La Paz - La Paz

La Paz
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La Paz is the seat of government and the second largest city with around 800,000 inhabitants Bolivia as well as the center of the largest conurbation in the country (approx. 2 million inhabitants with the huge suburb of El Alto). It lies in the To the in the AltiplanoRegion, at an altitude of 3,100 to 4,100 m above sea level. NN.

The charming location in a mountain valley about one kilometer deep, flanked by snow-capped mountains, as well as the mixture of old colonial buildings and modern skyscrapers, which are increasingly changing the image of the city, make La Paz a popular travel destination. In addition, it is also very important as a transport hub - who, for example, from Bolivia to Lake Titicaca wants, must inevitably stop here.


La Paz roughly consists of the valley in which the tourist attractions can be found. The residents with a little less money live up in the heights. In El Alto in particular, around 1 million people live in simple living conditions. El Alto is considered dangerous for tourists.


Plaza Murillo

La Paz is located in a canyon that was created by the Choqueyapu River (now largely overbuilt). The city looks very modern, very different from most of the smaller cities in the country. Since the 90s, numerous ultra-modern high-rise buildings that are well worth seeing have even been built in Buenos Aires to overshadow. However, the further you move towards the mountain slopes, the simpler and poorer the cityscape becomes. However, you will hardly find real slums, because they are in the neighboring city El Alto, right on the plateau.

There is still a lot of colonial style in the center, but it is mixed up almost everywhere by the high-rise buildings.

getting there

By plane

El Alto At around 4,000 m above sea level, it is the highest international airport in the world. It is almost at half the average altitude and the take-offs take a little longer here because of the thin air. The airport fee is $ 28 for international flights and 15 Bs for domestic flights.

The official price for a taxi into town is 50 Bs (about $ 6). The minibus ride costs 4 Bs ($ 0.50). From the south of the city you pay between 80 and 100 Bs.

By train

La Paz cannot be reached by train.

By bus

There are plenty of intercity buses that reach La Paz from all over the country. Most tourist lines run from the south from Potosi or Oruro to La Paz or from the north from Copacabana on Lake Titicaca or from Desaguadero on the Peruvian border.

In the street

By boat


You can get around the center on foot, but if you want to go to other parts of the city, you can take a minibus. However, it is not always easy to find out where which bus goes and where which bus stops. This information is mostly shouted out of the buses, but they actually also have signs in the window. It is best to ask in the hostel. Be careful of the traffic, as such excellent one-way streets are not necessarily such, single-lane streets tend to become multi-lane streets etc ... Be careful with taxis: It is best to always have the hotel call a radio taxi. These are the safest. And never get into pushy drivers.

The cable car network has existed since 2014 "Wed Teleférico". La Paz is moving into the 21st century with this means of transport and shows how the streets in large cities can be relieved without the subway. The cable cars (beginning of 2019 - 8 lines, more under construction) are very popular with tourists who want to take a look from above on La Paz. Free internet is available in the cabins.

Several lines are interesting for tourists:

  • The red line (Linea Roja), whose Valley station Located close to the center of the old train station about 1 km northwest of the San Francisco Church, leads to the lookout point Estación Jachá Qhathu, 16 de Julio, at 4095m above sea level.
  • The "Morada" line (inaugurated in 2018) starts near Plaza San Francisco in the Calle Almirante Grau brings the tourists to the viewpoint at 4090m at the Estacion Tiquira / Faro de Murillo. The locals continue to drive to the terminus "6 de Marzo".
  • The Atiripis viewpoint can be reached with the yellow line (Linea Amarilla) - the one at the station "El Libertador" starts - with the end point "Estación Qhana Pata Mirador" on Avenida Panorámica.
  • The Linea Verde opens up the district in a good 30 minutes from the center Calacoto in the South of the city. From El Prado first the Linea Celeste and then at "El Libertador" change to the Linea Verde. Within walking distance from the terminus Irpavi several very good hotels at moderate prices, cafes and restaurants outside the hustle and bustle of the city center are easily accessible. (see also kitchen)

Fares for the MiTeleferico are 3 bolivianos per route, for two consecutive routes 5 bolivianos. (As of January 2019)

