has been described by Luigi Natoli in the novel The Blessed Paoli and it constituted one of the secret accesses of the brotherhood. In the crypt there were tombs, now empty, including that of Giacomo Serpotta.
Every year, on the occasion of Good Friday, an evocative procession of the simulacra of the Dead Christ and the Virgin of Sorrows is celebrated. Church of San Matteo al Cassaro on Wikipedia church of San Matteo al Cassaro (Q2219805) on Wikidata
Santa Maria la Nova
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria la Nova, Piazza San Giacomo La Marina (at the end of via Giovanni Meli). Church of the sixteenth century with the facade preceded by a Gothic-Catalan portico. A Virgin and Child is sculpted on the porch. Very characteristic are the ribs and ribs of the cross vaults of the portico. The interior has three naves, with an octagonal dome and tribune. On the main altar, on the sides of the altarpiece set in the wall of the apse, two seraphim. The frame is surmounted by putti and tondo with rays and a dove depicting the Holy Spirit, the stucco decorations are the work of Procopio Serpotta. Along the aisles we find two choirs decorated with leaves and festoons in stucco by Serpottian hand. Church of Santa Maria la Nova (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria la Nova (Q3674158) on Wikidata
  • 4 Church of Santa Cita (San Mamiliano), Via Valverde, 3 (Corner via Roma). Church of Santa Cita on Wikipedia church of Santa Cita (Q206267) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of San Giorgio dei Genovesi. Church of San Giorgio dei Genovesi (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Giorgio dei Genovesi (Q1764298) on Wikidata

Side chapel
Church of Santa Maria di Valverde
  • 6 Church of Santa Maria di Valverde, Piazza Cavalieri di Malta. Church of Santa Maria di Valverde on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria di Valverde (Q1167830) on Wikidata

The interior
The loggia of the church in the Gothic-Catalan style
  • 7 Church of Santa Maria della Catena, Piazzetta delle Dogane 90133 Palermo (corner Corso Vittorio Emanuele). Church of Santa Maria della Catena (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria della Catena (Q632192) on Wikidata
  • 8 Church of Sant'Ignazio all'Olivella. Church of Sant'Ignazio all'Olivella on Wikipedia church of Sant'Ignazio all'Olivella (Q2223886) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santa Maria del Piliere. Church of Santa Maria del Piliere on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria del Piliere (Q30880934) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church of San Gioacchino. Church of San Gioacchino (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Gioacchino (Q2219591) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Madonna del Soccorso. Church of the Madonna del Soccorso (Palermo) on Wikipedia Madonna del Soccorso church (Q22263749) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Annunziata in Porta San Giorgio.
  • Church of the Madonna del Lume ai Cassari.
  • 10 Church of Sant'Eulalia. Church of Sant'Eulalia (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Eulalia (Q25409177) on Wikidata
  • 11 Alliata Palace in Pietratagliata. Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata on Wikipedia Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata (Q2047510) on Wikidata
  • 12 Church of Santa Maria di Porto Salvo. Church of Santa Maria di Porto Salvo on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria di Porto Salvo (Q2223134) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santa Sofia dei Tavernieri. Church of Santa Sofia dei Tavernieri on Wikipedia church of Santa Sofia dei Tavernieri (Q22263789) on Wikidata
  • Church of Sant'Andrea degli Amalfitani. Church of Sant'Andrea degli Amalfitani on Wikipedia church of Sant'Andrea degli Amalfitani (Q22263697) on Wikidata
  • 13 Church of Sant'Antonio Abate. Church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Antonio abate (Q1519057) on Wikidata


Internal counter facade of the Oratory of Santa Cita
  • main attraction14 Oratory of the Rosary of Santa Cita, Via Valverde, 3. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 6, reduced € 5 and also includes the oratory of the SS. Rosario in S. Domenico (Oct 2020). Simple icon time.svgWinter opening hours (November-March): Mon - Sat 9:00 - 14:00. Summer opening hours (April - October): Mon - Sat 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. It is a seventeenth-century oratory founded by the homonymous Company of the Rosary of Santa Cita. It was built with the aim of exalting the intervention of the Madonna in the struggle between Christians and infidels. Serpotta, in charge of decorating the vast environment in stucco, inserted numerous angels and cherubs with extremely free and plastic expressions and positions that seem to play with each other, climbing on the frame of the windows, peeking out from floral garlands, turning their backs in an irreverent way . Cupids cry, sleep, tie their hands around their knees in a thoughtful attitude. On the wall of the counter-façade there is a very large drapery, supported by a joyful crowd of cherubs, in the center of which the historic battle of Lepanto is represented, a rhetorical celebration of the victory of the Faith (Christians) over the unbelievers (Muslim Turks). On the sides are depicted two emaciated young men, a symbol of the horrors that war can cause. All around it are represented the Mysteries of the Rosary through a refined plastic cycle, composed of putti, allegorical statues and theaters. Oratory of the Rosary of Santa Cita on Wikipedia oratory of the Rosary of Santa Cita (Q1562597) on Wikidata
Oratory of the Rosary of San Domenico
  • 15 Oratory of the Rosary of San Domenico, Via dei Bambinii, 18. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 and allows the visit of the oratory of S. Cita (Oct 2020). Simple icon time.svgWinter opening hours (November-March): Mon – Sat 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Summer opening hours (April - October): Mon-Sat 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. It was built starting from 1574 at the behest of the Company of the Madonna del Rosario, adjacent to the church of San Domenico on a project by the architect Giuseppe Giacalone. The single-nave building houses the altarpiece depicting the Madonna del Rosario by Antoon Van Dyck, but there are also paintings by Pietro Novelli, Matthias Stomer and Guglielmo Borremans. With the aim of enhancing the theological significance of the canvases, around 1714 - 1717 Giacomo Serpotta was commissioned to create episodes from the Apocalypse and two from the Old Testament, linked to the Mysteries of the Rosary of which they are the ideal anticipation. Oratory of the Rosary of San Domenico on Wikipedia oratory of the Rosary of San Domenico (Q2791477) on Wikidata
  • 16 Oratory of Santa Caterina (oratory of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria all'Olivella), Olivella square. Oratory of Santa Caterina (Palermo) on Wikipedia oratory of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria (Q2028370) on Wikidata
  • 17 Oratory of San Filippo, Olivella square. Oratory of San Filippo (Palermo) on Wikipedia oratory of San Filippo (Q2028355) on Wikidata


