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La Mesilla
15 ° 37 ′ 0 ″ N 91 ° 59 ′ 0 ″ W

La Mesilla is a border town Guatemalan with Mexico.


To go

Since Cuidad Cuauhtemoc, the Mexican city which is located on the other side of the border in front of La Mesilla, from the place where the Mexican buses stop you only have to cross a few meters to get to the immigration office Mexican and have the exit stamp affixed to it.

From there collectivos leave for the Guatemalan border post, located 4 or 5 km, 7 pesos or ask an immigration official for the rate, or you can hitchhike

Since Huehuetenango


To see


To buy

There are money changers around the Guatemalan border post, who will offer you to change your Mexican pesos for Quetzales, the rates don't seem so bad, but as always, do your calculations beforehand to avoid unpleasant surprises.


Have a drink / Go out



From the Guatemalan immigration office, you just have to climb the coast for about 500 meters, arrived at a fork, preferably take the road on your right you will see the buses

Towards Huehuetenango, h 45 journey, 15 Quetzales

Towards Quetzaltenango, it seems that we must first take a bus to Huehuetenango, see above, and once at the terminal of Huehuetenango change to a bus going to Quetzaltenango, h, 15 Quetzales

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Complete list of other articles in the region: Western Guatemala