Tourist Attractions


  • 1  Museo Costumbrista "Juan de Vargas", c. Apolinar Jaen s / n. Tel.: 591 2 280758. Open: Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sun, Sun 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 4.00 Bs., For locals 3.00 Bs.
  • Museo del Litoral Boliviano, c. Apolinar Jaen no.789. Open: Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sun, Sun 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 4.00 Bs., For locals 3.00 Bs.
  • Museo de Metales Preciosos, c. Apolinar Jaen no.777. Open: Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sun, Sun 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 4.00 Bs., For locals 3.00 Bs.
  • Museo Casa de Murillo, c. Apolinar Jaen no.790. Open: Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sun, Sun 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 4.00 Bs., For locals 3.00 Bs.
  • Museo de Instrumentos Musicales de Bolivia, c. Apolinar Jaen no.711. Tel.: 591 2 408177. Open: daily from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.Price: Admission 5.00 BS, students 2.00 BS, children 1.00 BS.
  • 2  Museo Tambo Quirquincho, c. Evaristo Valle s / n (Plaza Alonso de Mendoza). Tel.: 591 2 39 09 69. Open: Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sun, Sun 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Price: Admission 1.00 Bs., Free for students.
  • 3  Museo de la Coca, c. Linares no.906. Tel.: 591 2 311998. Open: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Price: Admission 8.00 Bs.
  • 4  Museo San Francisco, Plaza San Francisco no.503. Tel.: 591-2 2 31 34 35. Open: daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 20.00 Bs., For locals 10.00 Bs., For children 5.00 Bs.
  • Museo Postal Filatélico Dr. José J. Lemoine, Avda. Mcal. Santa cruz esq. Oruro. Tel.: 591-2 2 37 41 45. Open: Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Price: Free entry.
  • Museo Nacional de Arqueología de Tiwanaku, c. Tiwanaku no.93 esq. Federico Zuazo. Tel.: 591-2 2 31 16 21. Open: Mo-Fr 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Sa 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.Price: Admission for foreigners 10.00 Bs., For locals 5.00 Bs.
At the witch market
  • Plaza Murillo. Or Plaza Quemada with the Presidential Palace and the Cathedral.
  • Mercado de las Brujas. Or witch market.
  • Plaza San Francisco. With the church of the same name.


La Paz is a very good base station for excursions in the area, to mountain peaks at 5000 meters, to ancient ruins, etc.

The trip to is popular Coroico on the supposedly most dangerous road in the world, e.g. by bike. This is offered by various tour operators at tourist prices and is (depending on the operator's choice and the condition of the bike, preferably also in the hostel) a fairly safe affair.


Typical Bolivian tourist products are available at the witch market. Blankets, which Bolivians also use, are mainly found in El Alto, where EVERYTHING there is sold - from rice to trucks, from souvenirs to everyday items.


Typical of the highlands is llama meat (in Spanish: llama). Vegetarians mostly get omelets - if you have a sensitive stomach, you should be careful with all the eggs or look for alternatives. Fruit shakes are also delicious. Fruit and juices are always sold on the roadside, as always: cook / peel / wash.

If you can't see greasy food after a long stay in Bolivia, here is a good tip: "La Casona - Restaurante-Cafe" - 938 Mariscal Santa Cruz, La Paz. Good, freshly prepared food for little money.




  • Hostal Maximiliano. Tel.: 591 2 2462318, Email: . Very new hostal with a very friendly owner family that counts you as part of the family. 3 min to the terminal terrestre, 1 min to the city center. Rooms with and without Baño privado. Hot water, cooking area.Price: Simple room: 3 €.






La Paz has got a bad image in the last few years due to clever scam gangs who specialize in tourists, even though the city is actually not particularly dangerous. Most importantly: You should never get into a taxi with strangers - a popular scam is that one of the thieves pretends to be a tourist or even a police officer!

El Alto or the market in El Alto are considered dangerous, but if you behave sensibly and go there during the day, nothing usually happens.

The bus station at the cemetery in the direction of El Alto, the destination of all minibuses from the Peruvian border, is a popular tourist rip-off spot. The well-known tricks are used to (or not) take away their money from tourists, sometimes with the help of knives. It is best to start from there / arrive there during the day, maybe form groups onward (with locals), do not stay there too long, immediately jump into one of the numerous minibuses that go down the mountain with open doors (!).


If you come directly to La Paz by plane from the lowlands, you will be confronted with the thin air, high blood pressure and possibly with the Altitude sickness have to fight. In the worst case scenario, pulmonary edema can result, which necessitates a stay in a hospital. Anyone who has cardiovascular problems should consult their doctor before traveling. Basically, it makes sense to spend the first few days in accommodation in the Zona Sur to spend, which is "only" 3,100 m above sea level. There is also the option of using the services of an oxygen shop. After determining the oxygen content in the blood, you can use a breathing mask to breathe pure oxygen for 10 to 20 minutes, which enriches the blood. The effect lasts for about 24 hours. Costs: approx. 40, - Bs for the mask, 15, - Bs for approx. 10 minutes of oxygen.

Due to the altitude and the drought there is in and around La Paz no risk of malaria.

Since the thin air hardly filters the sunlight, one should not walk through the city without a headgear and sunglasses during the day, even if it is cool.

Practical advice

Internet cafes are easy to find and cheap. Mobile phone booths (people with cell phones) run around town for local calls.

SIM cards for Internet when traveling overland should use Entel SIM cards. If you only move in cities, you can also use the maps of other providers.

Valle de la Luna

(Attention: in Copacabana, in contrast to La Paz, using the Internet suddenly becomes immensely expensive - but only becomes a problem if you have already got used to the low Bolivian prices ...)


  • Tihuanaco. With the Sonnentor and Acapana pyramid is a nice day trip.
  • Valle de la Luna. Valley of the Moon, just a few kilometers away.


Web links

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