One of the frescoes of Palazzo Costantino
  • 18 Constantine Palace, Via Maqueda, 215 (50 meters from the Quattro Canti). Simple icon time.svgNot open to visitors. It was built in the second half of the 18th century on previous 17th century structures. Purchased by the Marquis Costantino, it was renovated in 1785, and the ceilings were frescoed by Gioacchino Martoana. While in the main gallery there is a fresco by Giuseppe Velasco "The battle of Constantine" on the ceiling. The building for a long time abandoned, especially after the war, has undergone systematic looting. In fact, once there were gilded mirrors, painted doors with upper doors and Murano glass chandeliers. Today it remains a building awaiting a definitive restoration, albeit sporadically it is used for art exhibitions. Palaces in Palermo (Q102868095) on Wikidata
  • 19 Branciforte Palace, @. Branciforte Palace on Wikipedia Palazzo Branciforte (Q3889723) on Wikidata
  • Moncada Palace in Paternò. Palazzo Moncada di Paternò on Wikipedia Palazzo Moncada di Paternò (Q3890506) on Wikidata
  • 20 Post Office Building. Palazzo delle Poste (Palermo) on Wikipedia Palazzo delle Poste (Q3891529) on Wikidata


Garraffello Fountain
  • 21 Garraffello Fountain, Garraffello square. It is a fountain placed on site in the sixteenth century. The water that flowed from it was for a long time considered capable of curing many ailments and for this reason in historical times many people came from other districts to stock up on its water. He was saved from the bombing of the city in World War II despite the fact that the surrounding area was heavily ruined. To this day the surrounding buildings are in a state of neglect. Garraffello Fountain on Wikipedia Fontana del Garraffello (Q3747352) on Wikidata
  • 22 Doganella Fountain. Doganella Fountain on Wikipedia Doganella Fountain (Q3747381) on Wikidata


  • Porta San Giorgio. Porta San Giorgio (Palermo) on Wikipedia Porta San Giorgio (Q3908790) on Wikidata
  • Coal door. Porta Carbone on Wikipedia Porta Carbone (Q3908693) on Wikidata
  • Porta della Calcina. Porta della Calcina on Wikipedia Porta della Calcina (Q30879855) on Wikidata
  • Gate of the Customs. Porta della Dogana on Wikipedia Porta della Dogana (Q55831782) on Wikidata


Victories Gallery
  • 23 Victories Gallery, Via Maqueda, 299. This covered gallery is a space used as a meeting and leisure place from the Fascist era. The mosaic floor motifs that recall the shape of the fasces are evident, furthermore on the sides, at the entrance there are rather ruined propaganda frescoes that expose the works and crafts. Victory Gallery (Q80812711) on Wikidata
Genius of Garraffo
  • 24 Genius of Garraffo (Genius of Palermo at the Garraffo or Palermu lu Grandi), Piazzetta del Garraffo (Vucciria market). It is a marble sculpture from the end of the 15th century, and is part of a sculptural group placed in a 17th century aedicule. The work, created by Pietro de Bonitate in 1483 is one of the seven main representations of the Genius of Palermo. The Sicilian name Grandi refers to the size of the statue compared to "Palermu u Nicu", a smaller and homologous representation, which is located in the municipality of Palermo. It is not to be confused with the Garraffo Fountain, first in this square, nor with the Garraffello Fountain, located nearby. Genius of Garraffo on Wikipedia Genius of Garraffo (Q3759737) on Wikidata
  • 25 Castellammare Archaeological Park. Castellammare Archaeological Park on Wikipedia Castellammare archaeological park (Q3895457) on Wikidata
Castello a Mare
  • 26 Castello a Mare, Via Filippo Patti (From the central station bus 107 to the Crispi-XIII Vittime stop, then continue on foot. From Politeama bus 812 from Dante-XX Settembre stop to Crispi-XIII Vittime stop), 39 335227009. Ecb copyright.svgFull 2 ​​€, reduced 1 € (doc 2020). Simple icon time.svgMon, Wed-Fri 9: 00-13: 30. Tue and Sat 9: 00-17: 00. A first fortification was built in the Arab era around the 9th century, built facing the sea for the control and defense of the port, close to La Cala, in the area adjacent to the Kalsa. The current structure was built in the Norman period by Roberto il Guiscardo and the Great Count Ruggero after the conquest. The castle was also used in subsequent eras, becoming the temporary residence of the viceroy of Sicily in the sixteenth century but also the Court of the Inquisition. It was used as a military barracks until 1922. In 1923, as part of the expansion and reorganization of the port, it was demolished with charges of dynamite. It suffered further damage during the bombing of the Second World War. Of the ancient buildings, part of the main tower, the cylindrical tower and the entrance body remain. Castello a Mare (Palermo) on Wikipedia Castello a Mare (Q1048829) on Wikidata
  • 27 Antonino Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum, @. Antonino Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum on Wikipedia Antonino Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum (Q1954237) on Wikidata
  • 28 Column of the Immaculate Conception. Column of the Immaculate Conception (Palermo) on Wikipedia Column of the Immaculate Conception (Q3683521) on Wikidata
  • Loggiato San Bartolomeo. Loggiato San Bartolomeo on Wikipedia Loggiato San Bartolomeo (Q3836442) on Wikidata

What to do


Vucciria market
  • 1 The Vucciria, Piazza Caracciolo. It is one of the historical markets of Palermo and extends between via Roma, La Cala, the Cassaro, along via Cassari, piazza del Garraffello, via Argenteria nuova, piazza Caracciolo and via Maccheronai. "Vuccirìa" in Palermo means "Confusion". Today, the confusion of the voices that overlap and the cries of the sellers (the abbanniate) is one of the elements that, most, characterizes this market. Moving within the dense intertwining of alleys and squares of the Vucciria market you can find all the ingredients of Sicilian cuisine; the colorful stalls overflow with wooden boxes which, thanks to the colors of the merchandise, are transformed into chests filled with the gold of lemons, the silver of fresh and salted sardines, the bronze of olives and the coral of dried tomatoes. The variegated world of fish, resting on beds of crushed ice, is represented by shrimp, sea bream, scorpion fish, tuna, swordfish, octopus, cuttlefish and large squid. A famous painting by Renato Guttuso from 1974, entitled "Vucciria di Palermo", which can be admired at Palazzo Steri, represents the life of the Vucciria. Vucciria on Wikipedia Vucciria (Q4016587) on Wikidata
  • 2 Trinacriavending Self24, Via Roma. Self-service vending machines are located inside a commercial low-rise selling water and soft drinks. A launderette is located next door.
  • 3 Rinascente Palermo, Via Roma, 289, 39 02 9138 7388. Large shopping mall for clothes and shoes.
  • 4 Gold market, via Argenteria vecchia. In this area of ​​the city there is a large concentration of goldsmiths and jewelers, which is why it is defined as the Gold Market.

How to have fun

  • 1 Hardware, Piazza Giovanni Meli, 8, 39 392 294 3548. Former hardware store transformed into a pub. In the evening it is very popular with outdoor tables, in the morning it serves as a restaurant with good quality dishes.
  • 2 CaMus, Via Giuseppe Patania, 16, 39 333 315 5173. Simple icon time.svgThu-Sun 18: 30-2: 00. Concerts, cabaret and music. Inside a courtyard.
  • 3 Biondo Theater. Biondo Theater on Wikipedia Teatro Biondo (Q3516748) on Wikidata

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Pass me ù coppu, Via Roma, 195, 39 091 584498. Simple icon time.svgMon-Thu 7: 00-24: 00, Fri 7: 00-3: 00, Sat 9: 00-4: 00, Sun 9: 00-24: 00. Fast food with Sicilian food with many fries. There are also tables outside and it is often very crowded so you will end up bringing your food and eating it elsewhere.
  • 2 Horseshoe, Via Venezia, 20, 39 091 331835.
  • 3 Lucchese Ice Cream Bar, Piazza S. Domenico, 11, 39 091 508 0267. The locally produced coffee cream is excellent.
  • 4 At the tentacle, Piazza Caracciolo, 11, 39 328 888 0252. This place is a real Palermo experience, a great way to taste fish at a low price and quality. Ask what you want, make it weigh and wait for the dishes at the table. The vucciria atmosphere will involve you. Not to be missed.

Average prices

  • 5 Casa del Brdo ... to the doctor, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 175, 39 091 321655.
  • 6 Taverna Dei Canti, Via Maqueda, 229, 39 091 752 1311. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 12: 00-23: 30. Excellent restaurant with Sicilian cuisine, possibility to eat out. Don't miss the cannoli as a dessert, one of the best in the city!
  • 7 At the Covo del Garraffello, Via Garraffello.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Massimo Plaza Hotel, Via Maqueda, 437 (in front of the Massimo theater). hotel de charme, four stars

How to keep in touch

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning La Loggia (Palermo)
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